Roopathal (रूपाथल) is a village in tehsil Jayal of Nagaur district in Rajasthan , India.
Jat gotras
- Population of Roopathal according to Census 2001 was 1898, where male population stood 979, and female population, 919.
- According to Census-2011 information:
- With total 395 families residing, Roopathal village has the population of 2108 (of which 1111 are males while 997 are females).[1]
Notable persons

- Sita Ram Sinwar (Sepoy) (17.12.1968 - 28.03.1989) became martyr of militancy on 28.03.1989 in Jammu and Kashmir. He was from Roopathal village in tehsil Jayal of Nagaur district in Rajasthan.
- Unit - 2 Jat Regiment
External Links
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