Shashi Kumar Rathi

Dr. Shashi Kumar (Rathi) is a retired Indian Forest Service (1980) from AGMUT Cadre. He is Presently settled at Dehradun after retirement on 30 April 2018. He was born on 04/04/1958 in village Barkali in Meerut district of Uttar Pradesh.
Contact details
- E- Mail ID:
- Present Address: ‘KASPAR’S NEST’ 228- Engineers’ Enclave,Phase-I, GMS Road, Dehradun-248001, India
- Contact Number: Mobile:09410902625
His family
Grand father: Late Ch. Anoop Singh (Rathi)
Father: Late sh. KPS Rathi, village Barkali, Meerut
Mother: Smt. Chandra Kiran (Gotra:Khatri, From:Bhaisa, Meerut)
Brother: Dinesh Rathi
Wife: Smt. Rashmi Kumar (Gotra: Tomar, From:Kandera, Bagpat)
Daughters: 1. Mrs. Priyanka (married to....), 2. Mrs. Apeksha (married to....), 3. Miss Kritika
Educational Qualifications
1. M.Sc. Botany
2. AIFC Diploma (2nd position in 1980-1982 batch of I.F.S. Probationers), Indian Forest College (IFC, Dehra Dun)
3. P.G.Diploma in Forest Survey (ITC, The Netherlands)
4. Ph.D. Forestry (Biomass and Nutrient Dynamics in a restored mine ecosystem of Doon Valley)
1. Remote Sensing, ITC The Netherlands
2. Wildlife Management, WII Dehradun
3. Forestry, Gender and Development (Wolverhampton University, UK)
4. Planning and Management (Oxford University, UK)
5. Planting stock improvement (University of Minnesota, USA)
6. Mid Career Training (UBC, Vancouver, Canada)
Visits and conferences
Traveled extensively in country and abroad for attending the national and international conferences workshops and seminars on forestry and related subjects, delivered keynote address and chaired some of the technical sessions. Some of the important conferences are:
1. “Wise management of Tropical forests”at OFI, University of Oxford, UK, 1992
2. “Tropical Trees: The potential for domestication; rebuilding forest resources” atHerriot Watt University of Edinburgh, UK, 1992
3. “17th Commonwealth forestry conference”at Colombo, Srilanka, 2005
4. “Options for including LULUCF Activities in a post-2012 International climate Agreement” at Graz, Austria, 2005.
5. “Beyond Kyoto: EU-India CDM partnership: Facilitating forestry mitigation projects in India: Promoting stakeholders dialogue and capacity building” atICFRE, Dehradun, 2005.
6. 21st Session of “Asia Pacific Forestry Commission Meeting” at Dehradun in April 2006 as a member of Government of India Delegation. Also worked as an Organizing Chairman for the meeting.
7. “United Nations Conference on Climate Change” (UNFCCC) at Nairobi, Kenya in Nov’2006 as a member of Indian Delegation for COP 12 / MOP 2.
8. “First Indian Forest Congress”(IFC-2011) at New Delhi Nov. 2011 on the theme ‘Forests in a changing world’.
9. MCT at University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada Sep.2013.
10. “United Nations Conference on Climate Change” (UNFCCC) at Marrakech, Morocco in Nov’2016 for COP22.
Foreign travels
Traveled to Netherlands, Germany, Austria, France, Luxembourg, Belgium, UK, Portugal, Spain, Finland, Norway, USA, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Canada, Morocco and Russia. Some of these countries have been visited twice for attending workshops, trainings and for the purpose of studies concerning forests and their workings in those countries.
1. Life and founder member of ‘Academy of Forests and Environmental Sciences’ Dehradun. Also worked as Honorary Vice president of the Academy for the year 2006-07.
2. Member of Indo-German Cultural Society, Dehradun.
3. Deserving Students Support Society, Dehradun.
1. Worked as Lecturer in J.N.Degree College, Lucknow.
2. Research experience: In addition to Ph.D., worked as Assistant Director General in Directorate of Research and thereafter as Director (Research), Director (FRI) and Dy. Director General (Research), Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education (ICFRE), Dehradun. Attended Research Grant Board and Research Advisory Group(RAG) meetings. In addition to the eight papers presented in various workshops, symposia and seven popular articles; twenty three research papers on various aspects of Forestry have been published in leading Forestry Journals, one of these has been awarded “The S.K. Seth Memorial Prize” for the year 1997 as the most outstanding paper on the subject of environment.
