Baoli Baraut

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Note - Please click → Bawli for details of similarly named villages at other places.

Location of Baraut in Baghpat District

Baoli (बावळी) or Bawli is in Baraut tahsil of Bagpat district in Uttar Pradesh. It is a Jat Village in Desh-khap, is one of the most famous village of Jats.


It is located 6 kms north east of Baraut in Bagpat district in Uttar Pradesh. People of Baoli village are considered to have a great sense of humor and will usually have a pun in almost every thing that they say.


Dr Girish Chandra Dwivedi [1] has mentioned in his book The Jats - Their Role in the Mughal Empire about historical records maintained by Khaps. A Sarva Khap Panchayat was held here in samvat 1560. This Village has a great history. Being too close to delhi they were attacked by huge armies of mughals many times still they fought with the and are still not converted. Since Desh-khap was the biggest jat clan in western UP therefore they were clearly in the eyes of Mughals all the time. They didn't had only themselves to protect but also minor jat gotras. After the defeat of Dhakas from the muslim rulers og afghan they came to Baghpat it was then the ruler of Desh Khap who let the hide in their territory and Dhakas till today reside in Baghpat in the Dhikauli village. If there were no tomars then there wold be no dhakas now. History tells us that many jat gotras including sherawat and Panwar, Tanwar, toor, shira, bhind etc. have originated from Tomars. Desendents of Poras went to Baghpat there they got married to the daughter of the king Of Desh Khap which lead to the originance of Panwars. Tomars helped Panwar to settle up in Gaziabad. In modern day we get to see 3-4 villages of panwars in Gaziabad. Well they also helped to settle up other little jats like vishela, darayan, dagar etc. in hapur and Gaziabad. We would have lost about 50-60 gotras if tomars were't there or if tomars went selfish or mean but the helped people to fight against the mughal as the saw them as a common enemy. When the britishers came to Delhi they saw that Tomars are havin a great power so to decrease their power they started to send mmuslims in the jat villages which lead to a lot of fights and riots at last Brithishers successfully fooled them by giving the excuse that muslims will live here as you servants for whole life. This is one of the major blunders in the history of India.


  • बावली गाँव एशिया के सबसे बड़े गाँव में से एक गाँव है । जो की दिल्ली -सहारनपुर Sh 57 पर है ।बावली गाँव को तीन भाईयों ने बसाया था । जिनका नाम बाहुबली सिंह , महावतसिंह, रूस्तमसिंह था ने क्रमश बाहुबली गाँव ,महावातपुर , रुस्तमपुर बसाया । बाहुबली गाँव ही आज का बावली गाँव है। बावली गाँव में संवत 1560 के आस -पास सर्व खाप पंचायत भी हुई थी बावली में 7 पट्टी है ।
  • मुख्य पट्टी
  • 1 देशो की
  • 2 मोल्लो की
  • 3 गोपी की
  • 4 राणो की
  • 5 कट्कड़ की

मुख्य पट्टी है बावली गाँव में ही समय में तीन प्रधान होते है ।राणो की पट्टी में तोमर गोत्र के जाट है । राणा टाइटल लिखते है ।

सन 1197 ई. में राजा भीम देव की अध्यक्षता में बावली बडौत के बीच विशाल बणी में सर्वखाप पंचायत की बैठक हुई थी जिसमें बादशाह द्वारा हिन्दुओं पर जजिया कर लगाने तथा फसल न होने पर पशुओं को हांक ले जाने के फरमानों का मुँहतोड़ जवाब देने के लिए ठोस कार्रवाई करने पर विचार किया गया. इस पंचायत में करीब एक लाख लोगों ने भाग लिया. पंचायती फैसले के अनुसार सर्वखाप की मल्ल सेना ने शाही सेना को घेर कर हथियार छीन लिए और दिल्ली पर चढाई करने का एलान किया. बादशाह ने घबराकर दोनों फरमान वापिस लेकर पंचायत से समझौता कर लिया. [2]

Jat Gotras

Notable persons

  • Dr. Rampal Singh Tomar - Professor (Retd), Seed Science Technology (CCSHAU), Hisar.
  • Dr. Karanpal Singh Tomar - Chair, Professor UTHSCT, Tyler, Texas, USA.
Unit - INS Venduruthy.

External links


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