Yuddha Kanda/Yuddha Kanda Sarga 27

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Yuddha Kanda Sarga 27: English

Book VI : Yuddha Kanda - Book Of War

Introduction - Sarana continues to describe the individual strengths of the various commanders in the army of monkeys, mentioning their names one by one, in detail.

1. “I on my part shall tell you, who are keenly observing about those army-chiefs, who are ready to show their valour in the case of Rama, even without caring for their lives.”

2,3. "He is a monkey called Hara, who has terrific acts to his credit. The hair on his tail, measuring many fathoms, soft, red in colour, yellow, white and super-white, wavery and shining like the rays of the sun standing erect thrown about are dragging along the ground."

4. "Hundreds and thousands of troop-leaders who are resolved to be the servants of Sugreeva rally behind him, carrying trees with them and with an intention to attack Lanka soon."

5, 6, 7. “O, king! Those who appear black like black-clouds and akin to black collyrium are extremely ferocious bears, truly mighty in combat, which are in exceedingly large number, indefinable like the other shore of an ocean, whom you are observing and serve of whom reside in mountains, plains and on river-banks. They are all coming towards you.”

8, 9. “O, king! He who is standing in the middle, with terrific eyes and of fearful appearance, encircled by all like Parjanya (the rain-god) being encircled by clouds; is the army-chief called Dhumra, the Lord of all bears, who drinks the waters of River Narmada and resides on an excellent mountain named Rikshavanta.”

10, 11. “See him who is appearing like a mountain the younger brother of Dhumra, though in form resembling like his brother, is more distinguished in prowess. He as such is a commander of even the mighty generals called Jambavan, who is setting on the march (for the battle). He has a respectful behaviour towards venerable persons impatient in battle.”

12. By the intelligent Jambavan, a great help was rendered to Indra (the lord of celestials) in a battle between celestials and demons and many boons were obtained.”

13, 14. “Jambavan’s giant bodied troops, resembling demons and devils, having thick hair and endowed with unlimited energy, wander about, climbing mountain-heights and hurl massive rocks as big as huge clouds. They do not have a fear in facing death.”

15, 16. “O, king! This Lord of monkeys- the commander of commanders on whom, whether he is in a hurried fury or leaping or standing still and all the monkeys stand looking – he is called Dambha who along with his bulky troops dwell on Sahasraksha mountain.”

17, 18, 19. “He who, walking on all fours touches with his flanks, a mountain situated at a distance of one Yojana (eight miles) and reaching an object one Yojana high, obtains it with his body, whose huge form no other four-begged animal is having, by which intelligent monkey, battle was given earlier to Indra the Lord of celestials on a field of battle but no defeat was sustained by him, he is a commander of commanders and the grand-father of monkeys, famous as Samnadana by name.”

20. “This Samnada, whose striding prowess is equal to that of Indra the Lord of Celestials was born of a youthful Gandharva maiden and krishnavartman for the purpose of helping the celestials in a combat between celestials and demoneous.”

21, 22, 23. “O king of demons! This commander named Krathana, the son of Visravasa, the illustrious one, sits beneath the Jambu tree, on that mountain, the king of peaks, which is frequented by Kinneras, and which mountain affords delight constantly to your brother. It is near there, Krathana, that fortunate one, that powerful lord of the monkeys, whose prowess in not confined to words in battles, sports.”

24. “He indeed is standing, surrounded by a thousand crores of monkeys. He hopes to crush Lanka with the help of his army.”

25, 26. 25, 26. “He who usually roams by the Ganges, sowing terror among leaders of herds of elephants, remembering as he does the old quarrel between elephants and monkeys, thundering and uprooting trees, he is the commander and leader of monkeys called Pramathim who dwells in mountain-caves, subduing wild elephants.”

27. “This excellent one among the monkeys and this army-chief of monkeys, taking shelter in Mandara the foremost of mountains and the mountain called ushirabija alongside the River Ganga, passes his life happily like unto Indra himself.”

28. “A hundred thousands of monkeys; proud of their strength and prowess with their radiant fore-arms, making a roaring noise, are following him.”

29. “He is the leader of these high-soled monkeys. O, king! He is the commander called Pramathi, the one difficult to be conquered.”