3. Thirty eight years experience in Forest Service working in different fields such as:
- i) After two years of successful training from 1980 to 82 at Indian Forest College (IFC, Dehradun''') worked as Assistant Conservator of Forests and Dy. Conservator of Forests in Government of Goa from 1982 to 1990 looking after protection, management and development in approx. 650 sq. km of forest area of North Goa, Daman and Diu. Raised plantations, reclaimed difficult sites e.g. mine reject dumps and sheet rocks. Cases were also processed under Indian Forest Act, Forest Conservation Act, Wildlife Protection Act & Preservation of Trees Act. Arranged harvesting and marketing of forest produce.
- ii) Dy. Director, Forest Survey of India, Dehradun from 1990 to 1991 looking after vegetation mapping, thematic mapping, inventory works for country’s forests and preparation of India status of forest report(ISFR). Imparted training on use of remote sensing techniques and vegetation mapping in forestry.
- iii) Associate Professor, Indira Gandhi National Forest Academy, Dehradun from 1991 to 1994, imparted forestry training to IFS Probationers and Foreign Trainees, conducted field visits, symposia and special studies like joint forest management, integrated watershed management and participatory rural appraisal. Also worked as Course Director (1991-93 course of IFS Probationers and Foreign Trainees) for co-ordination and planning of the course.
- iv) Conservator of Forests, Assistant Director General (Statistics) and ADG (Planning) from 1994 to 1997 in Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education (ICFRE), Dehradun looking after market studies and compilation of countrywide statistical data. Prepared price bulletins & Forest Statistics – India 1995. Also looked after development of research priority setting methodology and preparation of National Forestry Research Plan and annual research plans of the research institutes as a part of World Bank funded Forestry Research, Education and Extension (FREE)Project.
- v) Conservator of Forests (Head of the Department), Chief Wildlife Warden, Goa and Ex-officio Additional Secretary to Govt. of Goa from 1997 to 1998 looking after the planning, management, protection, development and conservation of forests and wildlife in Goa as head of the department. The state had 1252 of forest (34% of the geographical area) with one National Park and 4 Wildlife Sanctuaries. Various acts pertaining to Forests and Wild life were appropriately implemented, files were processed as Additional Secretary, proposals were sent to govt. and orders/notifications were issued accordingly.
- Vi) Worked as first Managing Director, Goa Forest Development Corporation Ltd. Goa from 1998 to 2000 with the basic mandate of management of about 9000 ha. of cashew and 365 ha. of rubber plantations. Corporation was brought on sound footing without any financial support from any Banking Institution and turned out to be a profitable venture. Value of Cashew plantation’s auction went up by almost 40% in two years time period. Works involved raising of nurseries of high yielding planting material, enriching and maintenance of existing plantations, auction of cashew plantations for collection of nuts and fruits, and tapping of rubber trees for latex which is converted into smoked sheets and auctioned in open market.
- Vii) Worked as Head of Forest Department,Govt. of Goa as Conservator of forests, Chief Wildlife Warden, Goa and ex-officio Addl. Secretary to Govt. of Goa from 2000 to 2001 with the works and duties as mentioned at (v) above.
- Viii) Worked as General Manager, Andaman & Nicobar Islands Forest & Plantation Development Corporation Ltd., Port Blair (ANIFPDC, A Govt. of India Undertaking) from 2001 to 2004. Main activities of the Corporation were scientific harvesting of forests on sustainable basis with least disturbance to local eco-system, regeneration of forests areas with local species and time tested silvicultural systems, commercial management of Red Oil Palm plantations along with the mill for production of crude palm oil and management of Rubber plantations along with tapping of trees for latex collection. Marketing of timber, palm oil and rubber sheet, and construction of roads, buildings and others infrastructures etc. were also done by the Corporation. Corporation also ventured in:
- a. Cultivation and management of spices
- b. Medicinal/aromatic plants
- c. Eco-tourism
- d. Procurement of rice from the farmers at MSP
- e. MIS for procurement and disposal of Areca nut, and
- f. Civil works for other departments.
