Sudkain Kalan

Sudkain Kalan () is a village in Jind district of Haryana, under Uchana tehsil. This village is known for its Unity . People from all castes live here peacefully. The Village comes under Uchana Vidhansabha constituency and Hisar Loksabha constituency .
- It is located 35 km away from District headquarter Jind and 12 km from Tehsil Uchana.
- Narwana (10 km ), Kalayat ( 15 km ) and Kaithal (36 km) are nearest cities to Sudkain Kalan.
- Neighbour villages of Sudkain Kalan are :- Dumarkha Kalan (4km) , Dhakal (5km) , Singhwal (5km) , Sinsar (4km) , Sudkain Khurd (5km) , Kabarchha (2km) , Tarkha (3km)
- Sudkain Kalan is exactly 162 km from National capital New Delhi and also 162 km from state capital Chandigarh.
- Village is divided into 2 parts = 1. Badi - The part of Village which is on the western side of the central street . 2. Lihori - The part of Village which is on the eastern side of the central street ( See the next columns to know about Central Street and parts of the village ) .
- Sudkain Kalan is located 5 km from NH - 52 ( Delhi - Patiala ) , 5 km from NH - 152 D ( Hisar - Chandigarh ) and 17 km from Delhi - Amritsar - Katra expressway.
This village was established by Sheokand Jats in 1815.
- It was first under the Patiala district, then under Sangrur district, then under Kaithal district and now under Jind district.
- The ancestors of Village came from Dumarkha Kalan village and earlier from Delhi.
Salient features
- There are various places for worship . Dada Khera is the main attraction for devotees .
- This village has a famous Choupal which is 113 years old and is the best example of ancient culture .
- Many wild animals are also found in the village like = Neelgai , Rabbits , Mongoose , Fox etc . A leopard is also found at the simana area of Village a few years ago .
- This is the only village in haryana in which people are working in every department of Government.
- The villagers are doing job in every department and on every post and many villagers are also doing various own buiseness and about hundreds of people also doing private jobs in various companies of Gurugram and other parts of country .
- The market of the village has many shops which give employment to many people and many people from the village has their own shops at various cities like Uchana , Narwana , Jind , Kaithal , Hisar etc.
- A lot of youngsters of Village also lives in other countries like Canada , America , Australia , England and Germany .
- It is the only village of haryana in which the panchayati land comes under Numberdars instead of Sarpanch .
- Village has 6 ponds in which Dhaab pond is one of the biggest ponds in Haryana which covers about 30% of total area .
- The village has 4 natural lakes .
- Village has wetland at dhhab pond which is the home of many migratory birds like Siberian crane , ducks etc.
- Sudkain Kalan has 2 Shamshan ghats and 4 Choupals .
- The village has 7 bridges = 1. Sudkain minor ( Singhwal road, Dhakal road, Dumarkha road ) 2. Tarkha minor ( Dhakal road, Dumarkha road, Tarkha road ) 3. Sinsar minor ( Singhwal road )
The Central Street / Parts of Village
- The Central Street = It is the longest street of the village that passes from the middle of the village by dividing it into 2 parts.
- The street starts from South of the village from Narwana road and ends on the North of the village on Sudkain Khurd road
- The street separates the village into 2 parts = 1. Badi ( बड़ी ) - Western side 2. Lihori ( लिहोड़ी ) - Eastern side .
- Both sides of Village competes with each other in every sector like the 2 different villages .
- If we go through the central street from South to North we can see many famous places and buildings near it .
- The famous places that we can see on central street from South to North are = Mori Gate , Village Masjid , Village Market , Village Post office , Dada Khera Temple , Choupal , Maa Sherawali Temple etc.
- Badi ( बड़ी ) = It is the western part of the village lying on western side of Central Street .
- It is the larger side of the village .
- Most part of village lies on this side
- This side has most of government buildings like Govt. School , Water works , Animal hospital etc.
- This part of village has many famous places like Sardul Gate , Mori Gate , Mata temple etc.