30, 31. “He whom you are beholding a cloud raised by wind is Pramathi. At that place, a great quantity of red illumined dust is tossed about and raised by wind in various ways in different directions. Energetic and excited army of monkeys is also stationed there along with Pramathi.”

32, 33. “O, monarch! One hundred lakhs of monkeys with their black faces, with fearful appearance and with great strength, experiencing the crossing of the bridge, surrounds the troop-leader by name Gavaksha, a monkey and are making a roaring noise, ready to crush Lanka by their bodily strength.”

34, 35, 36, 37. “O, king! This army-chief called Kesari, the chief of the commanders of monkeys, wanders in Kanchana mountain wherein there are trees which yield fruits in all seasons, inhabited by large black-bees, to which the sun circumambulates clock-wise, the mountain shining with its own colour and splendour, by whose brightness, the animals and birds ever shine with the same hue, whose table-land on the top of the mountain the great sages do not leave, wherein trees, all mango-trees laden with fruits on all sides and wherein inhabit honey-bees of excellent variety.”

38, 39, 40, 41, 42. “O, faultless king! There are sixty thousand mountains in that beautiful golden mountain ranges. There is an excellent mountain the middle of that mountain range as you the middle of that demons. In that mountain range there, in the last mountain these monkeys reside. Some of the monkeys are tawny coloured, some are white-coloured and with nails as their weapons; having four tusks, with nails as their weapons having four tusks like lions, difficult to be approached like tigers, resembling fire, like unto serpents vomiting poison with their very long coiling tails, resembling elephants in rut, equal to mighty mountains and making great thunderous sound like that of clouds. All of them stand looking on your Lanka as if they are about to crush it.”

43, 44. “O, king! He who stands in the middle is the powerful leader of the monkeys who ever faces the sun, who is a wise man, eager to conquer you and is famous in the world by the name, Shatabali. He swears to destroy Lanka with his troops.”

45. “This Shatabali the monkey is courageous, strong, valiant and is established in his manliness. He does not care for his life, in the cause of Rama.”

46. “Each and every single one, like Gaja, Gavaya, Nala and a monkey called Nila is surrounded by crores of warriors.”

47. “Besides, other excellent monkeys residing in Vindhya mountain are quick-paced and are impossible to be counted because of their multitude.”

48. “O, monarch! All of them are highly prominent, their stature equal to high hills and all of them are capable in a moment to level the earth by uprooting and razing its mountains earth by uprooting and razing its mountains to the ground.”

:Thus completes 27th Chapter of Yuddha Kanda of the glorious Ramayana of Valmiki, the work of a sage and the oldest epic.


श्रीमद्वाल्मीकियरामायणे युद्धकाण्डे सप्तविंशः सर्गः ॥६-२७॥

ताम्स्तु ते सम्प्रक्ष्यामि प्रेक्षमाणस्य यूथपान् । राघव अर्थे पराक्रान्ता ये न रक्षन्ति जीवितम् ॥६-२७-१॥

स्निग्धा यस्य बहु श्यामा बाला लान्गूलम् आश्रिताः । ताम्राः पीताः सिताः श्वेताः प्रकीर्णा घोर कर्मणः ॥६-२७-२॥

प्रगृहीताः प्रकाशन्ते सूर्यस्य इव मरीचयः । पृथिव्याम् च अनुकृष्यन्ते हरो नाम एष यूथपः ॥६-२७-३॥

यम् पृष्ठतो अनुगच्चन्ति शतशो अथ सहस्रशः । वृक्षानुद्यम्य सहसा लङ्का रोहणतत्पराः ॥६-२७-४॥

यूथपा हरिराजस्य किम्कराः समुपस्थिताः । नीलान् इव महामेघाम्स् तिष्ठतो याम्स् तु पश्यसि ॥६-२७-५॥

असितान् जन सम्काशान् युद्धे सत्य पराक्रमान् । असम्ख्येयान् अनिर्देश्यान् परम् पारम् इव उदधेः ॥६-२७-६॥

पर्वतेषु च ये केचिद् विषमेषु नदीषु च । एते त्वाम् अभिवर्तन्ते राजन्न् ऋष्काः सुदारुणाः ॥६-२७-७॥

एषाम् मध्ये स्थितो राजन् भीम अक्षो भीम दर्शनः । पर्जन्य इव जीमूतैः समन्तात् परिवारितः ॥६-२७-८॥

