Sabha Parva, Mahabharata/Book II Chapter 48

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Mahabharata Book II Chapter 48:English

describes Kings who presented tributes to Yudhishthira


Duryodhana said,--'O sinless one, listen to me as I describe that large mass of wealth consisting of various kinds of tribute presented unto Yudhishthira by the kings of the earth. They that dwell by the side of the river Sailoda flowing between the mountains of Meru and Mandara and enjoy the delicious shade of topes of the Kichaka Venu (bamboo) viz., the Khashas, Ekasanas, the Arhas, the Pradaras, the Dirghavenus, the Paradas, the Kulindas, the Tanganas, and the Paratanganas, brought as tribute heaps of gold measured [p. 104]: in dronas (jars) and raised from underneath the earth by ants and therefore called after these creatures. The mountain tribes endued with great strength having brought as tribute numerous Chamaras (long brushes) soft and black and others white as moon-beam and sweet honey extracted from the flowers growing on the Himavat as also from the Mishali champaka and garlands of flowers brought from the region of the Northern Kurus, and diverse kinds of plants from the north even from Kailasa, waited with their heads bent down at the gate of king Yudhishthira, being refused permission to enter. I also beheld there numberless chiefs of the Kiratas armed with cruel weapons and ever engaged in cruel deeds, eating of fruits and roots and attired in skins and living on the northern slopes of the Himavat and on the mountain from behind which the sun rises and in the region of Karusha on the sea-coast and on both sides of the Lohitya mountains. And, O king, having brought with them as tribute loads upon loads of sandal and aloe as also black aloe, and heaps upon heaps of valuable skins and gold and perfumes, and ten thousand serving-girls of their own race, and many beautiful animals and birds of remote countries, and much gold of great splendour procured from mountains, the Kiratas waited at the gate, being refused permission to enter. The Kairatas, the Daradas, the Darvas, the Suras, the Vaiamakas, the Audumvaras, the Durvibhagas, the Kumaras, the Paradas along with the Vahlikas, the Kashmiras, the Porakas, the Hansakayanas, the Sivis, the Trigartas, the Yauddheyas, the ruler of Madras and the Kaikeyas, the Amvashtas, the Kukuras, the Tarkshyas, the Vastrapas along with the Palhavas, the Vasatayas, the Mauleyas along with the Kshudrakas, and the Malavas, the Paundrakas, the Kukkuras, the Sakas, the Angas, the Vangas, the Pundras, the Sanavatyas, and the Gayas--these good and well-born Kshatriyas distributed into regular clans and trained to the use of arms, brought tribute unto king Yudhishthira by hundreds and thousands. And the Vangas, the Kalingas, the Magadhas, the Tamraliptas, the Supundrakas, the Dauvalikas, the Sagarakas, the Patrornas, the Saisavas, and innumerable Karnapravaranas, who presented themselves at the gate, were told by the gate-keepers at the command of the king, that if they could wait and bring good tribute they could obtain admission. Then the kings of those nations each gave a thousand elephants furnished with tusks like unto the shafts of ploughs and decked with girdles made of gold, and covered with fine blankets and therefore, resembling the lotus in hue. And they were all darkish as rocks and always musty, and procured from the sides of the Kamyaka lake, and covered with defensive armour. And they were also exceedingly patient and of the best breed. And having made these presents, those kings were permitted to enter. O king, these and many others, coming from various regions, and numberless other illustrious kings, brought jewels and gems unto this sacrifice.

And Chitraratha, also the king of Gandharvas, the friend of Indra, gave four hundred [p. 105]: horses gifted with the speed of the wind. And the Gandharva Tumvuru gladly gave a hundred horses of the colour of mango leaf and decked in gold. And, O thou of the Kuru race, the celebrated king of the Mlechcha tribe, called the Sukras, gave many hundreds of excellent elephants. And Virata, the king of Matsya, gave as tribute two thousand elephants decked in gold. And king Vasu from the kingdom of Pansu (Panshurashtra) presented unto the son of Pandu six and twenty elephants and two thousand horses. O king, all decked in gold and endued with speed and strength and in full vigour of youth, and diverse other kinds of wealth. And Yajnasena presented unto the sons of Pandu for the sacrifice, fourteen thousand serving-girls and ten thousand serving-men with their wives, many hundreds of excellent elephants, six and twenty cars with elephants yoked unto them, and also his whole kingdom. And Vasudeva of the Vrishni race, in order to enhance the dignity of Arjuna, gave fourteen thousands of excellent elephants. Indeed, Krishna is the soul of Arjuna and Arjuna is the soul of Krishna, and whatever Arjuna may say Krishna is certain to accomplish. And Krishna is capable of abandoning heaven itself for the sake of Arjuna. and Arjuna also is capable of sacrificing his life for the sake of Krishna. And the Kings of Chola and Pandya, though they brought numberless jars of gold filled with fragrant sandal juice from the hills of Malaya, and loads of sandal and aloe wood from the Dardduras hills, and many gems of great brilliancy and fine cloths inlaid with gold, did not obtain permission (to enter). And the king of the Singhalas gave those best of sea-born gems called the lapis lazuli, and heaps of pearls also, and hundreds of coverlets for elephants. And numberless dark-coloured men with the ends of their, eyes red as copper, attired in clothes decked with gems, waited at the gate with those presents.

