Udaipur Vidisha

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Author:Laxman Burdak, IFS (Retd.)

Map of Vidisha district
Location of Udaipur

Udaipur (उदयपुर) village is in Basoda tahsil of Vidisha district in Madhya Pradesh.


Located 10 km east of Bareth on Delhi-Bhopal Rail line.


The Paramara King Bhoja had constructed Mahakaleshwar temple between 1000-1050 AD. We also know from Udayaditya (1070-1080) prasasti at Udaipur as a Nagavanshi Inscription at Mahakal temple. Udayaditya was successor of Jayasimha. We know about nine Inscriptions of Udayaditya at Ujjain, Udaipur, Dhar, Un and Kamed. He was responsible for construction of Nilakantheshwara temple at Udaipur. His Gold coins have been located at Indore. [1]

The Udaipur Stone Inscription of Udayaditya (EI,I,22) states that he was the son of Gyāta, the grandson of Goṇḍala. In the Pathashala of Bhoja, there is an inscription of two verses in Nagabandha figure composed by Udayaditya. Similar verses are also found at Ujjain and Un. He was follower of Shaivism. He granted the village of Vilapadraka to the temple of Somanatha, which was situated in the fort of Koshavardhana i.e. the modern Shergarh (EI, XXIII, pp.131ff). [2]

Jat Gotras

उदयपुर मध्य प्रदेश

विजयेन्द्र कुमार माथुर[3] ने लेख किया है .... उदयपुर मध्य प्रदेश राज्य के बीना-भीलसा रेलमार्ग पर बरेठ से चार मील पूर्व की ओर बसा हुआ यह छोटा-सा गाँव है, जिसका मध्य युग में काफ़ी महत्वपूर्व स्थान था। उदयपुर से उस समय के अनेक अवशेष उत्खनन द्वारा प्रकाश में आए हैं, जिनमें मुख्य हैं-उदयेश्वर का मंदिर, जो मालव नरेश उदयेश्वर के नाम पर है, बीजमंडल, बड़ाखंभी, पिसनहारी का मंदिर, शाही मस्जिद और महल तथा शेर ख़ाँ की मस्जिद

शायद मालव नरेश उदयेश्वर के नाम पर ही इस नगर का नामकरण हुआ था।

Notable persons

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