ऋक्षवन्तम् गिरि श्रेष्ठम् अध्यास्ते नर्मदाम् पिबन् । सर्व ऋक्षाणाम् अधिपतिर् धूम्रो नाम एष यूथपः ॥६-२७-९॥

यवीयान् अस्य तु भ्राता पश्य एनम् पर्वत उपमम्भ्रात्रा समानो रूपेण विशिष्टस् तु पराक्रमे ॥६-२७-१०॥

स एष जाम्बवान् नाम महायूथप यूथपः । प्रशान्तो गुरु वर्ती च सम्प्रहारेष्व् अमर्षणः ॥६-२७-११॥

एतेन साह्यम् सुमहत् कृतम् शक्रस्य धीमता । देव असुरे जाम्बवता लब्धाः च बहवो वराः ॥६-२७-१२॥

आरुह्य पर्वत अग्रेभ्यो महाअभ्र विपुलाः शिलाः । मुन्चन्ति विपुल आकारा न मृत्योर् उद्विजन्ति च ॥६-२७-१३॥

राक्षसानाम् च सदृशाः पिशाचानाम् च रोमशाः । एतस्य सैन्ये बहवो विचरन्ति अग्नि तेजसः ॥६-२७-१४॥

यम् त्व् एनम् अभिसम्रब्धम् प्लवमानम् इव स्थितम् । प्रेक्षन्ते वानराः सर्वे स्थितम् यूथप यूथपम् ॥६-२७-१५॥

एष राजन् सहस्र अक्षम् पर्युपास्ते हरि ईश्वरः । बलेन बल सम्पन्नो रम्भो नाम एष यूथपः ॥६-२७-१६॥

यः स्थितम् योजने शैलम् गच्चन् पार्श्वेन सेवते । ऊर्ध्वम् तथैव कायेन गतः प्राप्नोति योजनम् ॥६-२७-१७॥

यस्मान् न परमम् रूपम् चतुष्पादेषु विद्यते । श्रुतः सम्नादनो नाम वानराणाम् पितामहः ॥६-२७-१८॥

येन युद्धम् तदा दत्तम् रणे शक्रस्य धीमता । पराजयः च न प्राप्तः सो अयम् यूथप यूथपः ॥६-२७-१९॥

यस्य विक्रममाणस्य शक्रस्य इव पराक्रमः । एष गन्धर्व कन्यायाम् उत्पन्नः कृष्ण वर्त्मना ॥६-२७-२०॥

तत्र देवासुरे युद्धे साह्यार्थम् त्रिदिवौकसाम् । यत्र वैश्रवणो राजा जम्बूमुपनिषेवते ॥६-२७-२१॥

यो राजा पर्वत इन्द्राणाम् बहु किम्नर सेविनाम् । विहार सुखदो नित्यम् भ्रातुस् ते राक्षस अधिप ॥६-२७-२२॥

तत्र एष वसति श्रीमान् बलवान् वानर ऋषभः । युद्धेष्व् अकत्थनो नित्यम् क्रथनो नाम यूथपः ॥६-२७-२३॥

वृतः कोटि सहस्रेण हरीणाम् समवस्थितः । एषैवाशम्सते लङ्काम् स्वेनानीकेन मर्दितुम् ॥६-२७-२४॥

यो गङ्गामनुपर्येति त्रासयन् गजयूथपान् । हस्तिनाम् वानराणाम् च पूर्ववैरमनुस्मरन् ॥६-२७-२५॥

एष यूथपतिर्नेता गर्जन् गिरिगुहाशयः । गजान् रोधयते वन्यानारुजम्श्च महीरुहान् ॥६-२७-२६॥

हरीणाम् वाहिनी मुख्यो नदीम् हैमवतीम् अनु । उशीर बीजम् आश्रित्य पर्वतम् मन्दर उपमम् ॥६-२७-२७॥

रमते वानर श्रेष्ठो दिवि शक्र इव स्वयम् । एनम् शत सहस्राणाम् सहस्रम् अभिवर्तते ॥६-२७-२८॥

वीर्यविक्रमदृप्तानाम् नर्दताम् बाहुशालिनाम् । स एष नेता न्हैतेषाम् वानराणाम् महात्मनम् ॥६-२७-२९॥

