
Bhopa (भोपा) is a large village in Jansath tahsil of Muzaffarnagar district in Uttar Pradesh
Pincode of the village is 251308. It is situated 24km away from Jansath town and 18km away from Muzaffarnagar city. Bhopa village has got its own gram panchayat. Athai, Belra and Yusufpur are some of the nearby villages.
- Naiyma Lao Movement was started at Bhopa village in August-September 1989 led by Ch. Mahendra Singh Tikait because Naiyma, a Muslim girl was first abducted and later on, killed. The Police Station was gheraoed by the Bhartiya Kisan Union workers.
Jat Gotras
Notable persons
- Great Saint Shri Suresh Kumar Ahluwalia borned in this village , who is world renowned environmentalist , mathematician and social thinker
- Dr. Veerpal Nirwal is elected as Jila Panchayat Adhyaksh Muzaffarnagar in June 2021 .
Population of Bhopa according to Census 2011, stood at 11,274 (Males: 5928, Females: 5346).[2]
External links
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