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Author:Laxman Burdak, IFS (R)

Wakhan (वाखन) is a district in Badakshan Province. It is a rugged, mountainous part of the Pamir, Hindu Kush and Karakoram regions of Afghanistan.


  • Vakhan वाखन, अफगानिस्तान, (AS, p.883) §
  • Vokkana वोक्कण = Vakhana वाखन, अफगानिस्तान, (AS, p.883)
  • Wakhan वाखन, अफगानिस्तान, (AS, p.883) §
  • Persian and Pashto: واخان‎, Vâxân and Wāxān respectively;
  • Tajik: Вахон, Vaxon


The Wakhan is located in the extreme north-east of Afghanistan. It contains the headwaters of the Amu Darya (Oxus) River, and was an ancient corridor for travellers from the Tarim Basin to Badakshan.

Jat clans


Jat History

Bhim Singh Dahiya [2] writtes about the Solgi/ Solanki/ Sulika / Chulika clan. According to him they are mentioned in the Puranas as Sulikas and Chulikas. The Matsya Purana says that they were the people through whose country flowed the river Chaksu. [3] Pargitar suggests that Chakshu may perhaps be taken for Vaksu which is the Oxus, and says that in that case the Sulikas may be the people on the Oxus river in Turkistan. [4] The Brihat Samhita connects these people with the Gandhars and Vokkanas, (occupying modern Wakhan). According to a Buddhist historian of Tibet, Tara Nath, The Kingdom of Sulik was located beyond Togara which may be further identified with the country of the Tokharas, [5] according to some Togara may be identified with modern Ter in the south, which does not seem to be correct. P.C. Bagchi in, “India and Central Asia” says that the Sulikas are originally from Sogdiana In Central Asia, and came to settle in India. [6] According to him the Sulki Rajputs of Shahpur District, the Solgi and Solakhi Jats of Multan region and the Sud of Amritsar Ludhiana in the Punjab, the Chalukyas of the Deccan, and the Solankis of Gujarat in ancient times, appear to be the remnants of the Sogdians. According to Buddha Prakash, the word Chulika is Variant of Sulika, which represents the Chinese Suli. [7] The Markandeya Purana Mentions them as two different people, both in the north. [8]

वोक्कण = वाखन (अफगानिस्तान)

वोक्कण = वाखन (AS, p.883) (अफगानिस्तान): बृहत् संहिता नामक ज्योतिष ग्रंथ में (9,21; 16,35) मैं इस देश का गंधार के साथ उल्लेख है. यहां के निवासियों को शूलीक कहा गया है. संभव है इस देश का वंक्षु से संबंध हो जैसा कि नाम से प्रतीत होता है. [9]

External links


  1. O.S.Tugania:Jat Samuday ke Pramukh Adhar Bindu, p.50, s.n. 1625
  2. Bhim Singh Dahiya, Jats the Ancient Rulers, p. 270-271
  3. Chapter XX 45-46
  4. Markandeya Purana, p, 342 note
  5. 159-See also Indian Antiquary , IV, 364
  6. 160-op.cit.p.146
  7. Studies in Indian History and Civilization bu Buddha Prakash, p. 258
  8. Quoted by. B.C. Law, op, cit.,p.384
  9. Aitihasik Sthanavali by Vijayendra Kumar Mathur, p.883