Nirpura (निरपुड़ा), is a large village in Baraut tehsil of Bagpat district in Uttar Pradesh.
Pincode of the village is 250611. It is situated 15km away from Baraut town and 30km away from Baghpat city. Nirpura village has got its own gram panchayat. Dhanaura Tikri Gangnauli and Tabela Garhi are some of the nearby villages.
Haryana Sarv Khap Panchayat and Timur
In 1398 AD Timur made a ferocious attack on India with 92,000 horsemen. On receiving the news of Timur's total and open looting and destruction, in Vikram Samvat 1455 (1398 AD), kartick badi 5, Raja Devpala (who was born in the village of Nirpura, District Meerut in a Jat family), who was in charge of the of the Haryana Sarv Khap Panchayat, called a Mahapanchayat in the jungles in the middle of the villages of Tikri, Doghat, and Daha. (See more at - Timur)
Jat Gotras
Population of Nirpura according to Census 2011, stood at 11,114 (Males: 5997, Females: 5117).[1]
Notable Persons
- Dev Pal Rana (देवपाल राणा) was the commander of the army formed by the Sarvakhap Panchayat of Chaugama in Bagpat district in VS 1455 (=1398 AD) to fight against Timur. [2] He was born in a Jat family of Nirpura village in Baraut tehsil of Bagpat district in Uttar Pradesh.[3]
- Ved Pal Rana (Section Officer in Central Govt.) Mob: 9015585931.
External Links
- ↑ Web-page of Nirpura village at Census-2011 website
- ↑ Dr Ompal Singh Tugania, Jat Samuday ke Pramukh Adhar Bindu, Agra, 2004, p. 15-16
- ↑ Jat History Dalip Singh Ahlawat/Chapter IV (Page 379)
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