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Kitawat (कितावत) Kitavat (कितावत) Jats live in Jaipur district in Rajasthan.


Villages after Kita


Kitava (कितव) - A tribe of Mahabharata Brought tributes to Yudhisthira (II.47.10); joined the Kauravas in the war (VI.18.12). Possibly an ancient Makran tribe as the gifts they bore match the products of Makran. Their king Uluka (IX.I.1.25) was the son of Shakuni (VI.68.5).

सहदेवस तु शकुनिम उलूकं च महारदम
पिता पुत्रौ महेष्वासाव अभ्यवर्तत दुर्जयौ (VI.68.5)
ते वैरामाः पारथाश च वङ्गाश च कितवैः सह
विविधं बलिम आथाय रत्नानि विविधानि च (II.47.10)
The Mahabharata Tribe - Kitava (कितव) may be identified with Jat Gotra - Kitawat (कितावत) who live in Jaipur district in Rajasthan.

Distribution in Rajasthan

Villages in Jaipur district

Chauru (2),

Notable persons

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