
From Jatland Wiki
Palwal District

Mitraul (मित्रोल, मित्रोळ) or Mitraul (मितरौल) or Mitnol village falls in Hodal district of Palwal district in Haryana.


Note - This village is near Palwal town. Recently, Haryana Govt. has declared Palwal as a separate district.

Village - Mitrol (Mitnol) मीतरोल, Tehsil - Hodal , District - Palwal , Haryana . Pincode - 121105, Post Office Aurangabad. आसपास के गांव - औरंगाबाद , तुमसर, दीघोट, बामनी खेड़ा, गोपालगढ़, फुलवारी, गहलब, पिंगोरे, कलसरा, सिहा, खटेला सराय, रुंधी । गांव मीतरोल, होडल से 17 किमी तथा पलवल से 15 किमी की दूरी पर स्थित है।

Jat Gotras



G.C. Dwivedi[1] writes....Getting the news of the death of Balram, Suraj Mal sent a message to Jawahar Singh, then at Deeg, to call up troops and proceed towards Barsana apparently to watch the enemy movements.[2] Meanwhile, heartened by his success, Aqibat stiffened his offensive. Early in December, he plundered the villages of Mitraul and Hathin (12 miles south west of Palwal). The villagers stoutly resisted him all day long but evacuated their places in the night. Then he raided other villages around Palwal. On 20th December 1753, he went to Delhi at Imad's call. On 27th December (1st Rabi I) he despatched Gangadhar and Sukh Ram towards Faridabad and he himself followed the same day, taking Khandoji with all his troops, to resume operation against the Jats.

Notable persons

  • Badan Singh Lakda (06.05.1980 - 27.09.2001) became martyr on 27.09.2001 during Operation Rakshak in Punchh sector of Jammu and Kashmir. He was from Mitrol village in Hodal tahsil of Palwal district in Haryana. Unit: 7 Jat Regiment.
  • इंजी. मोती सिंह पुत्र बुद्धि सिंह चौहान
  • Harender Chauhan S% Prahlad Chauhan - Manager Biomedical engineering


जनसंख्या - जनगणना 2011 के अनुसार गांव मीतरोल की जनसंख्या 4668 है जिसमें 2502 पुरुष व 2166 महिला तथा 797 रिहायशी मकान हैं ।


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