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Shalichandra (शालिचन्द्र) (540 AD) was a Taxak Jat ruler who built a temple in village Kanswa near Kota in Rajasthan on the bank of Taveli River and puts inscription.

Genealogy of Shalichandra

Shalindra (409 AD) → DevngliSambukaDegalli (Yadu wives) → Vira NarendraVira ChandraShali Chandra (540 AD)

Thakur Deshraj on Kanswa inscription

This is proved from the Pali inscription obtained from village Kanswa in Kota state in year 1820 AD. We get following information from this inscription: [1]

1. Shalendra was a ruler of Shalpuri, the modern Sialkot. He got this state with his own strength.
2. He had a huge army and rich treasury.
3. He was Suryavanshi Jat.
4. He left Buddhism and adopted Puranic religion.
5. The fort of Taxila was under him.
6. He married with a woman of other caste, as a result he had a Dogla son.
7. His son in law married with Yadav Vanshi girls indicates that he was a Taxak Suryavanshi Jat.
8. The chronology of the ruler Maharaja Shalendra is as under: 1. Maharaja Shalendra 2. Dogala 3. Sambuk 4. Degali 5. Veer Narendra.
9. Due to attack of Hunas, the kingdom of descendants of Shalendra was destroyed who moved to Malwa where in samvat 597 (540 AD) Veer Chandra’s son Shalichandra built a temple in village Kanswa on the bank of Taveli River and put inscription in memory of their rule.

According to the inscription of Kanwas, found from a well near River Chambal south of Kota, king Shalendra calls himself of Sarya race and Taka vansha. Prince Salivahana, the primogenitor of the royal family, was also Taka vanshi. Shalendra was king of Salpur (409 AD). [2]

His descendant Degali had married with daughters of Yaduvanshi. One of these queens gave birth to Veer Narendra. The chronology derived from this inscription is as under:

In samvat 597 (540 AD) a temple was built on the bank of river Taveli in Kota state and a close relative of Jit Shalinder had written the inscription. Probably the writer of the inscription was Shalichandra (son of Veerchandra and grandson of Veer Narendra), who left Shalivahanpur in samvat 597 (540 AD) due to attack of Huns and came to Malwa. Maharaja Shalinder had probably sought the help of his own clan ruler Maharaja Yashodharma of Malwa. In the first attempt of combined Jat power, they defeated Huns and repulsed them from Punjab which is clear from the Chandra’s grammar ‘Ajaya jarto Hunan’. [3]

See also

Inscriptions about Jats by Col Tod


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