And numberless Brahmanas and Kshatriyas who had been vanquished, and Vaisyas and serving Sudras, from love of Yudhishthira, brought tribute unto the son of Pandu. And even all the Mlechchas, from love and respect, came unto Yudhishthira. And all orders of men, good, indifferent and low, belonging to numberless races, coming from diverse lands made Yudhishthira's habitation the epitome of the world.

"And beholding the kings of the earth to present unto the foes such excellent and valuable presents, I wished for death out of grief. And O king, I will now tell thee of the servants of the Pandavas, people for whom Yudhishthira supplieth food, both cooked and uncooked. There are a hundred thousand billions of mounted elephants and cavalry and a hundred millions of cars and countless foot soldiers. At one place raw provisions are being measured out; at another they are being cooked; and at another place the foods are being distributed. And the notes of festivity are being heard everywhere. And amongst men of all orders I beheld not a single one in the mansion of Yudhishthira that had not food and drink and ornaments. And eighty-eight thousands of Snataka Brahmanas leading

[p. 106]: domestic lives, all supported by Yudhishthira, with thirty serving-girls given unto each, gratified by the king, always pray with complacent hearts for the destruction of his foes. And ten thousands of other ascetics with vital seed drawn up, daily eat of golden plates in Yudhishthira's palace. And, O king, Yajnaseni, without having eaten herself, daily seeth whether everybody, including even the deformed and the dwarfs, hath eaten or not. And, O Bharata, only two do not pay tribute unto the son of Kunti, viz., the Panchalas in consequence of their relationship by marriage, and the Andhakas and Vrishnis in consequence of their friendship.

