Hira Singh Jat

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Hira Singh Jat was son of Bishandas of Ballamgarh, which was taken away by Maharaja Nawal Singh of Bharatpur.


Gopal Singh (1705 ) → CharandasBalram Singh Tewatia (d: 29.11.1753) → Bisan Singh + Kisan Singh (till 1774) →

Bisan SinghHira Singh Jat (1774)

Kisan SinghAjit Singh Jat

Raja Ram Singh (d.1830) → Raja Nahar Singh (6.4.1823 – 9.1.1858)


Ajit Singh Jat was the son of Rao Kishandas and Hira Singh Jat, son of Bishandas. Ballamgarh was taken away from their fathers by Nawal Singh. Ballamgarh was taken after a long siege in the third week of April, 1774 [Safar, 1188 H; Waqa p. 277]. Najaf Khan gave the title of Raja to both the cousins and Hira Singh was honoured with the additional distinction Salar Jang [Delhi Gaz. p. 213].[1]

Qanungo[2]writes....Nawal Singh who was encamped at Fatehpur Sikri [Baloch] 5 miles south of Ballamgarh, became [p.149]: disheartened by the news of the disastrous defeat of his army in the Doab, and throwing a strong garrison at Ballamgarh retreated to Palwal and thence to Hodal, about 53 miles south of Delhi. Mirza Najaf Khan followed the track of the Jat army and came up with it at the village of Banchari, 3-1/2 miles north of Hodal (middle of October, 1773). Hira Singh Jat and Ajit Singh Jat, the dispossessed heirs of Ballamgarh, had come to offer their services to Mirza Najaf Khan. He appointed Ajit Singh Jat, commandant and governor of Ballamgarh, and left him with a small detachment to besiege that fort. Hira Singh accompanied the Mughal general to play the usual role of a traitor to his country and his people.

Kanungo[3] writes....[p.156]: May 1774 was the most unfortunate month in a year of Nawal Singh's misfortunes. Every week brought the news of some great disaster to him; Ballamgarh surrendered to Hira Singh Jat; Farrukhnagar opened her gates to Musavi Khan and General Somru hitherto the greatest terror to the enemies of the Jats, deserted to the imperial Court. All these heavy strokes of an adverse fate came down upon him in swift succession within the first twenty days of this month.1 Raja Nawal Singh bore these losses with equanimity. Though he was destitute of the cool courage and strong nerve of a Jat, he had that optimism and that perseverance verging on obstinacy which characterise his tribe.

1. According to the Waqa MS. p. 277) Ballamgarh and Farrukhnagar were surrendered by the Jats between the dates 19th Safar and 8th Rabi I, 1188 H. Somru had an interview with the Emperor on the 9th Rabi I (20th May, 1774), received khilat and was appointed faujdar of Panipat and other parganas (ibid, p. 278).

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