Udyoga Parva/Mahabharata Book V Chapter 7

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Mahabharata Book V Chapter 7:English


Krishna and Baladeva departed for Dwaraka

"Vaisampayana said, 'Having despatched the priest to the city called after the elephant they sent messengers to the kings of various countries. And having sent messengers to other places, the Kuru hero Dhananjaya, that bull among men and son of Kunti, himself set out for Dwaraka. And after Krishna and Baladeva, the descendants of Madhu, had both departed for Dwaraka with all the Vrishnis, the Andhakas and the Bhojas, by hundreds, the royal son of Dhritarashtra had, by sending secret emissaries, furnished himself with information of all the doings of

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the Pandavas. And learning that Krishna was on his way, the prince went to the city of Dwaraka by means of fine horses possessing the speed of the wind, and taking with him a small number of troops. And on that very day the son of Kunti and Pandu, Dhananjaya, also speedily arrived at the beautiful city of the Anarta land. And the two scions of the Kuru race, those tigers among men, on arriving there saw that Krishna was asleep, and drew near him as he lay down. And as Krishna was sleeping, Duryodhana entered the room, and sat down on a fine seat at the head of the bed. And after him entered that wearer of the diadem the magnanimous Arjuna. And stood at the back of the bed, bowing and joining his hands. And when the descendant of Vrishni, Krishna awoke, he first cast his eyes on Arjuna. And having asked them as to the safety of their journey, and having fitly bestowed his greetings upon them, the slayer of Madhu questioned them as to the occasion of their visit. Then Duryodhana addressed Krishna, with a cheerful countenance, saying, It behoveth you to lend me your help in the impending war. Arjuna and myself are both equally your friends. And, O descendant of Madhu, you also bear the same relationship to both of us. And today, O slayer of Madhu, I have been the first to come to you. Right-minded persons take up the cause of him who comes first to them. This is how the ancients acted. And, O Krishna, you stand at the very top of all right-minded persons in the world, and are always respected. I ask you to follow the rule of conduct observed by rightminded men.' Thereat Krishna replied, 'That you have come first, O king, I do not in the least doubt. But, O king, the son of Kunti, Dhananjaya, has been first beheld by me. On account of your first arrival, and on account of my having beheld Arjuna first, I shall, no doubt, lend my assistance, O Suyodhana, to both. But it is said that those who are junior in years should have the first choice. Therefore, Dhananjaya, the son of Kunti, is entitled to first choice. There is a large body of cowherds numbering ten crores, rivalling me in strength and known as the Narayanas, all of whom are able to fight in the thick of battle. These soldiers, irresistible in battle, shall be sent to one of you and I alone, resolved not to fight on the field, and laying down my arms, will go to the other. You may, O son of Kunti, first select whichever of these two commends itself to you. For, according to law, you have the right to the first choice.'

"Vaisampayana continued, 'Thus addressed by Krishna, Dhananjaya the son of Kunti selected Kesava who was not to fight on the battle-field, even Narayana himself, the slayer of foes, increate, born among men at his own will,--the foremost of all Kshatriyas and above all the gods and the Danavas. And Duryodhana selected for himself that entire army (composed of the Narayanas). And, O descendant of Bharata, having obtained those troops numbering thousands upon thousands, he was exceedingly delighted, although he knew that Krishna was not on his side. And having secured that army possessed of terrible prowess,

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[paragraph continues] Duryodhana went to the son of Rohini of great strength, and explained to him, the object of his visit. The descendant of Sura in reply addressed the following words to Dhritarashtra's son, 'Thou shouldst remember, O tiger among men, all that I said at the marriage ceremony celebrated by Vitrata. O thou delighter of the race of Kuru, for thy sake I then contradicted Krishna and spoke against his opinions. And again and again I alluded to the equality of our relationship to both the parties. But Krishna did not adopt the views I then expressed; nor can I separate myself from Krishna for even a single moment. And seeing that I cannot act against Krishna even this is resolution formed by me, viz., that I will fight neither for Kunti's sons nor for you. And, O bull of the Bharatas, born as thou art in Bharata's race that is honoured by all the kings, go and fight in accordance with the rules of propriety.'

"Vaisampayana continued, 'Thus addressed, Duryodhana embraced that hero wielding a plough for his weapon of battle, and although knowing that Krishna had been taken away from his side, he yet regarded Arjuna as already vanquished. And the royal son of Dhritarashtra then went to Kritavarman. And Kritavarman gave him a body of troops numbering an Akshauhini. And surrounded by that military host, terrible to behold, the Kaurava marched forth delighting his friends. And after Duryodhana had departed, Krishna, the Creator of the world, clad in yellow attire, addressed Kiritin, saying, 'For what reason is it that you have selected me who will not fight at all?'