स एष दुर्मर्षणो राजन् प्रमाथी नाम यूथपः । वातेन इव उद्धतम् मेघम् यम् एनम् अनुपश्यसि ॥६-२७-३०॥

अनीकमपि सम्रब्धम् वानराणाम् तरस्विनाम् । उद्धूतमरुणाभासम् पवनेन समन्ततः ॥६-२७-३१॥

विवर्तमानम् बहुशो यत्र एतद् बहुलम् रजः । एते असित मुखा घोरा गो लान्गूला महाबलाः ॥६-२७-३२॥

शतम् शत सहस्राणि दृष्ट्वा वै सेतु बन्धनम् । गो लान्गूलम् महावेगम् गव अक्षम् नाम यूथपम् ॥६-२७-३३॥

परिवार्य अभिवर्तन्ते लंकाम् मर्दितुम् ओजसा । भ्रमर आचरिता यत्र सर्व काम फल द्रुमाः ॥६-२७-३४॥

यम् सूर्य तुल्य वर्ण आभम् अनुपर्येति पर्वतम् । यस्य भासा सदा भान्ति तद् वर्णा मृग पक्षिणः ॥६-२७-३५॥

यस्य प्रस्थम् महात्मानो न त्यजन्ति महर्षयः । सर्वकामफला वृक्षाः सर्वे फलसमन्विताः ॥६-२७-३६॥

मधूनि च महार्हाणि यस्मिन् पर्वतसत्तमे । तत्र एष रमते राजन् रम्ये कान्चन पर्वते ॥६-२७-३७॥

मुख्यो वानर मुख्यानाम् केसरी नाम यूथपः । षष्टिर् गिरि सहस्राणाम् रम्याः कान्चन पर्वताः ॥६-२७-३८॥

तेषाम् मध्ये गिरि वरस् त्वम् इव अनघ रक्षसाम् । तत्र एते कपिलाः श्वेतास् ताम्र आस्या मधु पिन्गलाः ॥६-२७-३९॥

निवसन्ति उत्तम गिरौ तीक्ष्ण दम्ष्ट्रा नख आयुधाः । सिम्ह इव चतुर् दम्ष्ट्रा व्याघ्रा इव दुरासदाः ॥६-२७-४०॥

सर्वे वैश्वनर समा ज्वलित आशी विष उपमाः । सुदीर्घ अन्चित लान्गूला मत्त मातम्ग सम्निभाः ॥६-२७-४१॥

महापर्वत सम्काशा महाजीमूत निस्वनाः । वृत्तपिङ्गलनेत्रा हि महाभीमगतिस्वनाः ॥६-२७-४२॥

मर्दयन्तीव ते सर्वे तस्थुर्लङ्काम् समीक्ष्य ते । एष चैषामधिपतिर्मध्ये तिष्ठति वीर्यवान् ॥६-२७-४३॥

जयार्थी नित्यमादित्यमुपतिष्ठति बुद्धिमान् । नाम्ना पृथिव्याम् विख्यातो राजन् शत बली इति यः ॥६-२७-४४॥

एष एव आशम्सते लंकाम् स्वेन अनीकेन मर्दितुम् । विक्रान्तो बलवान् शूरः पौरुषे स्वे व्यवस्थितः ॥६-२७-४५॥

रामप्रियार्थम् प्राणानाम् दयाम् न कुरुते हरिः । गजो गव अक्षो गवयो नलो नीलः च वानरः । एक एक एव यूथानाम् कोटिभिर् दशभिर् वृतः ॥६-२७-४६॥

तथा अन्ये वानर श्रेष्ठा विन्ध्य पर्वत वासिनः । न शक्यन्ते बहुत्वात् तु सम्ख्यातुम् लघु विक्रमाः ॥६-२७-४७॥

सर्वे महाराज महाप्रभावाः । सर्वे महाशैल निकाश कायाः । सर्वे समर्थाः पृथिवीम् क्षणेन । कर्तुम् प्रविध्वस्त विकीर्ण शैलाम् ॥६-२७-४८॥

इति वाल्मीकि रामायणे आदि काव्ये युद्धकाण्डे सप्तविंशः सर्गः ॥६-२७॥