The History of India, as Told by Its Own Historians
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Edited by John Dowson
Volume I: Introduction
Contents- Preliminary Note.... v
- Editor's Preface.... vii
- Notice of Sir Henry M. Elliot.... xxviii
- Addenda et Corrigenda.... xxx
Early Arab Geographers
- I. The Merchant Sulaimán and Abú Zaid.... 1
- II. Ibn Khurdádba.... 12
- III. Al Mas'údí.... 18
- VI. Súru-l Buldán.... 41
- VIII. Al Idrísí.... 74
- IX. Al Kazwíní.... 94
Historians of Sind
- I. Mujmalu-t Tawáríkh.... 100
- II. Futúhu-l Buldán, of Biládurí.... 113
- III. Chach-náma.... 131
- V. Táríkh-i Táhirí.... 253
- VI. Beg-Lár-náma.... 289
- VII. Tarkhán-náma or Arghún-náma.... 300
- VIII. Tuhfatu-l Kirám.... 327
Note (A).- Geographical
- The Balhará.... 354
- Juzr or Jurz.... 358
- Táfan.... 360
- Rahma, Ruhmî.... 361
- Káshbín.... 361
Cities and Towns
- Agham-The Lohánas.... 362
- Alor.... 363
- Amhal, Fámhal, Mámhal.... 363
- Armá-bel.... 364
- Askalanda.... 365
- Bániya, Bátiya.... 367
- Bhambúr.... 368
- Bráhmanábád, Mansúra, Mahfúza.... 369
- Debal, Karáchí, Thatta, and Láhorí-bandar.... 374
- Hála-kandi, the Hellenes, Pindus.... 379
- Jandrúd.... 380
- Kaikánán, Kaikán, Kákars.... 381
- Kajuráha.... 383 *Kállarí, Annarí, and Ballarí.... 384
- Kandábel, Túrán, Budha, Baizá.... 385
- Kannazbúr.... 389
- Mandal, Kíraj.... 390
- Manjábarí.... 391
- Minnagara.... 392
- Narána.... 393
- Nírún, Sákúra, Jarak.... 396
- Sadusán.... 401
- Sámúí, Tughlikábád, Kalá-kot.... 401
- Sindán, Subára, Saimúr.... 402
- Túr, Muhatampur, Dirak, Vijeh-kot.... 403
Note (B).- Historical
- The Ráí Dynasty.... 405
- The Bráhman Dynasty.... 409
- The Advances of the Arabs towards Sind.... 414
- The Progress of the Arabs in Sind.... 434
- Sind under the Arabs.... 460
- The Súmra Dynasty.... 483
- The Samma Dynasty.... 494
- The Arghún Dynasty.... 497
- The Tarkhán Dynasty.... 498
- Sháh Beg's Capture of Thatta.... 500
- The Death of Sháh Beg Arghún.... 502
Note (C).- Ethnological
- Native Opinions on the Aborigines of Sind.... 503
- Buddhists in Sind.... 504
- The Jats.... 507
- The Kerks.... 508
- The Meds.... 519
- The Wairsí and Sodha Tribes .... 531
Note (D).-Miscellaneous
- The Terrors of the Moghal Helmet.... 532
- Dismounting for Combat.... 535
- Colligation in Fighting.... 537
- Barge, an Arabic Word.... 539
See also The history of India : as told by its own historians. The Muhammadan period (1867) Vol II