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* Brajesh Choudhary - RAS
* Brajesh Choudhary - RAS
* Ravindra khardiya - Sub inspector (Raj. Police )
* Ravindra khardiya - Sub inspector (Raj. Police )
* [[Devendra Singh]] - Businessman

== Population ==
== Population ==

Revision as of 18:15, 24 September 2023

Note - Please click → Berla for details of similarly named villages at other places.

Berla (बेरला) village is in Surajgarh tahsil in Jhunjhunu district of Rajasthan.

Berla - Village Overview

Village Berla (बेरला)
Gram Panchayat Berla
Block / Tehsil Surajgarh
District Jhunjhunun
State Rajasthan
Pincode 333033
Area 1244 hectares
Population 2602
Households 525
Nearest Town Surajgarh (14 km)


Berla is a Village in Surajgarh Tehsil in Jhunjhunu District of Rajasthan State, India. It belongs to Jaipur Division . It is located 54 KM towards East from District head quarters Jhunjhunu. 15 KM from Surajgarh. 179 KM from State capital Jaipur

Berla Pin code is 333033 and postal head office is Jakhod .

Jakhod ( 6 KM ) , Dhoolwa ( 7 KM ) , Badbar ( 8 KM ) , Baloda ( 8 KM ) , Kakoda ( 9 KM ) are the nearby Villages to Berla. Berla is surrounded by Buhana Tehsil towards South , Loharu Tehsil towards North , Pilani Tehsil towards west , Chirawa Tehsil towards west . Pilani , Mahendragarh , Narnaul , Jhunjhunu are the near by Cities to Berla.

This Place is in the border of the Jhunjhunu District and Bhiwani District. Bhiwani District Loharu is North towards this place . It is near to the Haryana State Border.

Nearby Villages of Berla

Villages in Berla Gram Panchayat

Police Stations near Berla

Puranabas; Buhana; Rajasthan 333502; India 13.2 KM distance

Ghardu Road; Jhunjhunu; Surajgarh; Rajasthan 333029; India 13.4 KM distance

Peepli; Rajasthan 333031; India 18.3 KM distance

How to Reach Berla

By Train -

Bhavdhari Rail Way Station , Surajgarh Rail Way Station are the very nearby railway stations to Berla. How ever Rohtak Jn Rail Way Station is major railway station 109 KM near to Berla

Berla Nearby Places

Few nearby places of Berla are listed below for your reference:


  • Pilani- 25 KM
  • Mahendragarh- 35 KM
  • Jhunjhunu- 52 KM


  • Surajgarh- 11 KM
  • Buhana- 14 KM
  • Loharu- 15 KM
  • Chirawa- 22 KM


  • Indira Gandhi International Airport- 142 KM
  • Sanganeer Airport- 185 KM
  • Surat Gujarat Airport- 242 KM
  • Muzaffarnagar Airport- 244 KM

District Head Quarters:

  • Mahendragarh- 34 KM
  • Jhunjhunu- 52 KM
  • Bhiwani- 68 KM
  • Rewari- 86 KM

Jat Gotras

Notable persons

  • Ramchandra Khardiya - Former Sarpanch.
  • Veer Singh Khardiya - Former Sarpanch.
  • Ankit Khardiya - Doctor(surgeon).
  • Anoop Khardiya - NDA Selected (Army Wing).
  • Vikas khardiya - Scientist B at National Informatics Centre (NIC)
  • Mahendra singh - Businessman
  • Brajesh Choudhary - RAS
  • Ravindra khardiya - Sub inspector (Raj. Police )
  • Devendra Singh - Businessman


According to Census 2011, Berla's population is 2602. Out of this, 1355 are males while the females count 1247 here. This village has 328 children in the age group of 0-6 years. Among them 166 are boys and 162 are girls.

Census Parameter Census Data
Total Population 2602
Female Population % 47.9 % ( 1247)
Total Literacy rate % 68.8 % ( 1789)
Female Literacy rate 28.7 % ( 747)
Scheduled Tribes Population % 0.1 % ( 3)
Scheduled Caste Population % 26.4 % ( 686)
Working Population % 51.3 %
Child(0 -6) Population by 2011 328
Girl Child(0 -6) Population % by 2011 49.4 % ( 162)

Literacy Rate

Literacy rate in Berla village is 68%. 1789 out of total 2602 population is educated here. Among males the literacy rate is 76% as 1042 males out of total 1355 are educated whereas female literacy rate is 59% as 747 out of total 1247 females are literate in this Village.

The Negative side is that illiteracy ratio of Berla village is 31%. Here 813 out of total 2602 persons are illiterate. Male illiteracy rate here is 23% as 313 males out of total 1355 are illiterate. In females the illiteracy rate is 40% and 500 out of total 1247 females are illiterate in this village.

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