Basi Bagpat
Basi is a village of Sarv Khap near Khekera in Uttar Pradesh in Bagpat district. Basi is a very famous village among various villages of Baghpat. This Village gives many Teachers,Policeman & Sports Players.
History and the Founders
This village is founded by Ch. Gaura Singh in 1090 A.D.. Gaura singh came from Jhunjhunu distt. Rajasthan
Jat gotras
Village has mainly Nain Gotra but Few are Panwars.
Pattis (Mohallas)
There are several Pattis(Mohallas) over there that has some meaningful names. Pattis (Mohallas) of Basi Village:-
Notable persons
- Choudhary Ranjeet Singh Nain - He was a Principal and Founder of a big Management school in Delhi. He always did social work, so people of Basi still remember him.
- Jitendra Kumar Nain(Sargam) - Famous sports player , Currently C.O in UP Police
- Chaudhary Satyendra Pal Jat bollywood veteran movie producer was born and brought up in this village. [1]
External Links
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