Mundiyar (मुन्दियाड़) or Mundiyad (मुन्दियाड) is a Jat village of Jajra gotra in tehsil Nagaur of Nagaur district in Rajasthan. This village is also known as Ganesh Nagari.
It is situated at a distance of 30 km from Nagaur in the southwest direction. This is connected by road through private buses with villages Kuchera and Gotan.
The village was founded by Mundra people about 1200 years back. They left this village and it was occupied by Jats and other castes.
Jat Gotras
As of 2001 census the population of the village is 2978 out of them 716 are SC people. The population of the the village Mundiyar is about 500 families. There are more than 125 families of Jats residing in the village out of them major families are of Jajra Jats.
Religious shrines
There is a Ganesha temple in the village, where a grand fair is organized every year on bhadwa badi navami.
- Jat Samaj, Agra, April 2005, p. 9
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