Author:Laxman Burdak, IFS (R) |
Oratae were ancient race mentioned by Pliny and Megasthenes.
Jat Gotras Namesake
- Aratta = Oratae (Pliny.vi.23)
- Ora = Oratae (Pliny.vi.23)
- Rathor = Oraturae = Oratae (Pliny.vi.23)[1]
Alexander Cunningham[2] writes ....In Pliny's account of the different nations to the eastward of the Lower Indus I find the following passage, which would seem to apply to Eder and the surrounding districts.[3] "Next the Nareae, who are bounded [p.496]: by Capitalia, the loftiest mountain of India, on the other side of which the people dig up much gold and silver.
Beyond them are the Oraturae (or Oratae), whose king has only ten elephants, but a large force of infantry, (and) the Varetatae (or Suaratatatae), whose king has no elephants, but a strong force of horse and foot. (Then) the Odombaerae etc. The last nation has already been identified with the people of Kachh, and the high mountain of Capitalia can only be the holy Arbuda, or Mount Abu, which rises to more than 5000 feet above the sea. The Nareae must therefore , be the people of Sarui, or the " country of reeds," as I nar and sar are synonymous terms for a " reed." The country of Sarui is still famous for its reed arrows.
Mention by Pliny
Pliny[4] mentions 'The Indus.'.... After these (Nareæ) again are the Oratæ, whose king possesses only ten elephants, but a large army of foot;
Jat clans mentioned by Megasthenes
Megasthenes also described India's caste system and a number of clans out of these some have been identified with Jat clans by the Jat historians. Megasthenes has mentioned a large number of Jat clans. It seems that the Greeks added 'i' to names which had an 'i' ending. Identified probable Jat clans have been provided with active link within brackets. (See Jat clans mentioned by Megasthenes)
Jat clans as described by Megasthenes | ||||||||||||
Location | Jat clans | Information | ||||||||||
12. The inhabitants on the other side of this mountain | The Oraturae (Aratta, Ora, Rathor) | Whose king has only ten elephants, though he has a very strong force of infantry |
जाट इतिहास
ठाकुर देशराज[5] ने लिखा है.... राठोर : जाटों में राठोरों का भी एक समूह है किन्तु यह राठोर वे हैं जिन्हें प्लिनी के इतिहास में ओरेटुरी कहा गया है। यह पंजाब में आबाद थे। मि० क्रुक साहब ने “ट्राइब्स एन्ड कास्ट्स आफ दी नार्थ वैस्टर्न प्रविंशेज एण्ड अवध” में जाटों के सम्बन्ध में लिखा भी है -
- They were in the time of Justin known as Aratta, i.e., Arashtra or “people without a king,” and are represented by the Adraistae of Arrian, who places them on the banks of the river Ravi.
- अर्थात् - “जस्टीन के समय में वे अरट्टा अर्थात् अराष्ट्र या राजा की प्रजा कहलाते थे। ‘अर्रियान’ ला एड्रास्टाई उनको रावी नदी के किनारों पर बसा हुआ बताता है”
- किसी समय इस प्रजातंत्री समुदाय के पास 10 हाथी और हजारों पदाति सैनिक थे।1 राजपूतों में जो राठोर हैं अपनी उत्पत्ति दूसरे ही भिन्न-भिन्न ढंगों से मानते हैं। उनका अभी यही प्रश्न हल नहीं हुआ कि वे चन्द्रवंशी हैं अथवा सूर्यवंशी। राजपूत राठोरों के सम्बन्ध में डॉक्टर वर्नल की राय है कि राठोर जो कि संस्कृत के रट्ट से बना है तेलमू रेड्डी का रूपान्तर है जो तैलंगाने के आदिम किसान हैं2। यह भी असंभव नहीं कि “अरट्ट” (जाट-राठोर) का एक बड़ा समूह बौद्ध-काल के पश्चात् राजपूत समुदाय से चला गया हो। राजपूताना के जाटों में गाहडवाल गोत्र के जाट भी आबाद हैं। किन्तु यह नहीं कह सकते कि रावी नदी के ‘अरट्टों’ का गाहडवालों से कोई सम्बन्ध है या नहीं।
- 1. मेगस्थनीज का भारत विवरण आरा नागरी प्रचारिणी सभा द्वारा प्रकाशित देखो।
- 2. भारत के प्राचीन राजवंश (राष्ट्रकूट) पे० 3 जा० ई 19
जाट इतिहास:ठाकुर देशराज,पृष्ठान्त-148
- ↑ Jat History Thakur Deshraj/Chapter V, p.148
- ↑ The Ancient Geography of India, p.495-496
- ↑ Nat. Hist., vi. c. 23.
- ↑ Natural History by Pliny Book VI/Chapter 23
- ↑ Jat History Thakur Deshraj/Chapter V, p.148