Sultanpur Lodhi

Sultanpur Lodhi (सुल्तानपुर लोधी) is a city and tahsil in Kapurthala district in Punjab, India.
Villages in Sultanpur Lodhi Tahsil
Ahli Kalan, Ahli Khurd, Ahmadpur, Akalpur, Alahdad Chak, Alam Khanwala, Allahditta, Alluwal, Amanipur, Amarjitpur, Amritpur, Baja, Baoopur Jadid, Baoopur Kadim, Bhago Arain, Bhagobudha, Bhaini Bahadur, Bhaini Husekhan, Bhaini Kadar Bakhash, Bharowana, Bhaur, Bhim Kadim, Bhim Jadid, Bidhipur, Boolpur, Burewal, Busowal, Chakkotla, Chananwindi, Chaudhriwal, Choladha, Chuharpur, Dadwindi, Dalla, Dandupur, Dariawal, Daula, Depewal, Derasaidan, Dewa Singhwala, Doda Kamman, Doda Sodagar, Dodawazir, Farid Sarai, Faridpur, Fattowal, Gajipur, Gamewal, Gill, Gobindgarh, Guda, Haibatpur, Haidrabad Bet, Haidrabad Dona, Hazara, Hazipur, Hussainpur Bulle, Hussainpur Dulowal, Jabbowal, Jabo Sudhar, Jainpur, Jeorgepur Urf Merry Pur, Jhalleiwala, Jhanduwala Kamboan, Jhugian Bandu, Jhugian Gamun, Kabirpur, Kalru, Kalubhatia, Kamalpur, Karamjitpur, Khijarpur, Khokhar Kadim Jadid, Khurd, Kishanpur Ghurka, Kutbewala, Ladwal, Lakh Waryah, Latianwala, Lau, Lodhiwal, Machhi Jowa, Mahablipur, Mahijitpur, Mand Ahli Kalan, Mand Bandu Jadid, Mand Bandu Kadim, Mand Bhim Kadim, Mand Dhun, Mand Dhunda, Mand Gujarpur, Mand Hazara, Mand Hussainpur Bulle, Mand Indresa, Mand Mubarakpur, Mand Partappur, Mandi Alluwal, Mandi Kabirpur Jadid, Mandi Kabirpur Kadim, Mangoopur, Maniala, Masit, Mewa Singhwala, Miani Bahadur, Midewal, Mienwal, Mira, Miranpur, Mirzapur, Mohamadabad, Mokha, Muhamadali Khanwala, Muketramwala, Mullan Baha, Mullan Kalan, Mundi, Nabipur, Nand Inderpur, Nasirewal, Nasirpur, Nathupur, Nurowal, Pamman, Pandori Jagir, Paramjitpur, Passan Kadim, Patti Bakarpur, Patti Bhalu Bahadur, Patti Safdarpur, Patti Sardar Nabi Bakhash, Pitho Rahal, Raman, Ramgarh Daleli, Rampur Gaura, Rampur Jagir, Randhirpur, Rawal, Sabuwal, Safdarpur, Sahlapur Bet, Saidpur, Salahpur Dona, Sangra, Sarai Jattan, Sarupwal, Sawal, Sech, Shahdullahpur, Shahjahanpur, Shahwala Indresa, Shahwala Nakki, Shatabgarh, Sheikh Manga, Sherpur dogran, Sherpur Dona, Sherpur Sadha, Shikarpur, Shiv Dayalwala, Silla, Suchetgarh, Sujo Kalia, Sultanpur (M Cl), Sultanpur (Rural), Takia, Talwandi Chaudhrian, Tarf Behbal Bahadur, Tarf Hazi, Tashpur, Thakar Kaura, Thatta, Tibba, Tibbi, Todarwal, Toti, Ucha (Boharwala), Ugrupur, Wadhel Harnampur, Wadhel Kadim, Wadhel Khuda/Bakhashwala Wadhel Mauja, Waryah, Watanwali,
The town is named after its founder, Sultan Khan Lodhi who was a general of Mahmud of Ghazni in A.D 1103, which has been also mentioned in Ain-e-Akbari. Sultanpur Lodhi is located on the south bank of a seasonal rivulet called Kali Bein, which runs 6 miles (9.7 km) north of the intersection of Beas and Sutlej Rivers, two of the Five Rivers of Punjab.
Sultanpur Lodhi is one of the most ancient cities of India, estimated to be established in around Century First A.D.. This city, in the period of centuries, witnesses the ups and downs in terms of politics, religion, literature, trade and commerce.
Ancient history
Sultanpur Lodhi, from 1st century to 6th century, was a major place of meditation and knowledge for Buddhism. In that period, the city was known by the name Sarwmanpur. Many statues, coins and other such objects of that time have been found during the archeological research and digging of the city. It is also believed that the ancient Buddhist book of ‘Abinav-Prastava’ was authored here by Katiyana. In 8th century, this place was established as a great empire of Hinduism and Buddhism.
