
Uchchain (उच्चैन) is a village in tehsil Rupbas of Bharatpur district in Rajasthan.

Uchchain is a Village in Rupbas Tehsil in Bharatpur District of Rajasthan State, India. It belongs to Bharatpur Division .It is located 19 KM towards South from District head quarters Bharatpur. 13 KM from Rupbas. Uchchain Pin code is 321302 and postal head office is Uchain. Kharera ( 4 KM ) , Sahana ( 4 KM ) , Barah Mafi ( 6 KM ) , Ekta ( 6 KM ) , Bachhamadi ( 7 KM ) are the nearby Villages to Uchchain. This Place is in the border of the Bharatpur District and Agra District. Agra District Fatehpur Sikri is East towards this place . It is near to the Uttar Pradesh State Border. [1]
The Founders
For more details read village Barkoli details as Ucchain was under BARKOLI JAGIR.
Jat Gotras
Notable Persons
- Chaudhary Gordhan Singh ji Of Ucchain: Brother of sir Sardar Chaudhary Girraj Singh Dhankar of Ucchain. Chaudhary Gordhan Singh was Jagirdar Under Deeg- Bharatpur State. He first served in Bharatpur army as a General and National kushti pehlwan from Deeg- Bharatpur State. The Maharaja of Patiala was very pleased to see the wrestling of these.The Maharaja of Patiala talked to the Maharaja of Bharatpur and was made an officer along with the wrestler in his princely state. He had no child of his own, so he adopted his brother's son.
- Choudhary Ram Singh Dhankar was Jagirdar of Ucchain under Bharatpur state.
External Links
चौ गोरधन सिंह जी जागीरदार
चौ गोरधन सिंह जी जागीरदार
A very old pic of delhi darbar 1911, In Mid Rao Raja Raghunath Singh of Bharatpur, Choudhary Ram Singh Dhankar of Ucchain (Jagirdar Under Bharatpur state and Sitting 2nd From Right), . Credit:- Choudhary Shashank Singh Dhankar (Great Great Grandson of Choudhary Ram Singhji of Ucchain). Source - Jat Kshatriya Culture
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