- IX) Worked as Director (Research), Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education, Dehradun from Feb’2004 to July’2008, looking after research funding including Project Formulation. Looked after the work of Biodiversity and climate change till March 2007 and implemented an European Union funded project “Beyond Kyoto: EU-India CDM partnership: Promoting stakeholders dialogue and analysis of barriers to forestry mitigation projects”. The work has been recognized in the form of an “ICFRE Award for Excellence” for the year 2005-2006. Many projects have been taken up by the directorate with substantial funding from National donor organizations e.g. DBT, DST, NMPB, NABARD, NOVOD Board and International donor organizations e.g. World bank, European Union, GEF, ADB, FAO, ITTO, JBIC, JICA, Win rock International, Ford Foundation, USDA, German Technical Cooperation (GTZ), Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and Swedish International Development Co-operation Agency (SIDA) etc. Directorate has prepared and worked as a nodal agency for Samudai Adharit Samanvit Pravardhan Evam Sanrakshan Yojana of Bihar State which has been funded by Planning Commission. The project led in to introduction of Poplar in Bihar and has resulted into well being in that region. Forest History of India after independence has also been compiled and edited by this directorate.
Also worked as:
- Visiting faculty and examiner to Indira Gandhi National Forest Academy and State Forest Service College, Dehra dun.
- Member of Research Policy Committee, ICFRE.
- Chairman, Research Advisory Committee on Ecology and related subjects for FRI University.
- Member of Academic Council of CSK University of Agriculture, Palampur, HP.
- Held additional charge of Dy. Director General (Extension) from Aug’2005 to Jan’2007 conceived the idea of Van Vigyan Kendras and started implementing it with looking after Media & Publication including preparation and printing of newsletters and Annual report, Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) and Forestry Statistics of the country. During this period projects funded by National Medicinal Plants Board and schemes of National Afforestation and Eco-development Board were monitored and evaluated. EIA of bauxite mine area at Arku Valley, Hyderabad for APMDC, rapid EIA of Chandigarh Industrial Area Phase III, preparation of management plan for Kotlibel Hydro Electric Project for NHPC, Evaluation of Command Area Treatment plan of Tehri Dam and Socio-economic Survey of NTPC project at Tapovan Vishnugarh Hydro-electric power Project was done.
- Held the charge of Dy. Director General (Research) ICFRE from Feb’2004 to Aug’2005 looking after Research Priorities, Research Advisory Group (RAG) and Research Policy Committee (RPC) meetings, Policy Research, Planning &Programme and Monitoring & Evaluation of all research projects being run by institutes of ICFRE with coordination and placement of JRFs, SRFs and RAs from HQ.
- Held the charge of Director, Forest Research Institute, Dehradun, prime and the oldest forestry research Institute in the country, from May’04 till Nov’04. The period when important dignitaries like HE the President of India, Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, the Vice President of India, Union Minister of Environment and Forests and MOS for Environment and forests visited the institute and the visits were successfully conducted. Platinum Jubilee of the FRI main building was also celebrated. FRI has a territorial jurisdiction to take care of forestry related problems and research mainly pertaining to U.P., Uttaranchal, Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh and Delhi. FRI is also a deemed university running M.Sc. courses and research programmes leading to Ph.D. degrees.
- X) Worked as Chief Conservator of Forests and Chief Wild Life Warden (Head of Department), Government of Goa from August’08 to Dec.’09 looking after the planning, management, protection, development and conservation of forests and wildlife in Goa. The state has 1252 of Government forest (34% of the geographical area) and 200 Sq. km. of Private forests. As per State of Forest Report 2005, Goa is having 65.69% of the geographical area under forest and tree cover. State of Goa is also having one National Park and 6 Wildlife Sanctuaries having 755 sq. km. (20% of the geographical area and 60% of the Government forest area) under Protected area network. Goa received Indira Priyadarsini Vriksha Mitra Award for 2008 in small states category for outstanding work in increasing forest and tree cover.
- XI) Worked as Addl. Principal Chief Conservator of Forests and Chief Wild Life Warden (Head of Department) Government of Goa from Dec.’09 to April’12 looking after the planning, management, protection, development and conservation of forests and wildlife in Goa. Matters pertaining the Forest conservation Act, wild Life Protection Act were dealt including the court cases. Cadre restructuring of the Goa unit of AGMUT was given a shape. Two new Wildlife sanctuaries namely Madai and Netravali were given independent identity for the purpose of management by creating separate ranges and other management units under full-fledged separate Wildlife Divisions. Also worked as member of state Pollution control Board and Coastal zone management Authority and one of the directors of the board of Goa Forest Development Corporation Limited.
