
Shekhpuri (शेखपुरी) is village in Meerut tahsil and district in Uttar Pradesh. The Shekhpuri village is situated in the Meerut district with district code number 138. Meerut is the subdistrict (tehsil / mandal), is a low-level administrative division of a district, of this village, having the sub district code is 00734. Rohta is the Community Development Block (C.D. Block) of this village with C.D. Block code number 0069. The gram panchayat for this village is Shekhpuri. The district headquarters' name is Meerut and as per distance concern it is 12 kilometres from the Shekhpuri village.
Jat Gotras

Population of Shekhpuri according to Census 2001 is 1535, Where male population is 808, While female population is 727[1]
Notable persons
Ohlan--> Here is Ohlan gotras familey:-
- Arvind Kumar Ohlan G/S Ch. Bishamber Singh S/O Ch. Nehal Singh ohlan c/0 Sarjeet singh ohlan from Sapla garhi . Here is ohlan gotras 25 familey. as
Dhrampal ohlan, Rajendra ohlan, Omber singh ohlan , Madan singh ohlan, umedpal ohlan. narendra pal ohlan Vibhu ohlan, chirag ohlan, viney ohlan, Krish ohlan, Tejbeer ohlan, Binod ohlan.
- ch. Ramkerpal singh ohlan
- Subhash singh ohlan
- Ankur ohlan
- Subodh singh ohlan
- Tyson ohlan
- Ankit ohlan
- ch. Rishi singh ohlan
- Padam singh ohlan
- Sameer ohlan
- Rishab ohlan
- Vipin ohlan
- Ansh ohlan
- kiran ohlan
- Gaurav ohlan
- Saurabh ohlan
- Satte ohlan
- Gulsan ohlan
- Lokendra ohlan
- Umang ohlan
- Sansbeer ohlan
- Sumit ohlan
- Amit ohlan
Jagal--> Here is jagal gotras familey:-
- Ch. Nepal singh S/O Maluk Singh
- Ashok chaudhary
- Shubham chaudhary
- Arun chaudhary
- Tarun chaudhary
- Varun chaudhary
- Late Anil chaudhary
- Ansh chaudhary
- Ashok chaudhary
- Padam Singh Ohlan - EX Pradhan.
Note- Shree Balaji Tample Construction Complete.
Siwach--> Here is Siwach gotras familey:-
- Ch. Bhanwar Singh Siwach
- Ch. Jagpal Singh Siwach
- Vijay Bir Singh Siwach
- Shagun Siwach
- Sanjeev Siwach
- Ishaan Siwach
- Vijay Bir Singh Siwach
- Ch. Jagbir Singh
- Pushkar Siwach
- Bittoo
- Ch. Harbir Singh Siwach
- Jeet Singh
- Raju
- Ch.Yashpal Singh
- Sonu Siwach
- Monu Siwach
- Ch. jila Singh Siwach
- Anil Siwach
- Vikash Siwach
- Akash Siwach
- Vinod Siwach
- Late Shubham Siwach
- Sanjay Siwach
- Sagar Siwach
Sangwan--> Here is Sangwan gotras familey:-
- Ch. Firma singh S/O Tarif Singh
- Bharat Sangwan
- Jagat Sangwan
- Bijendra Sangwan also known as Vicky
- Rajender Sangwan
- Bharat Sangwan
External link
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