Mahabharata Book II Chapter 48:Sanskrit

1  [थ]
     दायं तु तस्मै विविधं शृणु मे गदतॊ ऽनघ
     यज्ञार्दं राजभिर थत्तं महान्तं धनसंचयम
 2 मेरुमन्दरयॊर मध्ये शैलॊदाम अभितॊ नदीम
     ये ते कीचक वेणूनां छायां रम्याम उपासते
 3 खशा एकाशनाज्यॊहाः परदरा दीर्घवेनवः
     पशुपाशकुणिन्दाशतङ्गणाः परतङ्गणाः
 4 ते वै पिपीलिकं नाम वरदत्तं पिपीलिकैः
     जातरूपं दरॊण मेयम अहार्षुः पुञ्जशॊ नृपाः
 5 कृष्णाँल ललामांश चमराञ शुक्लांश चान्याञ शशिप्रभान
     हिमवत्पुष्पजं चैव सवादु कषौथ्रं तदा बहु
 6 उत्तरेभ्यः कुरुभ्यश चाप्य अपॊढं माल्यम अम्बुभिः
     उत्तराद अपि कैलासाथ ओषधीः सुमहाबलाः
 7 पार्वतीया बलिं चान्यम आहृत्य परणताः सदिताः
     अजातशत्रॊर नृपतेर दवारि तिष्ठन्ति वारिताः
 8 ये परार्धे हिमवतः सूर्यॊथयगिरौ नृपाः
     वारि षेण समुद्रान्ते लॊहित्यम अभितश च ये
     फलमूलाशना ये च किराताश चर्म वाससः
 9 चन्दनागुरुकाष्ठानां भारान कालीयकस्य च
     चर्म रत्नसुवर्णानां गन्धानां चैव राशयः
 10 कैरातिकानाम अयुतं दासीनां च विशां पते
    आहृत्य रमणीयार्दान दूरजान मृगपक्षिणः
11 निचितं पर्वतेभ्यश च हिरण्यं भूरि वर्चसम
    बलिं च कृत्स्नम आथाय थवारि तिष्ठन्ति वारिताः
12 कायव्या दरदा दार्वाः शूरा वैयमकास तदा
    औदुम्बरा दुर्विभागाः पारदा बाह्लिकैः सह
13 काश्मीराः कुन्दमानाशपौरका हंसकायनाः
    शिबित्रिगर्तयौधेया राजन्या मद्रकेकयाः 
14 अम्बष्ठाः कौकुरास तार्क्ष्या वस्त्रपाः पह्लवैः सह
    वसातयःमौलेयाः सह क्षुद्रकमालवैः
15 शौण्डिकाः कुक्कुराश चैव शकाश चैव विशां पते
    अङ्गा वङ्गाशपुण्ड्राश च शानवत्या गयास तदा
16 सुजातयः शरेणिमन्तः शरेयांसः शस्त्रपाणयः
    आहार्षुः कषत्रिया वित्तं शतशॊ ऽजातशत्रवे
17 वङ्गाः कलिङ्ग पतयस ताम्रलिप्ताःपुण्ड्रकाः
    दुकूलं कौशिकं चैव पत्रॊर्णं परावरान अपि
18 तत्र समदवारपालैस ते परॊच्यन्ते राजशासनात
    कृतकाराः सुबलयस ततॊ दवारम अवाप्स्यद
19 ईषा दन्तान हेमकक्षान पथ्मवर्णान कुदावृतान
    शैलाभान नित्यमत्तांश च अभितः काम्यकं सरः
20 दत्त्वैकैकॊ दशशतान कुञ्जरान कवचावृतान
    कषमावतः कुलीनांश च दवारेण पराविशंस ततः
21 एते चान्ये च बहवॊ गणा थिग्भ्यः समागताः
    अन्यैश चॊपाहृतान्य अत्र रत्नानीह महात्मभिः
22 राजा चित्ररदॊ नाम गन्धर्वॊ वासवानुगः
    शतानि चत्वार्य अथथथ धयानां वातरंहसाम
23 तुम्बुरुस तु परमुथितॊ गन्धर्वॊ वाजिनां शतम
    आम्रपत्र सवर्णानाम अथथथ धेममालिनाम
24 कृती तु राजा कौरव्य शूक्राणां विशां पते
    अथथथ गजरत्नानां शतानि सुबहून्य अपि
25 विराटेन तु मत्स्येन बल्यर्दं हेममालिनाम
    कुञ्जराणां सहस्रे दवे मत्तानां समुपाहृते
26 पांशुराष्ट्राथ वसु दानॊ राजा षड विंशतिं गजान
    अश्वानां च सहस्रे थवे राजन काञ्चनमालिनाम
27 जवसत्त्वॊपपन्नानां वयःस्दानां नराधिप
    बलिं च कृत्स्नम आथाय पाण्डवेभ्यॊ नयवेथयत
28 यज्ञसेनेन थासीनां सहस्राणि चतुर्थश
    दासानाम अयुतं चैव सदाराणां विशां पते
29 गजयुक्ता महाराज रदाः षड विंशतिस तदा
    राज्यं च कृत्स्नं पार्देभ्यॊ यज्ञार्दं वै निवेथितम
30 समुद्रसारं वैडूर्यं मुक्ताः शङ्खांस तदैव च
    शतशश च कुदांस तत्र सिन्हलाः समुपाहरन
31 संवृता मणिचीरैस तु शयामास ताम्रान्त लॊचनाः
    तान गृहीत्वा नरास तत्र थवारि तिष्ठन्ति वारिताः
32 परीत्यर्दं बराह्मणैश चैव कषत्रियाश च विनिर्जिताः
    उपाजह्रुर विशश चैव शूद्राः शुश्रूषवॊ ऽपि च
    परीत्या च बहुमानाच च अभ्यगच्छन युधिष्ठिरम
33 सर्वे मलेच्छाः सर्ववर्णा आथिमध्यान्तजास तदा
    नानादेशसमुत्दैश च नाना जातिभिर आगतैः
    पर्यस्त इव लॊकॊ ऽयं युधिष्ठिर निवेशने
34 उच्चावचान उपग्राहान राजभिः परहितान बहून
    शत्रूणां पश्यतॊ दुःखान मुमूर्षा मे ऽथय जायते
35 भृत्यास तु ये पाण्डवानां तांस ते वक्ष्यामि भारत
    येषाम आमं च पक्वं च संविधत्ते युधिष्ठिरः
36 अयुतं तरीणि पथ्मानि गजारॊहाः ससाथिनः
    रदानाम अर्बुथं चापि पाथाता बहवस तदा
37 परमीयमानम आरब्धं पच्यमानं तदैव च
    विसृज्यमानं चान्यत्र पुण्याहस्वन एव च
38 नाभुक्तवन्तं नाहृष्टं नासुभिक्षं कदं चन
    अपश्यं सर्ववर्णानां युधिष्ठिर निवेशने
39 अष्टाशीति सहस्राणि सनातका गृहमेधिनः
    तरिंशथ दासीक एकैकॊ यान बिभर्ति युधिष्ठिरः
    सुप्रीताः परितुष्टाश च ते ऽपय आशंसन्त्य अरिक्षयम
40 दशान्यानि सहस्राणि यतीनाम ऊर्ध्वरेतसाम
    भुञ्जते रुक्मपात्रीषु युधिष्ठिर निवेशने
41 भुक्ताभुक्तं कृताकृतं सर्वम आ कुब्ज वामनम
    अभुञ्जाना याज्ञसेनी परत्यवैक्षथ विशां पते
42 दवौ करं न परयच्छेतां कुन्तीपुत्राय भारत
    वैवाहिकेन पाञ्चालाः सख्येनान्धकवृष्णयः(Andhaka+Vrishni)