- XII) Worked as Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (WL), Chief Wild Life warden & Principal Secretary (Science&Technology), Andaman& Nicobar Administration, Port Blair from April’12 to Dec’12. Also worked as Chairman Pollution Control Committee for the Islands. This group of Islands is having 552 islands with a total coast line of 1962 Km. Total geographic area of islands is 8249 Sq. Km.with6724 Sq. Km. of forest cover (ISFR-2011) which is 82% of the geographical area. Only 39 of these islands are inhabited (26 in Andaman and 13 in Nicobar group). There are 96 Wildlife Sanctuaries, 9 National Parks and one Biosphere reserve having an area of 2506 Sq. Km in protected area network, 538 Sq. Km. of this is in territorial waters.Practically this constitutes 24% of the geographical area and 29% of the forest cover.A number of species found here are endemic and have been given special status for protection and conservation.
- XIII) Worked as Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (ANI). Head of Forest Department and Principal Secretary (Forests), Andaman Nicobar Administration, Port Blair from Jan.’13 to Dec.’14, with charge of Chairman, ANIFPDC Ltd. (A Govt. of India Undertaking). Also worked as Principal Secretary (Science, Technology& Environment), as well as of Chairman Pollution Control Committee for the Islands and of MD, ANIFPDC Ltd. Department and Corporation are managing and protecting the forests and Wildlife in almost 90% of the geographical area of the A&N Islands including the works of exercising the control of coastal zone regulations and sand extraction works. Restructuring and revival of ANIFPDC is also being done along with managing Red Oil Palm plantations, Rubber plantations, Palm Oil Mill, Smoke houses and disposal of Crude Palm Oil and Smoked Rubber sheets with extraction of timber from the forests for Forest Department of Islands.
- XIV) Worked as Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (Head of Forest Force) & Principal Secretary (Environment & Forests) Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh from Dec.’14 to April’16. Arunachal is the largest amongst the 8 sisters of North East India having a geographical area of 83743 Sq. Kms. with 67945 Sq. Kms. (more than 81%) as forest area next only to MP in India. Its 19% of forest area is under protected area network having 10 WLSs, 1 orchid sanctuary, 2 national parks, 2 Tiger reserves, 2 elephant reserves and one biosphere reserve. In addition to working for protection, conservation and development of forest and wildlife areas also worked as Chairman of Arunachal Pradesh State Pollution Control Board, Chairman of Arunachal Pradesh Forest Development Corporation as well as vice chairman State medicinal plants board.
- XV) Worked as Director, Indira Gandhi National Forest Academy(IGNFA), Dehradun from May’ 16 till superannuation i.e. 30th April 2018 with a mandate of training Indian Forest Service (IFS) Probationers and foreign trainees in forestry and allied subjects to understand the recent trends and to meet the emerging challenges in this field. IGNFA is also working as a staff college for training the inducted officers from State Forest service to IFS through professional skill up gradation course (PSUC)and also for in service Mid Carrier Trainings (MCTs) for IFS officers at different levels.
- Held additional charge of Director General, Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education(ICFRE) Dehradun from June 2016 till March 2017. An autonomous body of Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Govt. of India and an apex organization taking care of forestry research, education and extension; having 9 Research Institutes located in different parts of country having territorial jurisdiction and specific areas of excellence. One of them, FRI Dehradun is a Deemed University having MSc and PhD programmes.
Research Papers & Publications
1. Participatory Micro planning for a Central Himalayan Village; Shashi Kumar and A.K. Srivastava, Wasteland News, Aug.-Oct. 94, Vol. X, No. 1.
2. The Disturbed Mountain Ecosystem- A case study in Kumaon village; A. K. Srivastava and Shashi Kumar, The Indian Forester, Vol.121, No.2 Feb’95.
3. Afforestation of Lateritic Pans of Goa- A case study; Shashi Kumar, N.S.Bisht and R.N.B. Rao, The Indian Forester, Vol. 121, No.3, March’95.
4. Perspectives in Intensive Management of Neem Plantations; S.S. Jattan, Shashi Kumar, G. Pujar and N.S. Bisht, The Indian Forester, Vol. 121, No.11, Nov’95.
5. Margo culture- A vital component for plant health in future; S.S. Jattan, Shashi Kumar and G. Pujar, The Indian Forester, Vol. 121, No.11, Nov’95.
6. Neem- A green contraceptive; Shashi Kumar and S.S. Jattan, The Indian Forester, Vol. 121, No.11, Nov’95.
7. Saving Ecology for Sustainable Economy- A case study of central Himalayan village; A. K. Srivastava and Shashi Kumar, Van Vigyan, Vol. 33, No. 3 & 4, July-Dec.1995.
