Dhola Nada
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Dhola Nada (धोला नाडा ) or Dholanada is a village in Baytu tehsil district of Barmer in Rajasthan.
It is in Sindhari Panchayat Samiti and Bodwa Gram panchayat. Situated at 40 km from Barmer. Pincode is 344703.
Jat Gotras
- Sau,
According to Census-2011 information:
- With total 80 families residing, Dhola Nada village has the population of 501 (of which 246 are males while 255 are females)[1]
Majority of population(about 80%) are Jats. Main Gotra with maximum population is Godara.
Other Castes - Suthar (4).
This village was founded by Dhola vanshi Godara Jats about 200 years back. There is a Nada (pond) near the habitation hence the name Dhola Nada. Some people say that the clay of this nada is white (dhola) hence the name Dhola Nada.
This village has following temples:
- Khema Baba Temple
- Mahadeva Temple
- Gangaji Temple
- Jasnathji Temple
Notable persons
Exterenal links
- Bhanwar Lal Lukha: Jat Samaj, Agra, June 2002, p. 9
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