- Lihori ( लिहोड़ी ) = It is the eastern part of the village lying on the eastern side of Central Street.
- It is the smaller side of the village.
- Most Sarpanch of the village belongs to this side.
- This side has the large part covered with the biggest pond .
- This part of Village has many famous places like Aliyapuri temple , Wetlands etc
Places to Visit
- Dada Khera Temple (at Central Street) (beautiful temple)
- Shardul Darwaja (at Shardul Patti) (ancient gate)
- Choupal (at Central Street) (122 years old ancient building)
- Mori Darwaza (at Mori Patti) (ancient gate)
- Baba Aliyapuri temple (at Lihori) (famous temple)
- Water tower (at Lihori) (ancient tower in water in Dhaab pond)
- Sheokand house (at Shardul Patti) (house of Ch. Singara Ram Sheokand which has various things of past times)
- Sudkain Kalan Wetlands (at Lihori) (house of many migratory birds)
- Patri Club (near Sudkain minor) (beautiful view)
- Water fort (at Bagdi Patti) (ancient fort near pond)
- Hosiery Factory (at Lihori) (factory which makes winter clothes at a large scale for many schools in district)
- Diwan Kothi (at Bagdi Patti) (famous house of retd. IAS Rajeshwar Dayal Sheokand and a beautiful Park)
- Rajbaha jhaal (at Sudkain minor near Dhakal road) (best place for swimming)
- Bhurnawala Lake (near Dhakal - Sudkain Khurd road) (ancient pond which is home of many wild animals)
- Lihori well (at Lihori) (ancient well)
- 3 Gates of Lihori (at Lihori) (3 ancient gates at different parts of Lihori)
- Central Street (main street paases from middle of the village)
- Shaheed Asbir Singh statue (near main shamshan ghat) (Large statue of Shaheed Asbir Sheokand inspiring youth)
- Subhash Chandra Bose Library (at Lihori) (Famous library for girls with every facility)
- Shaheed Park (at Sudkain Khurd road) (beautiful park)
- R.O Water Plant (at water works on Singhwal road) (haryana's first R.O water plant which will give drinking clean water facility in village)
Places of Worship
At Ancient times the village people accepted Arya Samaj. So there are not so much temples in Sudkain Kalan. Still many people believe in Arya Samaj.
- Places of Worship in village are-
- Dada Khera Temple (at centre of Village)
- Baba Aliyapuri Temple (at Lihori)
- Maa Sherawali Temple (at Shardul Patti)
- Lord Hanuman Temple (at Patri Club)
- Budhi mata temple (at Shardul Patti)
- Bahrli mata temple (at Shardul Patti)
- Jahar peer temple (near Singhwal road)
- Village Masjid (at Mori Patti)
- Peer Masjid (at centre of Village)
People of this village are strong devotees of Banbhori Mata Temple (Banbhori) 35 km , Khadalwa Shiv Temple (Mator) 10 km , Baba Rajpuri Temple (Baba Ladana) 30 km and Baba Fullusadh temple (Uchana Khurd) 17 km. - Sudkain Kalan village also organised a large bhandara at Baba Fullusadh Temple Uchana Khurd few years ago which is one of the biggest bhandara of the area.
Water supply / Sudkain Canal
- Sudkain Canal System is the largest canal system of Jind district which is named after Sudkain Kalan village .
- Sudkain Canal System has its head office in Uchana.
- More than 30 villages gets irrigated by this canal system.
- Sudkain Kalan has 3 canals named Sinsar minor, Tarkha minor and Sudkain minor. It is surrounded by Sudkain minor on 3 sides due to which is one of the few villages of Haryana which are not affected by 1995 floods
- Sudkain Kalan gets its water supply from Bhakhra canal by underground pipes.
- The village has its own water works in 3.5 hectares land
- Sudkain Kalan water works was made in the year 1982 .
- There is Free public drinking water borewell and handpump located on Firni road , Dumarkha road and near Ch. Singara Ram Sheokand farmhouse .
