Khachwana (खचवाना) is a Village in Bhadra tahsil in Hanumangarh district, Rajasthan. Its a Panchayat of 3 vilaages- Khachwana, Bir Bhadra and Dhani Teliyan. Khachwana is divided into 11 wards.
Located in Rajasthan's Bhadra tehsil of Hanumangarh district. Khachwana is on 4 km distance from Gogamedi, the biggest fair of North India and located on the border of Rajasthan. It touches the border of Haryana's Sirsa district.
Jat Gotras
Khachwana was founded by Khachuram Beniwal in 1400 A.D.
Notable persons
Gharsi Ram Dudi, Rohitash Kumar Dudi, Kaluram Sarpanch, Roshan Aggarwal, Subhash Singhal, Bhoop Sihag and many more....
Nearly 5000
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