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Author:Laxman Burdak, IFS (R)

Genealogical Tree of Maitrakas

Bhattarak (455-468 AD) (भट्टारक) was a king of Maitraka dynasty of Vallabhi, Gujarat

Variants of name


Bhatarka : The Senapati (general) Bhatarka, was a military governor of Saurashtra peninsula under Gupta Empire, who had established himself as the independent ruler of Gujarat approximately in the last quarter of 5th century when the Gupta empire weakened. He continued to use the title of Senapati (general). Apart from his military accomplishments, not much is known from the copper-plates. He was Shaiva according to the title Parama-Maheshwara used for him in grants by his descendants. It seems that he transferred the capital from Girinagar (Girnar) to Vallabhi.[1] The legends of all Valabhi coins are marked with Sri-Bhatarka. Almost all the Maitraka inscriptions start with his name. He is known only from the copperplate inscriptions of descendants.[2]

Jat History

Bhattarak (भट्टारक) (455-468 AD) was a King of Maurya Jat dynasty. [3]

Ram Swarup Joon[4] writes...The Gahlot gotra is found among the Rajputs also and they call themselves the descendants of Ramchandra, but their descent is believed to be from Balvanshi

History of the Jats, End of Page-82

ruler named Gupta. It is mentioned that Balvanshi Bhattarak King saved the Maurya kings by re-strengthening their power. Bhattarak ruled from 512 to 525 Vikram Samvat. According to "Corpus Inscription Antiquary" Page 169, based on a rock inscription inscribed in 569 Vikram. Bhattark Gupta Balvanshi had four sons - Dharsen, Dronasen, Dhruwasen and Dharpatsen. Each one of them succeeded to the throne one after another, and they were given titles of Maha Samant, Mahapratihar, Mahakartak and Maharaj.

Gohasen son of Dharpatsen was a follower of Vaishnavism, but he had faith in Buddhism too. His descendents are called Gahlawat. Several legends are very well known about Goha and Bappa Rawal. The dynasty is supposed to have migrated from Balabhipur.

There was one Nag Datt among the descendants of Goha who was killed by the Bhils. His young son who later on became known as Kalbhoj Bappa Rawal, joined the army of the Jat Raja Man Indra of Chittor and ultimately rose to the position of commander of his army. Proving to be very brave and loyal, he was ultimately declared heir apparent to the throne and finally became the ruler of the kingdom. The Gahlot gotra is found both among the Jats and the Rajputs. There is however no doubt that Bhattarak was a Maurya Jat dynasty. It existed before the birth of Rajputs. If Bappa Rawal were not a Jat, Jat Raja Mann Indra would not have adopted him as him son. He maintained the title of Rana.

During the Rajput era they joined them and started being called Rajputs. Goha was the grandson of Bhattarak and son of Dhropat Sen. He was married in the Gupta dynasty. Godhes are a sub-tribe and branch of Godhas.

सूर्यवंशी बल-बालान-बालियान जाटवंशी राजा भटार्क

दलीप सिंह अहलावत[5] ने लिखा है.... 527 से 814 संवत् (सन् 470 से 757 ई०) तक इस बलवंश का शासन गुजरात में माही नदी और नर्मदा तक, मालवा का पश्चिमी भाग, भड़ौच कच्छ सौराष्ट्र, काठियावाड़ पर रहा। वहां पर राज्य की स्थापना करने वाला भटार्क नामक वीर महापुरुष था। यह संवत् 512 से 524 (सन् 455 से 467 ई०) तक सम्राट् स्कन्दगुप्त का मुख्या सेनापति था। किन्तु संवत् 526 (सन् 469 ई०) में

1. जाट वीरों का इतिहास प्रथम अध्याय, दक्ष की पुत्री दिति की वंशावली देखो।

जाट वीरों का इतिहास: दलीप सिंह अहलावत, पृष्ठान्त-234

गुप्त राज्य के अस्त होने पर भटार्क ने अपने वंश के नाम पर कच्छ काठियावाड़ में बलभीपुर राज्य की स्थापना की। इस नगर का दूसरा नाम बला भी था। “कार्पस इन्स्कृशन्स इन्डिकेर” 3/169 के उल्लेखानुसार विक्रमी 559 के लिखे हुए ‘मालिया’ से मिले एक शिलालेख द्वारा यह प्रमाणित हुआ है कि भटार्क के चार पुत्रों धरसेन, ध्रुवसेन, द्रोणसिंह और धरपट में से प्रत्येक ने बला नगर की स्थिति को क्रमशः राज्यसत्ता पाने पर अधिकाधिक सुदृढ़ किया। इन चारों ने महासामन्त - महाप्रतिहार - महादण्डनायक - महाकार्ताकृतिक महाराज की उपाधि धारण की थी। ह्युनसांग ने लिखा है कि -

भटार्क के चारों पुत्रों के शासनकाल के पश्चात् क्रमशः गुहसेन, धरसेन द्वितीय, शिलादित्य, खरग्रह, धरसेन तृतीय, ध्रुवसेन द्वितीय राजा हुए। कन्नौज के वैस1 सम्राट् हर्षवर्द्धन ने अपनी पुत्री का विवाह ध्रुवसेन द्वितीय से किया था। इस ध्रुवसेन द्वितीय के पुत्र धरसेन चतुर्थ ने भड़ोंच को बला राज्य में मिलाया। इस सम्राट् ने परमेश्वर चक्रवर्ती उपाधि भी धारण की। इसके ही आश्रित महाकवि भट्टी ने भट्टीमहाकाव्य की रचना की। इस बला राज्य को बल्लभी अथवा गुजरात राज्य कहा गया है जिसका शासक ध्रुवसेन द्वितीय था।”

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  1. Sinha, Nandini (2016-08-11). "Early Maitrakas, Landgrant Charters and Regional State Formation in Early Medieval Gujarat". Studies in History. 17 (2): 151–163. doi:10.1177/025764300101700201.
  2. Virji 1955, p. 21–25.
  3. Ram Swarup Joon: History of the Jats/Chapter V,p. 83
  4. Ram Swarup Joon: History of the Jats/Chapter V,p. 82-83
  5. Jat History Dalip Singh Ahlawat/Chapter III,pp.233-234

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