Duhai (दुहाई) is a village in Ghaziabad district in Uttar Pradesh.
Village Duhai is situated on Delhi - Meerut road (NH 58) approx 5km from Ghaziabad.
Jat Gotras
- Veerbhan (वीरभान) or Brehbhan (ब्रेहभान) is main gotra of Jats dwelling in this village. The Veerbhan gotra is a variation of Brehbhan, which evolved to Veerbhan in some families. The origin of this gotra is from Gochhi/Dighal. The founders of village Duhai moved there from Gochhi/Dighal about 150 years ago and started the Brehbhan (Veerbhan) gotra.
- Tevatia
Today this village is a prominent educational hub of UP. This village is known for its eminent academicians and these personalities.
Notable persons from this village
- Ravi Chaudhary - Internet historian based at Toronto, Canada. He is from village Duhai.
- Dr.Tanuj veerbhan working with yash birla Group.Delhi. He is from Village Duhai
- Master Raghuvir Singh (Tevatia) (मास्टर रघुवीरसिंह) - He belonged to Duhai in UP. He left his government job and came to Marwar and did a lot in building Jat hostels and educating the Jat community. Nathuram Mirdha, Ramraghunath Chaudhary, Kumbharam Arya etc came through his hostels. His friends use to be Kaviraj Yogendra Pal Shastri and he was blessed by a daughter Smt. Vijaylaxmi who was married to Dr. Rampal Shastri Parasaria of Barni Khurd.
- Vivek Veerbhan S/o Shri Surendra Singh hails from Duhai and is a well-known professional in the corporate fraternity. He is passionate about Agriculture technology, Healthcare, Start-ups and Social causes for the upliftment of community.
- Ch Sukhlal Veerbhan - Ch Baljit Singh was son of Ch Sukhlal & first postgraduate from this village. He was postgraduate in Persian, history & English. He was founder member of Jat Heroes college in Baraut, prof & Principal of M M H College, Ghaziabad. His eldest son Sheodan Singh was Civil engineer, second son Dr Jaipal Singh was Head of the botany deptt, Jat college Baraut, younger son Dr R P S Veerbhan was the first MBBS from this village. His great grandchildrens & great great grandchildrens are on top positions in multinational companies & Universities in India and abroad. His family is known as family of Ph.D.'s in this region.

- श्री पंकज वीरभान जी (एम. डी. होंडा शोरूम द्वारका स्टोर), 92-ए पनाष वैली, सहस्रधारा रोड , देहरादून, उत्तराखंड (गांव- दुहाई, जिला- गाजियाबाद यूपी) ने उत्तराखंड जाट भवन निर्माण में ₹-1,51,000/- (एक लाख ईक्यावन हजार रुपये) का दान स्वरूप योगदान दिया । उत्तराखंड जाट महासभा की समस्त कार्य कारिणी की ओर से सम्मानित श्री पंकज वीरभान जी का जाट भवन निर्माण में दिए गए योगदान के लिए हार्दिक आभार एवं धन्यवाद
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