
From Jatland Wiki

Bhooka (भूंका) (Bhoonka, Bhunka) is a village in Gudha Malani Tahsil of Barmer district in Rajasthan. There are two villages of this name:

Jat Gotras


Shri Poonam Ram Lol [1] identified Khari Karamsotan (खारी कर्मसोता) with the historical village Khari associated with Lol history.

About 250 years back 7 Lol brothers moved from Khari. One settled at Ghevara village in Jodhpur district, two settled at Bhunka village in Barmer district and three brothers settled at Bijariya Bavri village in Jodhpur district.

Notable persons

External links


  1. Poonam Ram Lol - Originally from village Bijariya Bavri (Tah:osia, Jodhpur), Address:02, Abhaygarh Scheme, Near Air Force School No.1, Jodhpur-342001. Phone - 0291-2614805, Mob- 9414133806

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