Mahabharata Book II Chapter 48:Transliteration

 1 [d]
     dāyaṃ tu tasmai vividhaṃ śṛṇu me gadato 'nagha
     yajñārthaṃ rājabhir dattaṃ mahāntaṃ dhanasaṃcayam
 2 merumandarayor madhye śailodām abhito nadīm
     ye te kīcaka veṇūnāṃ chāyāṃ ramyām upāsate
 3 khaśā ekāśanājyohāḥ pradarā dīrghavenavaḥ
     paśupāś ca kuṇindāś ca taṅgaṇāḥ parataṅgaṇāḥ
 4 te vai pipīlikaṃ nāma varadattaṃ pipīlikaiḥ
     jātarūpaṃ droṇa meyam ahārṣuḥ puñjaśo nṛpāḥ
 5 kṛṣṇāṁl lalāmāṃś camarāñ śuklāṃś cānyāñ śaśiprabhān
     himavatpuṣpajaṃ caiva svādu kṣaudraṃ tathā bahu
 6 uttarebhyaḥ kurubhyaś cāpy apoḍhaṃ mālyam ambubhiḥ
     uttarād api kailāsād oṣadhīḥ sumahābalāḥ
 7 pārvatīyā baliṃ cānyam āhṛtya praṇatāḥ sthitāḥ
     ajātaśatror nṛpater dvāri tiṣṭhanti vāritāḥ
 8 ye parārdhe himavataḥ sūryodayagirau nṛpāḥ
     vāri ṣeṇa samudrānte lohityam abhitaś ca ye
     phalamūlāśanā ye ca kirātāś carma vāsasaḥ
 9 candanāgurukāṣṭhānāṃ bhārān kālīyakasya ca
     carma ratnasuvarṇānāṃ gandhānāṃ caiva rāśayaḥ
 10 kairātikānām ayutaṃ dāsīnāṃ ca viśāṃ pate
    āhṛtya ramaṇīyārthān dūrajān mṛgapakṣiṇaḥ
11 nicitaṃ parvatebhyaś ca hiraṇyaṃ bhūri varcasam
    baliṃ ca kṛtsnam ādāya dvāri tiṣṭhanti vāritāḥ
12 kāyavyā daradā dārvāḥ śūrā vaiyamakās tathā
    audumbarā durvibhāgāḥ pāradā bāhlikaiḥ saha
13 kāśmīrāḥ kundamānāś ca paurakā haṃsakāyanāḥ
    śibitrigartayaudheyā rājanyā madrakekayāḥ
14 ambaṣṭhāḥ kaukurās tārkṣyā vastrapāḥ pahlavaiḥ saha
    vasātayaḥ samauleyāḥ saha kṣudrakamālavaiḥ
15 śauṇḍikāḥ kukkurāś caiva śakāś caiva viśāṃ pate
    aṅgā vaṅgāś ca puṇḍrāś ca śānavatyā gayās tathā
16 sujātayaḥ śreṇimantaḥ śreyāṃsaḥ śastrapāṇayaḥ
    āhārṣuḥ kṣatriyā vittaṃ śataśo 'jātaśatrave
17 vaṅgāḥ kaliṅga patayas tāmraliptāḥ sapuṇḍrakāḥ
    dukūlaṃ kauśikaṃ caiva patrorṇaṃ prāvarān api
18 tatra sma dvārapālais te procyante rājaśāsanāt
    kṛtakārāḥ subalayas tato dvāram avāpsyatha
19 īṣā dantān hemakakṣān padmavarṇān kuthāvṛtān
    śailābhān nityamattāṃś ca abhitaḥ kāmyakaṃ saraḥ
20 dattvaikaiko daśaśatān kuñjarān kavacāvṛtān
    kṣamāvataḥ kulīnāṃś ca dvāreṇa prāviśaṃs tataḥ
21 ete cānye ca bahavo gaṇā digbhyaḥ samāgatāḥ
    anyaiś copāhṛtāny atra ratnānīha mahātmabhiḥ
22 rājā citraratho nāma gandharvo vāsavānugaḥ