- The R.O water van also comes into every part of the village from Sudkain Khurd village 3 times daily to distribute fresh R.O drinking water and campers .
- Sudkain Kalan gets electricity from sub station Kabarchha which is 2 km away and from Power House Narwana which is 5 km away . Sudkain is one of the few villages which has a large number of Solar energy system. The Solar plates are bought by villagers at their own cost
- The electricity line which provides electricity to Narwana power house from Panipat refinery also passes through the middle of the village.
- The electricity line which provides electricity to Singhwal sub station also passes through the Village .
- Sudkain Kalan has health sub centre which has 5 health workers
- Village has 5 Asha workers
- The village has about 10 local doctors for health checkup and 3 medical stores
- The village has many ayurvedic doctors for treatment of various disease .
- The nearest PHC is Dumerkha Khurd ( 4 km ) , CHC is Uchana ( 14 km ) , Civil Hospital is Narwana ( 12 km ) and Medical College is Jind ( 39 km ) .
- Cataract free Uchana campaign in which free eye checkup and operation is done is also started from the village by Dushyant Chautala ( Deputy CM , Haryana ) on 12th May , 2023
- Sudkain Kalan Village has a Govt. School named after Rajeshwar Dayal Sheokand ( IAS retd. ) on Firni road
- Village has a private school named Arya School upto 12th on Tarkha road
- Village has another private school named Saheed Udham Singh School upto 12th class on Narwana road
- Village has a play school named Balwan Vatika from nursery to 5th class on Narwana road.
- Village has more than 5 tuition centres of every subjects for students to prepare for exams from which Matrix tuition centre and Rajendra tuition centre are very famous .
- Neeta Public School in Dumarkha Khurd is 3 km away and on Sudkain Kalan road
- Akshay Sheokand from Village has his private school named as R.K.S.D School on Kabarchha road , Tarkha which is 4 km away
- Nearest govt. College is K.M College, Narwana ( 9 km ) , Women College is S.D College Narwana ( 10 km ) , University is C.R.S.U Jind ( 45 km ) .
- Women ITI Dumerkha Khurd ( 4 km ) and Kanya Gurukul , Gurukul Khera ( 8 km ) are nearest educational institutes for girls specially .
- All schools and colleges from Narwana and Uchana has transport facility in the village
- Soil of Village is very fertile and suitable for every crops . Every type of crop is found in the village and it is one of the most fertile villages of Haryana as no crop is damaged by water , drought or any other natural conditions.
- Sudkain Kalan village is famous for its Farmhouses
- Irrigation is mainly done by tubewell ( Every farm is connected to electricity ) and Canal ( 3 canals in village )
- Main crops are Wheat , Rice , Cotton , Sugarcane , Millets , Pulses etc.
- Village has about 5 combines and various agricultural machines.
- Village has the highest number of tractors per person in Haryana.
- There are many fruits and vegetables farms in Sudkain Kalan.
- The village is famous for its guava productions .There are about 7 guava farms in the village .
- There are 2 berry farms in the village . The famous Kaithal berry which is very rare is also found in the village on Tarkha road.
- There are many other fruits like Jamun , Papaya , Orange , Lemon etc are also found in the village .
- There are many vegetable farms and a polyhouse in the village and many local venders sell vegetables from house to house in the village.
Animal Husbandry
- The village is famous for its best quality murrah buffaloes and cows in nearby villages .
- Every breed of buffaloes and cows are found in the village.
- There are about 5 big dairy farms in the village which produces milk and it's products.
- There are about 8 famous bulls in village . Ranjha bull is the most famous bull of Village which is of a very rare breed .
- Milk van comes daily to the village from Vita Milk Plant Jind to take milk and there are about 4 local milkmen who comes home to home to collect or to give milk .
- Ninder Sudkain Dairy Farm and Sheokand Dairy Farming are the 2 famous YouTube channels of Village for sale and purchase of animals.
- There is a govt. Animal hospital in the village and 2 Veterinary doctors are employed there . There are also 3 local veterinary doctors in the village to treat animals at any time.
