
Jakhal (जाखल) is a village in tehsil Nawalgarh of Jhunjhunu district in Rajasthan.
Location and population
It is located approximately 20 km east of Nawalgarh and 30 km south of Jhunjhunu. Jakhal was founded by Salehadi Singh Shekhawat on August 9, 1732 (teej of Sravana Shukla 1789). This is a well-connected village. Area of the village is 18000 bigha. According to 2001 census, Jakhal had a population of 6583, out of which 781 are SC and 159 are ST people.
XXIV Kot Solankiyan Inscription of Vanavira S.V. 1394 (1237 AD) mentions about one Jakhaladevi, wife of Rauta Bambi.
Jakhal was founded by Salehadi Singh Shekhawat on August 9, 1732 (Teej of Sravana Shukla 1789). Salehadi Singh was younger brother of Shardul Singh, the Jagirdar of Shekhawati at that time. He was also the commander of his brother's army. He fought several wars on the behalf of his borther. Once his brother sent him to win Bhorki. However, he has to stay in Jakhal before attacking Bhorki. He was kind of impressed with the natural beauty of the area and decided to conquer the area from the local warlord. The warlord decided to keep quite because he knew the stories about Salehadi Singh's bravery. Somebody wrote a verse in Rajasthani in the memory of Salehadi Singh's victory over the warlord:
Sataraaso Niwasiya, Saavan maas udaar|
Sallye (Salehadi) leenee jakhalan, teejaa ke tyunwaar||
In 1735, Salehadi Singh built a fort (burj) in Jakhal. It is believed that Sikar's king Laxaman Singh destoyed parts of this burj in a cannon attack. The remains of this burj is still there. Salehadi Singh's four sons - Samarth Singh, Sangraam Singh, Sher Singh, and Gulab Singh - decided to stay in Jakhal and their descendants still live in Jakhal.
करणीराम के अनन्य सहयोगी
रामेश्वरसिंह[1] ने लेख किया है.... उस समय उदयपुरवाटी क्षेत्र में श्री करणीराम के नेतृत्व में कर्मठ कार्यकर्ताओं का दल बन गया। कई लोग आगे आये जिनमें लादूराम जाखल, सूरजमल, शंकर छाबसरी, चेतराम भोड़की, चुन्नीलाल, गंगाराम पोसाना, मंगलराम, रघुनाथपुरा, सूरजाराम धमोरा, भोगूराम छापोली, ज्ञानाराम सराय, हुकमाराम हनुमानाराम टीटनवाड़, भागसिंह सोंथली, हनुमानराम गोधूराम चोकड़ी, मुखराम गुढ़ा इनमें प्रमुख हैं।
Hundreds of its residents serve in Indian Army. However, the farming is the main occupation for the most of Jakhal residents. The main crops in the monsoon seasons are Bajari, Moth, and Guar. The main crops in the winter months are Wheat, Barley, Sarson (Mustard oil, Mustard seed), and Channe.
Jakhal is located at 27.51° N 75.15° E. It has an average elevation of 375 metres. Jakhal is loacted in the semi-desert area of the Thar Desert, the surrounding area is predominantly covered with sand dunes.
To the north of Jakhal is Bugala, Ajari, Baragaon, Jhunjhunu. To the east of Jakhal is Sonthali, Titanwar, Gudha Gorji ka. To the south is Bhorki, Inderpura, Udaipur Shekhawati, Dhamora. To the west is Kari, Barwasi, Nawalgarh, Mukundgarh, Sikar.
Major population in the village is of Shekhawat Rajputs about 1000 families followed by Muslims 500 families and Jats 200 families.
Jat Gotras in the village
- Khedar (100) - The biggest gotra of Jats in the village is Khedar with 100 families.
- Garhwal (10)
- Moond (60) - Moonds have migrated from village Piprali in Sikar district to this place. Their primeval deity is Jhujharji at Piprali village, where there is a temple of this deity. All Moonds visit this deity for occasions like marriages, mundan-sanskar etc.
Other castes in the village with number of families are Balai (100), Meena (100), Maniar (100), Brahman (70), Nai (60), Majajan (60), Khati (60), Kumhar (50), Daroga (50), Bhangi (50),
Notable persons
- Shyam Sundar Saunthaliya is industrialist based at Mumbai who has constructed Secondary School, Hospital, Community hall in the village.
- सूबेदार लादूराम जी जाखल -जो करणीराम के घनिष्ठ साथी थे और उदयपुरवाटी के किसानों की तकलीफ के लिए संघर्षशील थे
External link
Jat Gotra Jakhal
Jakhal is also a Jat Gotra found in Rajasthan.
RFN OM PRAKSH JAKHAL - The Rajputhana Rifles, OP RAKSHAK(J&K) MARTYR from Rajasthan is a notable person from this gotra.
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