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Author:Laxman Burdak, IFS (R)

Mauleya (मौलेय) were ancient people mentioned in Mahabharata (II.48.14). They inhabited the banks of Mula River in Balochistan, Pakistan, hence called Mauleya.




Sandhya Jain[1] mentions Mauleya (मौलेय) in the list of Mahabharata Tribes with unclear position in Kurukshetra War (p.128-146), who paid tribute to Yudhisthira (II. 48.14); dwelled on the banks of the Mula River in Baluchistan.

Buddha Prakash[2] mentions ....In the same region (At the confluence of the Chenab and the Indus) were the Ossadioi or Vasatis whose descendants are probably the modern Sobtis. In Indian texts they are coupled with the Mauleyas who were spread upto the confluence of the Sutlej and the Indus and farther into Sind as well.

In Mahabharata

Mauleya (मौलेय) in Mahabharata (II.48.14)

Sabha Parva, Mahabharata/Book II Chapter 48 describes Kings who presented tributes to Yudhishthira. Mauleya (मौलेय) is mentioned in Mahabharata (II.48.14).[3].... the Amvashtas, the Kukuras, the Tarkshyas, the Vastrapas along with the Palhavas, the Vasatayas, the Mauleyas along with the Kshudrakas, and the Malavas, ....

मूला नदी

मूला नदी (AS, p.754): पंजाब की एक नदी जिसके तटवर्ती निवासी मौलेय कहलाते थे. [4]

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  1. Sandhya Jain: Adi Deo Arya Devata - A Panoramic View of Tribal-Hindu Cultural Interface, Rupa & Co, 7/16, Ansari Road Daryaganj, New Delhi, 2004 , p.139, sn. 175.
  2. Buddha Prakash:Evolution of Heroic Tradition in Ancient Panjab, VIII. The Resistance to the Macedonian Invasion, p.76
  3. अम्बष्ठाः कौकुरास तार्क्ष्या वस्त्रपाः पह्लवैः सह, वसातयः समौलेयाः सह क्षुद्रकमालवैः (II.48.14)
  4. Aitihasik Sthanavali by Vijayendra Kumar Mathur, p.754