8. Community Structure and Biomass Production in a Restored Rock Phosphate Mine; Shashi Kumar, P. Soni and H.B. Vashishtha, The Indian Forester, Vol. 123, No. 5, May’97.
9. Cashew- An important exotic; Shashi Kumar and S.S. Kandapal, The Indian Forester, Vol. 127, No. 12, Dec.2001.
10. Sea Turtle Conservation- A Goan scenario; Shashi Kumar, The Indian Forester, Vol.128, No.4, April 2002.
11. Seed Quality as Affected by mid Cone Diameter in Pinusroxburghii Sargent; Virendra Singh and Shashi Kumar, The Indian Forester, Vol. 130, No. 7, July 2004.
12. Oil Palm in Andaman and Nicobar Islands; Shashi Kumar, The Indian Forester, Vol.130, No.9, September 2004.
13. Studies on the Effect of Date of Fruit Collection on Seed Germination and Early Seedling Growth in Himalayan Ash (FraxinusmicranthaLingelsh); Virendra Singh, S.K. Lavania, V.K.Sah and Shashi Kumar, The Indian Forester, Vol.130, No.1, January 2005.
14. Physico-chemical, Biochemical and Microbial Characteristics of Soils of Mangroves of South Andamans; Impacts of anthropogenic disturbances; S. GhoshalChaudhury, R. Dinesh, R.Raja, Shashi Kumar and N. Ravisankar, The Indian Forester, Vol.131, No.5, May 2005.
15. Soil Diversity of Andaman & Nicobar Islands; S. GhoshalChaudhury, R. Dinesh, R.Raja, N. Ravisankar and Shashi Kumar, The Indian Forester, Vol.132, No.7, July 2006.
16. Application of remote sensing, GIS and GPS for forest Management in Andaman & Nicobar Islands, India; Shashi Kumar, S.H.K. Murti and Rajee George, The Indian Forester, Vol.140, No.2, Feb. 2014.
17. Capturing problem salt water crocodiles CROCODYLUS POROSUS SCHNEIDER using indigenous technique in the Andaman Islands: Viswakanan, P, C. Sivaperuman, S. Senthil Kumar and Shashi Kumar, J.Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., Vol.111, No.1, Jan-Apr. 2014.
18. Bamboo: Diversity, Management, Utilization Pattern and its Socio-Economic Effect in Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India: Shashi Kumar, S.H.K. MurtiandRajee George, Indian Forester, Vol. 141, No.1, Jan. 2015.
19. Ecosystem services valuation of the forests of Arunachal Pradesh state of India:Shashi kumar, Pradeepchaudhry, Brazilian Journal of Biological Sciences, Vol. 2, No.4, Dec. 2015.
20. Tourism recreational value of Biological park, Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh, India: Shashi Kumar, Yogesh and Pradeep Chaudhry, e-Review of Tourism Research (eRTR), Vol. 12, No. 5/6, 2015.
21. Ecosystem Services Valuation of the Forests of Arunachal Pradesh State of India: Shashi Kumar and Pradeep Chaudhry, Brazilian Journal of Biological Sciences, Vol. 2 No. 4- Dec.31, 2015
22. Valuing ecosystem services: A case study of Pakke Tiger Reserve of Arunachal Pradesh, India: Pradeep Chaudhry, Shashi Kumar and Yogesh, Journal of Regional development and Planning, Vol. 5 No.1, 2016
23. Emissions reduction due to avoidance of Forest Degradation: A pilot study:, Mohit Gera, Jiju J.S., Sadhana Yadav and Shashi Kumar, Indian Forester, vol.143, No. 9, Sep. 2017
1. Integrated Watershed Management for High Intensity High Rainfall Areas of Andaman Islands; S. GhosalChaudhury, R. Dinesh, S.C. Pramanik, R. Raja, P. Sanyal, M. Din and Shashi Kumar: National Workshop on Forests and Water Conservation- Myths and Realities, June 8-10, 2004, FRI Dehradun.
2. Increasing Tree Cover Through Agro-Forestry; Shashi Kumar and Rajiv Kumar: National workshop on Agro-forestry, Nov. 22-24, 2004, Forest Department Haryana, Chandigarh.
3. Exotics for Afforestation and Reforestation under Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) of Kyoto protocol: Opportunities for farmers; V.R.S. Rawat and Shashi Kumar: National Symposium on Exotics in Indian Forestry, March 15-18, 2005, PAU Ludhiana.