"Thereupon Arjuna answered, 'I question not that you are able to slay them all. I also am alone capable of slaying them, O best of men. But you are an illustrious person in the world; and this renown will accompany you. I also am a suitor for fame; therefore, you have been selected by me. It hath been always my desire to have you for driving my car. I, therefore, ask you to fulfil my desire cherished for a long time.'

"Vasudeva's son thereupon said, It beseems thee well, O Kunti's son, that thou measurest thyself with me. I will act as thy charioteer; let thy wish be fulfilled.'

"Vaisampayana continued, 'Then with a glad heart, Kunti's son, accompanied by Krishna as well as by the flower of the Dasarha race, came back to Yudhishthira.'

Mahabharata Book V Chapter 7:Sanskrit

 1  [व]
     गते थवारवतीं कृष्णे बलथेवेमाधवे
     सह वृष्ण्यन्धकैः सर्वैर भॊजैश च शतशस तदा
 2 सर्वम आगमयाम आस पाण्डवानां विचेष्टितम
     धृतराष्ट्रात्मजॊ राजा थूतैः परणिहितैश चरैः
 3 स शरुत्वा माधवं यातं सथश्वैर अनिलॊपमैः
     बलेन नातिमहता द्वारकाम अभ्ययात पुरीम
 4 तम एव थिवसं चापि कौन्तेयः पाण्डुनन्थनः
     आनर्तनगरीं रम्यां जगामाशु धनंजयः
 5 तौ यात्वा पुरुषव्याघ्रौ दवारकां कुरुनन्थनौ
     सुप्तं थथृशतुः कृष्णं शयानं चॊपजग्मतुः
 6 ततः शयाने गॊविन्थे परविवेश सुयॊधनः
     उच्छीर्षतश च कृष्णस्य निषसाथ वरासने
 7 ततः किरीटी तस्यानु परविवेश महामनाः
     परश्चार्धे च स कृष्णस्य परह्वॊ ऽतिष्ठत कृताञ्जलिः
 8 परतिबुथ्धः स वार्ष्णेयॊ थथर्शाग्रे किरीटिनम
     स तयॊः सवागतं कृत्वा यदार्दं परतिपूज्य च
     तथ आगमनजं हेतुं पप्रच्छ मधुसूथनः
 9 ततॊ थुर्यॊधनः कृष्णम उवाच परहसन्न इव
     विग्रहे ऽसमिन भवान साह्यं मम थातुम इहार्हति
 10 समं हि भवतः सख्यं मयि चैवार्जुने ऽपि च
    तदा संबन्धकं तुल्यम अस्माकं तवयि माधव
11 अहं चाभिगतः पूर्वं तवाम अथ्य मधुसूथन
    पूर्वं चाभिगतं सन्तॊ भजन्ते पूर्वसारिणः
12 तवं च शरेष्ठतमॊ लॊके सताम अथ्य जनार्थन
    सततं संमतश चैव सथ्वृत्तम अनुपालय
13 भवान अभिगतः पूर्वम अत्र मे नास्ति संशयः
    थृष्टस तु परदमं राजन मया पार्दॊ धनंजयः
14 तव पूर्वाभिगमनात पूर्वं चाप्य अस्य थर्शनात
