Azad Singh Dabas

Azad Singh Dabas is retired Indian Forest Service officer of Madhya Pradesh Cadre from 1985 batch. He retired on 31 August 2017 as Addl. Principal chief Conservator of Forests. He was born at village Ladpur Kanjhawla on 15th August 1957. He was born on independence day hence named Azad Singh.
He did his schooling from Delhi. He did his graduation in Agriculture from Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agriculture University, Hisar. He completed his Master's Degree in Agriculture from the same University.
He has a very brilliant and meritorious academic record. A post graduate degree holder in Agriculture (Horticulture) and has published many research papers in various leading scientific journals. Dabas has a vast and varied experience in the field of forestry, environmental conservation, agriculture, horticulture, rural development, social & political arena.
Sh. Dabas has a very distinguished professional record. He served as divisional Forest Officer in Raigarh, Rajgarh (Beora), Hoshangabad, Khargone, Obedullaganj & Sehore districts. While serving as DFO in various Districts of M.P, he observed that due to lack of education, exploitation of the poor by local traders and money lenders, prevalence of social evils like early marriage, polygamy, smoking, chewing tobacco, drinking and death feasts etc; lack of communication facilities, primitive agriculture, scarce irrigation facilities and poor electricity supply has resulted in population explosion among tribals, as a result of which absolute poverty prevails in forest areas. This leads to vicious circle of poverty and excessive biotic pressure on scarce forest resource leading to severe encroachment problem particularly in western region of M.P thereby depleting remaining forest wealth.
To tackle all these severe problems, Sh.Dabas, While working as DFO in districts Khargone and Sehore and as conservator forest in Betul and as chief conservator forest in Jhabua & Sagar made a sincere attempt in breaking this vicious circle of poverty & launched various innovative programmers like OPERATION AWAKENNIG for eradicating illiteracy, OPERATION SPACING for tacking population explosion, OPERATION LIBERATION for liberating the local populace from the clutches of money lenders and to get rid off prevalent social evils and OPERATION DEVELOPMENT for the overall development of rural population especially forest dwellers, the Tribals.
As DFO Sehore (July 1999 to july 2002), Sh. Dabas did magnificent work in Joint Forest Management. Under his leadership, Sehore became the first division of M.P whose 100% forest area was covered under JFM Committees, providing a break though to the entire JFM programme. He also setup ADIVASI VIKAS KENDRA for the overall development of Rural Population especially tribals with the help of JFM Committees which resulted into forest protection and development. He did pioneering work in the field of NTFP especially medicinal and aromatic plants. Under his dynamic leadership, a new concept of forest management, named PEOPLE’S PROTECTED AREA (PPA)scheme was launched in Budhni range of Sehore Division. This was the first scheme of its kind which was initiated in Madhya Pradesh. The objective of this scheme was conservation, development and marketing of NTFP especially medicinal plants thereby enhancing the income of rural population especially forest dewllers. The moto of the scheme was ‘PEOPLE FIRST’ i.e. Tribal with Tiger rather than Tribal Versus Tiger. As A result of hard work done by Sh. Dabas, Sehore District Union received FIRST PRIZE in the first Van mela held in Bhopal in the year 2001. The Ayurvedic medicines prepared by primary forestproduce society Rehti of Sehore Division drew attention of one and all including media persons for its exclusive medicines.
Sh. Dabas, while working as Joint Director MEDICINAL PLANTS TASK FORCE in MPRVVN Ltd. Bhopal & as manager Development –cum- Joint Director Medicinal Plants Task Force in MFP (Trade and Dev.) federation acquired immense knowledge in the field of conservation, developlment and marketing of NTFP especially Medical and Aromatic Plants, thereby helped in giving a new dimension in this field throughout the state. Shri Dabas also served as Public Relations Officer of MFP (Trade and Dev.) Federation and was instrumental in giving wide publicity to the federation programmes, especially medicinal plants conservation and development. As Deputy Manager, Waste Land Development Project, he prepared an extensive “Waste Land Developmnet Project” for Khandwa District. As DFO (Social forestry) Rajgarh (Beora), Shri Dabas was successful in creating environment awareness throughout the district and gave a new direction to the social forestry programme.
As Chief Executive Officer, Zila Panchayat, Badwani (sept.2002 to sept.2003), Sh. Dabas gave impetus to rural development programmes and provided new dimension to rural development .He started various innovative schemes like providing shops free of cost to BPL SC / ST families for their livelihood under Sampuna Gramin Rojgar Yojana. He launched various schemes for rehabilitation of Criminal tribes. His pioneering work in dealing with the criminal tribes of many villages especially Badgaon was par excellence and became an example of real rural development. Looking at the dry conditions prevalent in district Badwani, he did excellent work in soil and water conservation under Rajiv Gandhi Water Shed Mission.He was responsible for getting sanctioned an innovative scheme called SAM VIKAS YOJANA worth Rs. 45.00 Crores from Govt. of India for Badwani District. Infact Panchayati Raj became really A People’s Programme under his leadership. Because of his passion and Zeal for rural development and total devotion to rural poor especially weaker sections, the Jila Panchayat’s General body termed his tenure as GOLDEN PERIOD in the history of rural development of Badwani District.
Sh. Dabas is very well versed in dealing with the social, economical & political issues related to forestry, environmental conservation and rural development. As Conservator of Forests (Working Plan), he put his best in preparing the plan document but he sincerely believes that until & unless the grave problems mentioned above, which are being confronted by the rural populace especially forest dwellers are not tackled in totality, no working plan can protect the forest, howsoever good,it may be. He termed his tenure in the plan as “Woking Plan Without Tears”.
