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Author:Laxman Burdak, IFS (R)

Pashanda (पाषंड) was an ancient country mentioned in Mahabharata. Sahadeva Pandava had conquered this country. It was near present Karad city in Satara district of Maharashtra.





विजयेन्द्र कुमार माथुर[1] ने लेख किया है ...पाषंड (AS, p.556) 'नगरी सज्यंती च पाखंडं करहाटकं दूतैरेवशे चके करं चैनानदापयत्'। महाभारत सभापर्व 31, 70. पाषंड को सहदेव ने अपनी दक्षिण दिशा की दिग्विजय में जीता था. यह स्थान , जैसा कि उपर्युक्त उल्लेख से सूचित होता है , करहाटक या वर्तमान करहाड़ (पुणे से 124 मील दूर) के निकट था.

In Mahabharata

Pashanda (पाषंड) or Pichchhanda (पिच्छण्ड) Mahabharata (II.28.47)

Sabha Parva, Mahabharata/Book II Chapter 28 mentions Sahadeva's march towards south: kings and tribes defeated. Pashanda (पाषंड) is mentioned in Mahabharata (II.28.47).[2]....The son of Pandu (Sahadeva) also conquered the town of Sanjayanti and the country of the Pashandas and the Karahatakas by means of his messengers alone, and made all of them pay tributes to him.

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  1. Aitihasik Sthanavali by Vijayendra Kumar Mathur, p.556
  2. एकपादांश च पुरुषान केवलान वनवासिनः, नगरीं संजयन्तीं च पिच्छण्डं (? पाषंड) करहाटकम, दूतैर एव वशे चक्रे करं चैनान अदापयत् (II.28.47)