Author:Laxman Burdak, IFS (R) |

Mohgaon (मोहगाँव) is a village in Sausar tahsil in Chhindwara district of Madhya Pradesh. After bifurcation Mohgaon is in Pandhurna District.
- Mohagrama (मोहग्राम)
Mohgaon village is located in Pandhurna tehsil of Chhindwara district in Madhya Pradesh, India. It is situated 7km away from Pandhurna. Mohgaon is located at 21.65°N 78.72°E. It has an average elevation of 366 metres (1,200 feet).
Mohgaon is a small Village/hamlet in Pandhurna Tehsil in Chhindwara District of Madhya Pradesh State, India. It comes under Mohgaon Panchayath. It is located 75 KM towards South from District head quarters Chhindwara, 251 KM from State capital Bhopal. Mohgaon Pin code is 480105 and postal head office is Mohgaon Haveli. Mohgaon is surrounded by Narkhed Tehsil towards South , Sausar Tehsil towards East , Warud Tehsil towards west , Multai Tehsil towards west. This Place is in the border of the Chhindwara District and Nagpur District. Nagpur District Narkhed is South towards this place . It is near to the Maharashtra State Border.[1]
Jat Gotras Namesake
- Moh (मोह) (Jat clan) → Mohgaon (मोहगाँव) is a village in Sausar tahsil in Chhindwara district of Madhya Pradesh.
A copper plate inscription from the 9th century CE gives a village named Mohagrama to a Kannada Brahmin, which some scholars have identified as Mohgaon in southern Chhindwara.[2]