    साहाय्यम उभयॊर एव करिष्यामि सुयॊधन
15 परवारणं तु बालानां पूर्वं कार्यम इति शरुतिः
    तस्मात परवारणं पूर्वम अर्हः पार्दॊ धनंजयः
16 मत संहनन तुल्यानां गॊपानाम अर्बुथं महत
    नारायणा इति खयाताः सर्वे संग्रामयॊधिनः
17 ते वा युधि थुराधर्षा भवन्त्व एकस्य सैनिकाः
    अयुध्यमानः संग्रामे नयस्तशस्त्रॊ ऽहम एकतः
18 आभ्याम अन्यतरं पार्द यत ते हृथ्यतरं मतम
    तथ वृणीतां भवान अग्रे परवार्यस तवं हि धर्मतः
19 एवम उक्तस तु कृष्णेन कुन्तीपुत्रॊ धनंजयः
    अयुध्यमानं संग्रामे वरयाम आस केशवम
20 सहस्राणां सहस्रं तु यॊधानां पराप्य भारत
    कृष्णं चापहृतं जञात्वा संप्राप परमां मुथम
21 थुर्यॊधनस तु तत सैन्यं सर्वम आथाय पार्दिवः
    ततॊ ऽभययाथ भीमबलॊ रौहिणेयं महाबलम
22 सर्वं चागमने हेतुं स तस्मै संन्यवेथयत
    परत्युवाच ततः शौरिर धार्तराष्ट्रम इथं वचः
23 विथितं ते नरव्याघ्र सर्वं भवितुम अर्हति
    यन मयॊक्तं विराटस्य पुरा वैवाहिके तथा
24 निगृह्यॊक्तॊ हृषीकेशस तवथर्दं कुरुनन्थन
    मया संबन्धकं तुल्यम इति राजन पुनः पुनः
25 न च तथ वाक्यम उक्तं वै केशवः परत्यपथ्यत
    न चाहम उत्सहे कृष्णं विना सदातुम अपि कषणम
26 नाहं सहायः पार्दानां नापि थुर्यॊधनस्य वै
    इति मे निश्चिता बुथ्थिर वासुथेवम अवेक्ष्य ह
27 जातॊ ऽसि भारते वंशे सर्वपार्दिवपूजिते
    गच्छ युध्यस्व धर्मेण कषात्रेण भरतर्षभ
28 इत्य एवम उक्तः स तथा परिष्वज्य हलायुधम
    कृष्णं चापहृतं जञात्वा युथ्धान मेने जितं जयम
29 सॊ ऽभययात कृतवर्माणं धृतराष्ट्र सुतॊ नृपः
    कृतवर्मा थथौ तस्य सेनाम अक्षौहिणीं तथा
30 स तेन सर्वसैन्येन भीमेन कुरुनन्थनः
    वृतः परतिययौ हृष्टः सुहृथः संप्रहर्षयन
31 गते थुर्यॊधने कृष्णः किरीटिनम अदाब्रवीत
    अयुध्यमानः कां बुथ्धिम आस्दायाहं तवया वृतः
32 भवान समर्दस तान सर्वान निहन्तुं नात्र संशयः
    निहन्तुम अहम अप्य एकः समर्दः पुरुषॊत्तम
33 भवांस तु कीर्तिमाँल लॊके तथ यशस तवां गमिष्यति
    यशसा चाहम अप्य अर्दी तस्माथ असि मया वृतः
34 सारद्यं तु तवया कार्यम इति मे मानसं सथा
    चिररात्रेप्सितं कामं तथ भवान कर्तुम अर्हति
35 उपपन्नम इथं पार्द यत सपर्धेदा मया सह
    सारद्यं ते करिष्यामि कामः संपथ्यतां तव
36 एवं परमुथितः पार्दः कृष्णेन सहितस तथा
    वृतॊ दाशार्ह परवरैः पुनर आयाथ युधिष्ठिरम

