Chindalia (चिंडालिया) is a village in tehsil Nohar of District Hanumangarh in Rajasthan. This village is known by other name as Ramgarh. This is one of the biggest village in Hanumangarh. There are many Jat gotra living here since many hundred of years. Other than Jat there are primarily Kumhar, Swami , Sunar (Soni), Khati (Jangir/ Suthar), Luhar, Meghwal, Dhanak and Balmiki castes have been living in Ramgarh.
It is situated on Sriganganagar Delhi road, just 6 KM east to Gogameri. It is situated on railway track between Hanumangarh and Sadulpur (Rajgarh). Nohar is 25 KM towards west. It is around 40 KM south to Sirsa district of Haryana and 80 KM east to Hisar district. Hanumangarh is district headquarter which is 100 KM towards north-west side.
The Founders
Jat Gotras
Estimated around 10000.
Notable Persons
- Late Ch. Lakshaminarayan Bhambhu
- Late Sh. Shivram Arya
- Late Sh. Ramjas Bhambhu
- Sh. Prithviraj Swami
- Sh. Banwarilal Dev
- Sh. Maniram Verma
- Sh. Amilal Saharan
- Sh. Sheoram Kaswan
- Sh. Sultan Bana
External Links
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