    śatāni catvāry adadad dhayānāṃ vātaraṃhasām
23 tumburus tu pramudito gandharvo vājināṃ śatam
    āmrapatra savarṇānām adadad dhemamālinām
24 kṛtī tu rājā kauravya śūkarāṇāṃ viśāṃ pate
    adadad gajaratnānāṃ śatāni subahūny api
25 virāṭena tu matsyena balyarthaṃ hemamālinām
    kuñjarāṇāṃ sahasre dve mattānāṃ samupāhṛte
26 pāṃśurāṣṭrād vasu dāno rājā ṣaḍ viṃśatiṃ gajān
    aśvānāṃ ca sahasre dve rājan kāñcanamālinām
27 javasattvopapannānāṃ vayaḥsthānāṃ narādhipa
    baliṃ ca kṛtsnam ādāya pāṇḍavebhyo nyavedayat
28 yajñasenena dāsīnāṃ sahasrāṇi caturdaśa
    dāsānām ayutaṃ caiva sadārāṇāṃ viśāṃ pate
29 gajayuktā mahārāja rathāḥ ṣaḍ viṃśatis tathā
    rājyaṃ ca kṛtsnaṃ pārthebhyo yajñārthaṃ vai niveditam
30 samudrasāraṃ vaiḍūryaṃ muktāḥ śaṅkhāṃs tathaiva ca
    śataśaś ca kuthāṃs tatra sinhalāḥ samupāharan
31 saṃvṛtā maṇicīrais tu śyāmās tāmrānta locanāḥ
    tān gṛhītvā narās tatra dvāri tiṣṭhanti vāritāḥ
32 prītyarthaṃ brāhmaṇaiś caiva kṣatriyāś ca vinirjitāḥ
    upājahrur viśaś caiva śūdrāḥ śuśrūṣavo 'pi ca
    prītyā ca bahumānāc ca abhyagacchan yudhiṣṭhiram
33 sarve mlecchāḥ sarvavarṇā ādimadhyāntajās tathā
    nānādeśasamutthaiś ca nānā jātibhir āgataiḥ
    paryasta iva loko 'yaṃ yudhiṣṭhira niveśane
34 uccāvacān upagrāhān rājabhiḥ prahitān bahūn
    śatrūṇāṃ paśyato duḥkhān mumūrṣā me 'dya jāyate
35 bhṛtyās tu ye pāṇḍavānāṃ tāṃs te vakṣyāmi bhārata
    yeṣām āmaṃ ca pakvaṃ ca saṃvidhatte yudhiṣṭhiraḥ
36 ayutaṃ trīṇi padmāni gajārohāḥ sasādinaḥ
    rathānām arbudaṃ cāpi pādātā bahavas tathā
37 pramīyamānam ārabdhaṃ pacyamānaṃ tathaiva ca
    visṛjyamānaṃ cānyatra puṇyāhasvana eva ca
38 nābhuktavantaṃ nāhṛṣṭaṃ nāsubhikṣaṃ kathaṃ cana
    apaśyaṃ sarvavarṇānāṃ yudhiṣṭhira niveśane
39 aṣṭāśīti sahasrāṇi snātakā gṛhamedhinaḥ
    triṃśad dāsīka ekaiko yān bibharti yudhiṣṭhiraḥ
    suprītāḥ parituṣṭāś ca te 'py āśaṃsanty arikṣayam
40 daśānyāni sahasrāṇi yatīnām ūrdhvaretasām
    bhuñjate rukmapātrīṣu yudhiṣṭhira niveśane
41 bhuktābhuktaṃ kṛtākṛtaṃ sarvam ā kubja vāmanam
    abhuñjānā yājñasenī pratyavaikṣad viśāṃ pate
42 dvau karaṃ na prayacchetāṃ kuntīputrāya bhārata
    vaivāhikena pāñcālāḥ sakhyenāndhakavṛṣṇayaḥ


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