- There are many poultry farms in the village and Kadaknath eggs are also found.
- Village is also famous for its various breeds of pet dogs ( American bully of Sunty Sheokand is very famous ) . Dog breeds like German shepherd, Labrador, Pugg , Bully , Pitbull, Pomeranian etc are found in Sudkain Kalan
- The village is well connected to all neighbour villages by roads and well connected by nearby cities too.
- Village has govt. bus services for Narwana and Uchana at a fix time
- Village has its own Auto and Taxi services for nearby cities ( mainly Narwana ) available at every half hour.
- Village is famous for its modify tractors and vehicles .
- Village has 2 transport agencies and 5 car booking services which provides expensive cars like fortuner , audi and jaguar .
- Village has 2 Bus stands .
- Busiest roads of the village are = Dumarkha road , Kabarchha road and Dhakal - Sudkain Khurd road ( it passes from outer part of the village ) .
- Nearest Railway station is Ghaso Kalan = 10 km , Nearest Railway Junction is Narwana = 12 km and Nearest Airport is Hisar = 80 km
Jat gotras
- Sheokand (श्योकंद/ शौकीन)[1] - The Sheokand ancestors of Village came from Dumarkha Kalan village and earlier from Delhi.
(Data as per Census-2011 figures)
Total Population | Male Population | Female Population |
4130 | 2270 | 1860 |
In 2023, the total population of the village is estimated to be around 5200.
Notable persons
- Lt. Rajeshwar Sheokand - (retd. IAS)
- Saheed Pawan Sheokand - Haryana police (martyred near Pehowa on 8 - 12 - 2018)
- Ch. Singara Ram Sheokand - Biggest family owner
- Inder Sheokand - (OP Chautala Commando & P.S.O)
- Amit Sheokand (Kala) - (Swimming Coach & Sportsman in Canada)
- Dinesh Sheokand - Chairman, (Block Samiti Uchana)
- Rakesh Sheokand - Social activist
- Rajesh Sheokand - (Bhupender Hooda ex Commando)
- Ashna Sheokand - First Female flying instructor of India ( Captain in Indian army )
- Sunty Sheokand - Youtuber.
- Navdeep Arya - World no. 1 Rank (Conference of Quantum and Physics by U.N.O )
- Vijay Kumar Sheokand - Colonel , Indian army
- Virat Sheokand - Youngest mountaineer in the world to climb Mount Everest at the age of 4 years (World record)
- Maheswar Sheokand - ADGP, Tamil Nadu.
- Narender Sheokand - Ex president , (Sarpanch Association)
- Ajmer Sheokand - Ex vise president , (Nagar Parishad Narwana)
- Nafe Singh Sheokand - (highest time Sarpanch)
- Annu Sheokand - HCS
- Ashok Sheokand - XEN (Panchayat Raj)
- Sachin Sheokand - Owner (Bunk House Uchana)
- Saheed Asbir Sheokand - Indian Army martyred in Sikkim
- Nitin Sheokand - Instagram Influencer (sudkainia_26)
- Anita Devi - District President, (Bhartiya Kisaan Union) Jind
- Mukesh Kumar - Block President, (JJP Minority wing)
- Krishan Sheokand Ex - president (KUK University )Kurukshetra
- Vinay Kumar - Principal & Director ( Sports School Rai, Sonipat )
- Mannu Sheokand - HOD, Dental Department (Rohtak PGI)
- Jaiprakash Sheokand - (Vidhansabha Secretary)
- Dayanand Sheokand - (PA of Premlata Singh - Ex MLA)
- Dr. Jyoti Devi - BDPO , Education department ( Jind )
- Kiran Sheokand - 800 metre Gold medalist ( At Srilanka ) and National bronze medalist in dodgeball
- Anil Sudkain - ex - president AAP Uchana
- Aswani Sheokand - President ( JJP Uchana )
External links
- ↑ Jat History Dalip Singh Ahlawat/Chapter III (Page 299)
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