As conservator of forest , Betul cirle ( July 2007 to July 2008), he started a very innovative scheme named “Van Gram Ki Lado Yojna”. Under this Yojna, he initiated quality education-programme for 100 tribal girls of 93 forest villages of Betul district. For implementing this yojna, he got repaired an old hostel of forest trainees and started hostel for these tribal girls. All girls were admitted in 6th class in govt. higher secondary school of Betul. He got sanctioned two 50 seater hostels from tribal deptt. Of M.P govt.
He gave impetus to another yojna named “Non- Nationalised Minor Forest Produce Collection, Processing and Marketing”. For enhancing Eco-Tourism Programme, he developed “Kukru” as tourist place and brought it on the tourism map of M.P.
As chief conservator of forest, Research & Extension circle, Jhabua ( July 2009 to Mar. 2012), Sh. Dabas started “Tribal Alert” Programme for overall development of tribals of Jhabua, Alirajpur & Dhar districts of M.P. He initiated a new programme called “Nursery Tourism” for creating awareness among students and farmers about enviornment conservation. He named all the nurseries as “Roopmati nurseries” after the name of famous queen Roopmati and branded all the plants raised as Roopmati plants . He created history by getting planted more than ten lakh plants. He made a small temple of great tribal revolutionary “Tantya Bheel” in Mojipura nursery campus. He named meeting hall of his office after the name of great tribal leader “Birsa Munda”.
As chief conservator of forest, Research & Extension circle, Sagar, ( Nov. 2012 to Sept. 2015), Sh. Dabas started “Green Alert” Programme for creating awareness about afforestation. He got planted maximum plants in One Day Plantation Programme Organised by Forest deptt. in the year 2014. He transformed and named all the nurseries as “Evergreen Nurseries” and got planted maximum plants on farmers field in the year 2015. He started “Green Tourism” Programme in Pathriya nursery for creating awareness about enviornmental conservation and recreation of local peole.
On promotion to the post of Addl. Principal Chief Conservator of Forests(Sept. 2015 to Jan. 2017), while working as AMD federation (extension) Sh. Dabas tried his best for making policy for Extension of non-timber forest produce in M.P. While in service he got constituted an organisation named “System Parivatan Adhikari/Karmchari Sangathan”in the year 2016 for making administration sensitive, transparent, responsive and corruption free. He exposed many scandals of various deptt. while in sevice. He opposed many wrong policies of the govt. through this organisation while in service.
Because of his commitment for forest conservation and development, Sh. Dabas got transfered 30 times in 30 years of service but he was never disappointed for the same. During this process, he served in 26 districts out of 52. Through out his service, he served as a Whistleblower Forester. As Karm Satyagrahi, he worked for 14 to 16 hours daily. He never sought HTC/ LTC during his whole tenure in service.
After his retirement, Sh. Dabas changed the name of his organisation from “System Parivatan Adhikari/Karmchari Sangathan” to “System Parivatan Abhiyan” to give it further broadbase. Sh. Dabas is currently busy in raising various issues of public concern. Sh. Dabas also served as StatePresident of “Akhil Bhartiya APAKS (Anusuchit jati, Anusuchit Janjati, Anya Pichhra Varg and Alpsanyakh Adhikari/ Karmchari Sangathan) from 2004 till his retirement in 2017 and served the interest of the employees of these communities.
Career in Politics
Sh. Dabas belongs to a political family. His father was State President of Dehli unit of Indian National Lokdal. He was also Chairman, Parliamentry Board of Dehli unit of Samajwadi Janta Party of Sh. Chandrashekhar, ex. PM of India. He worked with Ch. Charan Singh , Ch. Devilal, Ch. Ajit Singh , Sh. V.K. Bahuguna and Ch. Omprakash Chautala. Because of his political background, after retierment Sh. Dabas remained very active in social and political field. Sh. Dabas became Chief Co-ordinator, Pichda Varg Sayunkt Sangarsh Morcha, M.P and hold this responsibility from 13th sept. 2017 to 13th sept. 2020. Sh. Dabas also worked as President, Khetihar Kisan Kalyan Sangh. He also launched Kisan Helpline for helping agrieved famers of the state. Sh. Dabas is an active member of Vichar Madhya Pradesh, a body of intellectuals of M.P. He is also associated with Samvidhan Bachao Manch.
Sh. Dabas tried to form a “Third Front” of small political parties in M.P from Feb. 2017 to Oct. 2018. On 2nd febuary 2019, Sh. Dabas joined Congress Party in M.P. He was given the responsibility of State Co-ordinator of Backward Class deptt. of congress party. After getting differences from the party leaders on critical issues pertaining to common men of M.P, Sh. Dabas resigned from his post and the party.
Presently Sh.Dabas is working with AAM AADMI PARTY of M.P. As president of Manifesto Committee , he prepared Manifesto of AAP in recently held Muncipal body elections. He was Star Campaigner of the party in the muncipal body elections. Sh. Dabas keeps writing articles on various issues concerning society, state and the nation. His more than 100 articles have been published in leading newspapers of M.P. He has edited Poverty combat , Tribal Alert & Green Alert megazines while in service. Sh. Dabas is often invited for various T.V debates of public concern in M.P.
Social Services
Mr Dabas takes keen interest in the over all development of OBC, SC and ST Communities in addition to his official duties. He is President of State unit of Akhil Bharatiya Anusuchit Jati, Janjati, Pichhadavarg Evam Alpsankhyak Adhikari Karmchari Sangthan.
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