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Author:Laxman Burdak, IFS (R)

Karkakhanda (कर्कखण्ड) was a Janapada mentioned in Mahabharata and defeated by Karna. It was probably located in eastern India -Bihar or Bengal.



Karkakhanda (कर्कखण्ड) (AS, p.142)


Sandhya Jain[1] mentions them in the Tribes With unclear Position in Kurukshetra War: Karkakhanda (कर्कखंड) is mentioned in Karna's conquests (III.241.43) after Magadha, and before Sravasti and Ayodhya; possibly a name for Koshala.


विजयेन्द्र कुमार माथुर[2] ने लेख किया है ...कर्कखण्ड (AS, p.142): 'अंगान् वंगान् कलिंगांश्च शुंडिकान् मिथिलानथ, मागधान् कर्कखंडांश्च निवेश्य विषयेऽऽत्मन:।' (वन पर्व महाभारत 254, 8). उपरोक्त श्लोक में कर्ण की दिग्विजय यात्रा के प्रसंग में पूर्व भारत के उन प्रदेशों का वर्णन है, जिन्हें कर्ण ने विजित किया था। कर्कखंड, जैसा कि प्रसंग से सूचित होता है, बिहार या बंगाल के किसी प्रदेश का नाम होगा।

In Mahabharata

Karna's conquests: Vana Parva, Mahabharata/Book III Chapter 255 describes Karna's victory march and countries subjugated. ..... Then descending from the mountain and rushing to the east, he reduced the Angas (अङ्गा) (3-255-7b), and the Bangas (वङ्गा) (3-255-7b), and the Kalingas (कलिङ्गा) (3-255-7b), and the Mundikas (मुण्डिक) (Shundika) (शुण्डिक) (3-255-7b), and the Magadhas (मगध) (3-255-8a). the Karkakhandas (कर्कखण्ड) (3-255-8a); and also included with them the Avashiras (आवशीर) (3-255-8b), Yodhyas (योध्या) (3-255-8b), and the Ahikshatras (अहिक्षत्र) (3-255-8b).

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