Bijay Singh Ghanghas

Vijay Singh Ghanghas (Havaldar) (11.12.1959 - 12.06.1999) is a Martyr of Kargil War from Haryana. He was from village Puthar, tahsil Israna, in Panipat district in Haryana. He became became martyr on 12.06.1999 in Kaksar-Kargil area of Jammu and Kashmir. during Operation Vijay in Kargil War. He was in Unit-04 Jat Regiment.
हवलदार बिजय सिंह घणघस का परिचय
हवलदार बिजय सिंह घणघस
11-12-1959 - 12-06-1999
वीरांगना - श्रीमती बिमला देवी
यूनिट - 4 जाट रेजिमेंट
ऑपरेशन विजय
कारगिल युद्ध 1999
हवलदार बिजय सिंह का जन्म 11 दिसंबर 1959 को हरियाणा के पानीपत जिले की इसराना तहसील के पुठर गांव में चौधरी रघबीर सिंह घणघस एवं श्रीमती धनपति देवी के परिवार में हुआ था। मिडिल तक शिक्षा प्राप्त करने के उपरांत 27 अक्टूबर 1979 को वह भारतीय सेना की जाट रेजिमेंट में भर्ती हुए थे।
ऑपरेशन विजय में 12 जून 1999 को कारगिल के काकसर सेक्टर में हजारों फीट ऊंची, बर्फीली, उबड़खाबड़ व कठिन चढ़ाई की चोटियों पर तोपखाने से सुसज्जित किलेबंद बंकरों में हावी स्थिति में जमे हुए दुश्मन की भारी गोलाबारी व अत्यंत विपरीत परिस्थितियों में भी दृढ़ निश्चय, अदम्य साहस एवं वीरता से लड़ते हुए हवलदार बिजय सिंह वीरगति को प्राप्त हुए थे।
हवलदार बिजय सिंह घणघस के बलिदान को देश युगों युगों तक याद रखेगा।
Havaldar cremated with honours
Havaldar Beejay Singh (40) of Jat Regiment laid down his life while fighting Pakistani infiltrators in the Kaksar-Kargil area of Jammu and Kashmir on June 12. The body of Havaldar Beejay Singh was brought to his native village, Puthar, on 15 June 1999. No sooner did the body arrive when residents of the village started gathering in large numbers at the martyr's house.
After performing Hindu rites, the body of Havaldar Beejay Singh was taken to the cremation ground. The elder son of the soldier Jaswant Singh (9) lit the pyre as an Army contingent presented and reversed the arms and buglers sounded the last post. He was cremated with full military and civil honours. More than 2,000 villagers from Puthar and the adjoining villages were present at the cremation.
Earlier, the Minister of State for Animal Husbandry and Health, Mr Bijender Singh Kadian, the Deputy Commissioner, Mr Anurag Rastogi, the Superintendent of Police, Mr Manoj Yadav, the SDM, Mr P.K. Sharma, Col I.B. Gaur on behalf of the Chief of the Army Staff and Captain Rajiv Sharma on behalf of General Officer Commanding of Corps laid wreaths on the body of the martyr.
Havaldar Beejay Singh is survived by his father Raghbir Singh, mother Bhanpati, three brothers, wife Bimla Devi (35), two sons and two daughters. He had joined the army on October 27, 1979. He was middle pass.
The Animal Husbandry Minister, the Deputy Commissioner, the SP, the SDM, Colonel Gaur and other senior officers visited the bereaved family to offer their condolences.
The minister announced an exgratia of Rs 1 lakh on behalf of the Haryana Government to the bereaved family. The Deputy Commissioner assured of every possible help from the district administration. Colonel Gaur presented a cheque of Rs 10,000 to next of kin of the deceased.
The grief-stricken father of Havaldar Beejay Singh said he was prepared to get both his sons and two grandsons enlisted in the Army. He said he was proud that his son sacrificed his life while safeguarding the interests of the country and brought a good name to the bereaved family and the country as well.
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