
Dhorimanna (धोरीमन्ना) or Dhorimana is a village in Barmer district in Rajasthan.
It has got the status of a new tahsil in Barmer district. Earlier, it was part of Malani tahsil.
About Dhorimanna Tehsil Dhorimanna is a Tehsil in Barmer District of Rajasthan State, India. Dhorimanna Tehsil Head Quarters is Dhorimana town . It belongs to Jodhpur Division . It is located 72 KM towards South from District head quarters Barmer. 557 KM from State capital Jaipur towards East .
Dhorimanna Tehsil is bounded by by Chohtan Tehsil towards west , Sanchore Tehsil towards South , Sindhari Tehsil towards North , Barmer Tehsil towards North . Sanchore City , Barmer City , Bhinmal City , Tharad City are the nearby Cities to Dhorimanna.
The founders
Jat Gotras
Kisan Chhatrawas (किसान छात्रावास)
धोरीमन्ना में जाट समाज का न्याति नोहरा एवं किसान छात्रावास है जिसमे समाज के कार्यक्रम होते हैं और प्री B.s.t.c की कोचिंग क्लासें लगती है |
List of villages in Dhorimanna tahsil
Notable persons
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