Mahabharata Book V Chapter 7:Transliteration

 1  [v]
     gate dvāravatīṃ kṛṣṇe baladeve ca mādhave
     saha vṛṣṇyandhakaiḥ sarvair bhojaiś ca śataśas tathā
 2 sarvam āgamayām āsa pāṇḍavānāṃ viceṣṭitam
     dhṛtarāṣṭrātmajo rājā dūtaiḥ praṇihitaiś caraiḥ
 3 sa śrutvā mādhavaṃ yātaṃ sadaśvair anilopamaiḥ
     balena nātimahatā dvārakām abhyayāt purīm
 4 tam eva divasaṃ cāpi kaunteyaḥ pāṇḍunandanaḥ
     ānartanagarīṃ ramyāṃ jagāmāśu dhanaṃjayaḥ
 5 tau yātvā puruṣavyāghrau dvārakāṃ kurunandanau
     suptaṃ dadṛśatuḥ kṛṣṇaṃ śayānaṃ copajagmatuḥ
 6 tataḥ śayāne govinde praviveśa suyodhanaḥ
     ucchīrṣataś ca kṛṣṇasya niṣasāda varāsane
 7 tataḥ kirīṭī tasyānu praviveśa mahāmanāḥ
     praścārdhe ca sa kṛṣṇasya prahvo 'tiṣṭhat kṛtāñjaliḥ
 8 pratibuddhaḥ sa vārṣṇeyo dadarśāgre kirīṭinam
     sa tayoḥ svāgataṃ kṛtvā yathārthaṃ pratipūjya ca
     tad āgamanajaṃ hetuṃ papraccha madhusūdanaḥ
 9 tato duryodhanaḥ kṛṣṇam uvāca prahasann iva
     vigrahe 'smin bhavān sāhyaṃ mama dātum ihārhati
 10 samaṃ hi bhavataḥ sakhyaṃ mayi caivārjune 'pi ca
    tathā saṃbandhakaṃ tulyam asmākaṃ tvayi mādhava
11 ahaṃ cābhigataḥ pūrvaṃ tvām adya madhusūdana
    pūrvaṃ cābhigataṃ santo bhajante pūrvasāriṇaḥ
12 tvaṃ ca śreṣṭhatamo loke satām adya janārdana
    satataṃ saṃmataś caiva sadvṛttam anupālaya
13 bhavān abhigataḥ pūrvam atra me nāsti saṃśayaḥ
    dṛṣṭas tu prathamaṃ rājan mayā pārtho dhanaṃjayaḥ
14 tava pūrvābhigamanāt pūrvaṃ cāpy asya darśanāt
    sāhāyyam ubhayor eva kariṣyāmi suyodhana
15 pravāraṇaṃ tu bālānāṃ pūrvaṃ kāryam iti śrutiḥ
    tasmāt pravāraṇaṃ pūrvam arhaḥ pārtho dhanaṃjayaḥ
16 mat saṃhanana tulyānāṃ gopānām arbudaṃ mahat
    nārāyaṇā iti khyātāḥ sarve saṃgrāmayodhinaḥ
17 te vā yudhi durādharṣā bhavantv ekasya sainikāḥ
    ayudhyamānaḥ saṃgrāme nyastaśastro 'ham ekataḥ
18 ābhyām anyataraṃ pārtha yat te hṛdyataraṃ matam
    tad vṛṇītāṃ bhavān agre pravāryas tvaṃ hi dharmataḥ
19 evam uktas tu kṛṣṇena kuntīputro dhanaṃjayaḥ
    ayudhyamānaṃ saṃgrāme varayām āsa keśavam
20 sahasrāṇāṃ sahasraṃ tu yodhānāṃ prāpya bhārata
    kṛṣṇaṃ cāpahṛtaṃ jñātvā saṃprāpa paramāṃ mudam
21 duryodhanas tu tat sainyaṃ sarvam ādāya pārthivaḥ
    tato 'bhyayād bhīmabalo rauhiṇeyaṃ mahābalam
22 sarvaṃ cāgamane hetuṃ sa tasmai saṃnyavedayat
    pratyuvāca tataḥ śaurir dhārtarāṣṭram idaṃ vacaḥ
23 viditaṃ te naravyāghra sarvaṃ bhavitum arhati
    yan mayoktaṃ virāṭasya purā vaivāhike tadā
24 nigṛhyokto hṛṣīkeśas tvadarthaṃ kurunandana
    mayā saṃbandhakaṃ tulyam iti rājan punaḥ punaḥ
25 na ca tad vākyam uktaṃ vai keśavaḥ pratyapadyata
    na cāham utsahe kṛṣṇaṃ vinā sthātum api kṣaṇam
26 nāhaṃ sahāyaḥ pārthānāṃ nāpi duryodhanasya vai
    iti me niścitā buddir vāsudevam avekṣya ha
27 jāto 'si bhārate vaṃśe sarvapārthivapūjite
    gaccha yudhyasva dharmeṇa kṣātreṇa bharatarṣabha
28 ity evam uktaḥ sa tadā pariṣvajya halāyudham
    kṛṣṇaṃ cāpahṛtaṃ jñātvā yuddhān mene jitaṃ jayam
29 so 'bhyayāt kṛtavarmāṇaṃ dhṛtarāṣṭra suto nṛpaḥ
    kṛtavarmā dadau tasya senām akṣauhiṇīṃ tadā
30 sa tena sarvasainyena bhīmena kurunandanaḥ
    vṛtaḥ pratiyayau hṛṣṭaḥ suhṛdaḥ saṃpraharṣayan
31 gate duryodhane kṛṣṇaḥ kirīṭinam athābravīt
    ayudhyamānaḥ kāṃ buddhim āsthāyāhaṃ tvayā vṛtaḥ
32 bhavān samarthas tān sarvān nihantuṃ nātra saṃśayaḥ
    nihantum aham apy ekaḥ samarthaḥ puruṣottama
33 bhavāṃs tu kīrtimāṁl loke tad yaśas tvāṃ gamiṣyati
    yaśasā cāham apy arthī tasmād asi mayā vṛtaḥ
34 sārathyaṃ tu tvayā kāryam iti me mānasaṃ sadā
    cirarātrepsitaṃ kāmaṃ tad bhavān kartum arhati
35 upapannam idaṃ pārtha yat spardhethā mayā saha
    sārathyaṃ te kariṣyāmi kāmaḥ saṃpadyatāṃ tava
36 evaṃ pramuditaḥ pārthaḥ kṛṣṇena sahitas tadā
    vṛto dāśārha pravaraiḥ punar āyād yudhiṣṭhiram