4. Status and Future of Mixed Forest Plantations in India; Shashi Kumar and Mudit Kumar Singh: National Workshop on Status and Future of Mixed Forest Plantations in India, May 30-31, 2005, KFRI Peechi.
5. Forestry under International Climate Change Negotiations: Building North- South Partnership for Climate Change Mitigation; V.R.S. Rawat, Mudit Kumar Singh and Shashi Kumar: National Symposium on Changing concepts of Forestry in 21st Century; Oct. 21-22, 2005, Y.S.ParmarUniversity of Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni, Solan.
6. Afforestation: A tool for combating desertification; Shashi Kumar and Om Kumar: National Workshop on Forestry for Food Security in Dry Zone, Oct. 5-6, 2006, AFRI Jodhpur.
7. Potential of Production Forestry for Carbon Sequestration in India; Shashi Kumar, SandeepTripathi and V.R.S. Rawat: Regional consultation Workshop on Scope of Production Forestry for Carbon Sequestration, Dec. 7-8, 2006, FSI Dehradun, Organized by ATREE.
8. Creating an Enabling Environment for Developing CDM Afforestation &Reforestation Projects in India; Shashi Kumar, SandeepTripathi and V.R.S. Rawat: International Conference on Planted Forests: Ecosystem Goods & Services, Dec. 13-15, 2006, FRI Dehradun.
1. Conservation: Learning from history, local traditions; Shashi Kumar, The Navhind Times, Oct. 3, 2000.
2. Cashew Plantations in Goa; Shashi Kumar, The Navhind Times, Nov. 14, 2000.
3. Turtle conservation in Goa: a beginning; Shashi Kumar, The Navhind Times, May 26, 2001.
4. A Peep into Flora and Fauna of Goa; Shashi Kumar, The Navhind Times, June 25, 2009.
5. Global warming: The story so far; Shashi Kumar, Gomantak Times, Oct.1, 2009.
6. Flora and Fauna of Andaman & Nicobar Islands; Shashi Kumar, Andaman Talk, August 15, 2014.
7. Pink Rain Lily- ornamental & medicinal; Shashi Kumar and Sunita Garg, Science Reporter, December 2016
1. Knows and Hows for Afforestation & Reforestation sinks projects in CDM: Shashi Kumar, N. Hooda, V.R.S. Rawat and Swati Negi- An ICFRE publication Co-funded by European Union.
2. CDM- Afforestation and Reforestation Projects in India- Analysis of Barriers: Shashi Kumar, SandeepTripathi and V.R.S. Rawat- An ICFRE publication Co-funded by European Union.
Honours and Awards
Awarded “ICFRE Award for Excellence” for outstanding contribution in the field of Forest Conservation for the year 2005-2006.
Gallery of Images
Inbetween me and Hon'ble President of India, ADG Day & secy MoEF
DG, ICFRE receiving the Hon'ble Minister MoEF & CC Shri Anil Madhav Dave at FRI, Dehradun
In between me and the Hon'ble President of India is Secy MoEF&CC at Rastrapati bhawan
With Hon'ble CM of Uttaranchal, Sh. ND Tiwari & Union Minister MoEF Sh. Namonarayan Meena
As Director FRI, L to R Hon'ble Governor, Uttaranchal, Vice President Bhairon Singh Shekhawat, Union Minister MoEF Namonarayan Meena
Hon'ble Union Minister MoEF&CC Dr Harshvardhan at IGNFA, Dehradun
With Hon'ble President of India Shri Ram Nath Kovind at Rastrapati Bhawan
With (L to R) Hon'ble CM Goa Shri Digambar Kamat, Present of India Smt. Pratibha Patil and Governor Goa Shri SS Siddhu
Receiving Indira Priyadarshini award for Goa from the then minister Shri Jairam Ramesh, DGF shri PJ Dilip Kumar is also seen
Director FRI receiving Hon'ble CM of Uttarakhand shri ND TIWARI
Extreme left is His excellency the Governor of Goa with President of India Smt. Pratibha Patil
L to R with Hon'ble Minister for environmental, forest & climate change, Governor of Uttarakhand, Vice President & CM Uttarakhand
With Ex Lt Governor of A&N Islands and Puducherry at IGNFA
With Ex Lt Governor of A&N Islands and Puducherry at IGNFA
At convocation hall of FRI, Dehradun
(L to R) Governor Uttrakhand Hon'ble KK Paul, Vice President, me, my wife Rashmi & daughter Kritika
Receiving Hindi award for IGNFA from UP Governor, 2018