Medieval Times
When the Afghan Ruler Mahmud of Ghazni invaded this area, this city was burnt to ashes by his army, as being a Hindu - Buddhist city, . The proof of this the layer of black soil, found few meters below the ground level here. City of Sarwmanpur after that was nothing but a bunch of peoples living in destroyed city. This was the end of ancient city of "Sarwmanpur".
During 12th century, Nawab Wali Muhammad Khan, cousin of the Emperor of Delhi Nasir-u-din Muhammad Shah was appointed as the Hakim {Ruler} of Punjab. During this period , one of the two sons of Hakim, Sultan Khan on his way saw the remains of this city and was attracted by beauty of the surroundings of the city. He decided to re-establish this city by his name. This was the complete death of "Sarwmanpur" and the birth of new city of Sultanpur Lodhi.
This new city of Sultanpur Lodhi was also the center point of the old trade route between Delhi and Lahore. It was a major trade center of north India at that time. It consisted of 32 major markets and about 5600 shops. At that time the city was spread over in an area of 8 miles (13 km). The black rivulet (Kali Bein) at ran through the center of the city. These features are more than enough to take that Sultanpur Lodhi was a big city in old times.
Sultanpur Lodhi was mentioned as important place in famous "Ain-e-Akbari". The city in those times had many Royal Gardens and farms. At present, relics of these royal buildings built at that time, are still present. One of these is "Hadera". It was once a marvelous building used as place of rest for the royal family on their way to royal gardens. It was also used as place of entertainment for royal family and to organize dances and other royal functions. This place is now just an old & neglected building.
Sultanpur Lodhi, in those days was not only famous for its surrounding or trade, but also for its education. City had many Islamic schools of education known as "Madarasas". The two princes of Delhi, Aurengzeb and Dara-sekoh completed their studies in one white mosque of Sultanpur Lodhi.
At the end of the 14th century, the governor of Lahore was Daulat Khan Lodhi. Sultanpur Lodhi was also called ‘Perran Puri’ {city of monks}. Many religious personalities were related to the city at that time & some of the tombs {Makbaras} of these monks are still present in the city.
After Nanakana Sahib (now in Pakistan), Sultanpur Lodhi is perhaps the most related to life of the first Guru. In 1475 AD elder sister of Guru Ji, Bibi Nanki Ji was married to Shri Jai Ram of Sultanpur Lodhi. In 1483 Guru Ji’s father sent Guru Ji to the custody of Shri Jai Ram. Guru Ji was employed as the Modi {Person In-charge} of the Modi Khana {Civil supplies store}. In June 1488, Guru Nanak Dev Ji was married to Bibi Sulkhani ji in Sultanpur Lodhi. And here, in this city Guru Ji begot two sons, in July 1494 Shri Chand Ji and in Feb 1497 Lakmi Chand Ji. In this very city Guru Ji spent more than 14 years and in 1497 Guru Ji disappeared in holy Rivulet (Kali Bein) flowing along the North end of the city and then Re-Appeared after three days with the teaching of "na koi hindu, na koi muslman" {no one is Hindu, no one is Muslim}. This lead to the birth of a new Religion, "Sikhism". There after Guru Ji left his job and the City to start with the First Udasi {Sacramental Journey}.
After Guru Nanak Dev Ji, Fifth Guru Arjen Dev Ji, on the occasion of his marriage in a nearby village Dhala rested at Sultanpur Lodhi. A Gurudwara having Sehra and wedding costume of Guru Ji, is built at that place.
Jat Gotras
Notable persons
- कुलविंदर कौर (Kulwinder Kaur): चंडीगढ़ एयरपोर्ट पर मौजूद CISF यूनिट की महिला कर्मी. कुलविंदर कौर (Kulwinder Kaur) ने कंगना रनौत को थप्पड़ मार दिया. इसके बाद कंगना के साथ सफर कर रहे मयंक माथुर ने कुलविंदर कौर को थप्पड़ मारने की कोशिश की. घटना से हड़कंप मच गया. कुलविंदर कौर ने थप्पड़ मारने के बाद कहा कि कंगना ने बोला था ‘100-100 रुपये के लिए महिलाएं किसान आंदोलन में बैठी हैं. क्या ये वहां पर बैठी थीं. मेरी मां वहां बैठी थी’. कुलविंदर के इस बयान से जाहिर होता है कि वह किसान आंदोलन के बारे में कंगना की बयानबाजी से नाराज थी. इस प्रकरण से सोशियल मिडिया में तूफ़ान खड़ा हो गया है. (See Kisan Andolan 2020)
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