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Author:Laxman Burdak, IFS (R)

Devaprastha (देवप्रस्थ) is city mentioned in Mahabharata (II.24.12), the capital of Senavindu which was subjugated by Arjuna. It was probably located in Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.[1]




Mention by Panini

Devapatha (देवपथ) is mentioned by Panini. [2]


विजयेन्द्र कुमार माथुर[3] ने लेख किया है ...देवप्रस्थ (AS, p.448) का उल्लेख महाभारत में हुआ है। महाभारत के वर्णन के अनुसार अर्जुन ने अपनी दिग्विजय यात्रा के प्रसंग में देवप्रस्थ को जीता था। देवप्रस्थ में सेनाबिंदु की राजधानी थी- 'सदेवप्रस्थमासाद्य सेनाबिंदो: पुरंप्रति, बलेन चतुरंगेण निवेशमकरोत् प्रभु:'महाभारत, सभापर्व, 27, 13. प्रसंगानुसार देवप्रस्थ की स्थिति हिमाचल प्रदेश में कुल्लू के अंतर्गत मानी जा सकती है। महाभारत, सभापर्व 27, 14 में पौरव नरेश विश्वगण पर अर्जुन के आक्रमण का उल्लेख है, जो अलक्षेंद्र के समय के पुरु या 'पोरस' का पूर्वज हो सकता है। इसका राज्य पश्चिमी पंजाब (पाकिस्तान) में स्थित था।

In Mahabharata

Devaprastha (देवप्रस्थ) city in Mahabharata (II.24.12)

Deva-patha (देवपथ) (Tirtha) in Mahabharata (III.83.42)

Sabha Parva, Mahabharata/Book II Chapter 24 mentions countries subjugated by Arjuna that lay to the North. Devaprastha (देवप्रस्थ) city is mentioned in Mahabharata (II.24.12). [4]....Arjuna snatched out the kingdom from Vrihanta, but having made peace with him marched, accompanied by that king, against Senavindu whom he soon expelled from his kingdom. After this he subjugated Modapura, Vamadeva, Sudaman, Susankula, the Northern Ulukas, and the kings of those countries and peoples. Hereafter at the command of Yudhishthira, O monarch, Arjuna, did not move from the city of Senavindu but sent his troops only and brought under his sway those five countries and peoples. For Arjuna, having arrived at Devaprastha, the city of Senavindu, took up his quarters there with his army consisting of four kinds of forces.Thence, surrounded by the kings and the peoples he had subjugated, the hero marched against king Vishvagana...

Vana Parva, Mahabharata/Book III Chapter 83 mentions names of Pilgrims. Deva-patha (देवपथ) (Tirtha) is mentioned in Mahabharata (III.83.42). [5].... Proceeding next to Deva-patha (देवपथ) (III.83.42), with subdued sense and regulated diet, a man obtaineth the merit of the Devasatra sacrifice. One should proceed next to the forest of Tungakaranya (तुङ्गकारण्य) (III.83.43)...

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  1. Aitihasik Sthanavali by Vijayendra Kumar Mathur, p.448
  2. V S Agarwal: India as Known to Panini,pp. 138, 139, 243, 244
  3. Aitihasik Sthanavali by Vijayendra Kumar Mathur, p.448
  4. देवप्रस्थमासाद्य सेना बिन्दो पुरं महत, बलेन चतुरङ्गेण निवेशम अकरॊत प्रभुः (II.24.12)
  5. ततॊ देवपथं गच्छेन नियतॊ नियताशनः, देव सत्रस्य यत पुण्यं तद अवाप्नॊति मानवः (III.83.42)