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Hundeo or Hoondeo was a Kachhwaha ruler of Jaipur state.


Col. G. B. Malleson[1] writes.... The kingdom of Jaipur, better known as the kingdom of Amber or Dhundhar, was founded by Dhola Rae in the year 957. Dhola Rae was thirty-fourth in descent from Raja Nal, traditional founder of the kingdom and city of Narwar. Raja Nal is said to have been lineally descended from Kush, the second son of Rama, King of Koshala, whose capital was Ayodhya, the modern Oudh. Hence the reigning family in Jaipur

[Page-28]: has been known from time immemorial as the Kutchwa family or rule.

The exploits of Dhola Rae can only be traced in the fabulous legends of the period. This much is clear that he conquered the country inherited by his descendants. That part of Rajputana was then divided amongst petty Rajputs and Mina chiefs, all owing allegiance to the Hindu Kings of Delhi. These he conquered in succession, and marrying the daughter of the Prince of Ajmer, he laid the foundations of a kingdom destined to be permanent. Killed in battle, Dhola Rae was succeeded by his posthumous son by the daughter of the princess of Ajmer, named Kankal ; he, again, by his son Maidul Rao, a warrior and conquerer ; and he, in his turn, by Hundeo. Kuntal followed him, and he it was who completed the subjugation of the other aboriginal race of the Minas.

His successor, Pujun, was one of the most famous of the earlier monarchs of the dynasty. He married the sister of Pirthi Raj, King of Delhi, and commanded a division of that monarch's armies in many of his most important battles. He twice signalised himself in repelling invasions from the north, and, commanding at the time on the frontier, he defeated Shab-u-din in the Khyber pass, and pursued him towards Ghazni. His valour mainly contributed to the conquest of Mahoba, the country of the Chundails, of which he was left governor ; and he was one of the sixty-four chiefs who, with a chosen body of retainers, enabled the King of Delhi to carry off the Princess of Kanouj. But in this service Pujun lost his life.

From Pujun to Pirthi Raj there is nothing to record. The names of the intermediate sovereigns were Malesi, Bijul, Rajdeo, Kitun, Kontul, Junsi, Udaikurn, Nursing, Bunbir, Udharun and Khundrasen.

Ancestry of Jaipur Rulers

Jaipur Branch: 1.Dhola Rae (1036-1046) → 2.Kankal → 3.Maidul Rao → 4.Hundeo → 5.Kuntal → 6.Pujun ()→ 7.Malesi(1095-1147) → 8.Bijul (1147-1180) → 9.Rajdeo (1180-1216) → 10.Kitun (1216-1276) → 11.Kontul (1276-1318) → 12.Junsi (1318-1367) → 13.Udaikurn (1367-1389) → 14.Nursing → 15.Bunbir → 16.Udharun → 17.Khundrasen → 18.Pirthi Raj → 19.Baharma → 20.Bhagwan Dass → 21.Maan Singh → 22.Rao Bhao Singh → 23.Maha → 24.Jai Singh → 25.Ram Singh → 26. Bishen Singh → 27.Sawai Jai Singh 28.Bahadur Shah → 29.Ishwari Singh → 30.Pirthi Singh II → 31.Pratap Singh → 32.Raja Jagat Singh → 33.Mohan Singh → 34.Jai Singh → Raja 35.Ram Singh (1842)

Sikar Branch: 1.Dhola Rae (1036-1046) → 2.Kankal → 3.Maidul Rao → 4.Hundeo → 5.Kuntal → 6.Pujun ()→ 7.Malesi(1095-1147) → 8.Bijul (1147-1180) → 9.Rajdeo (1180-1216) → 10.Kitun (1216-1276) → 11.Kontul (1276-1318) → 12.Junsi (1318-1367) → 13.Udaikurn (1367-1389) → Bala → Mokal → Shekha (b.1433 - ) → Raimal → Sooja → Noonkuran → Raisal →

Sikar Branch: Tirmal (d. S. 1674) → Ganga Ram → Shyam Singh → Jaswant Singh → Daulat Singh (d.S.1778) (Founded Sikar in S.1744=1687 AD) → Sheo Singh →
Khandela Branch: Girdhar (Khandela) → Birsingdeo (Khandela) → Bahadoor Sing (Khandela)→ Kesri Singh (Khandela)

Note - Periods are based on Ratan Lal Mishra: Shekhawati ka Naveen Itihas, 1998, pp. 130-138

Dhola Rae killed in war with Meenas

James Tod[2] writes: Dhola subsequently married the daughter of the prince of Ajmer, whose name was Maroni. Returning on one occasion with her from visiting the shrine of Jumwahi Mata, the whole force of the Meenas of that region assembled, to the number of eleven thousand, to oppose his passage through their country. Dhola gave them battle : but after slaying vast numbers of his foes, he was himself killed, and his followers fled. Maroni escaped, and bore a posthumous child, who was named Kankul, and who conquered the country of Dhoondar. His son, Maidul Rao, made a conquest of Amber from the Soosawut Meenas, the residence of their chief, named Bhatto, who had the title of Rao, and was head of the Meena confederation. He also subdued the Nandla Meenas, and added the district of Gatoor-Gatti to his territory.

Conquest of Hoondeo: Hoondeo succeeded, and, like his predecessors, continued the warfare against the Meenas. He was succeeded by Koontul, whose sway extended over all the hill tribes round his capital.

External links


  1. An historical sketch of the native states of India/Jaipur by Col. G. B. Malleson, Publisher: Longmans, Green & Co. London (1875), pp.27-28
  2. Annals and Antiquities of Rajasthan, Volume II, Annals of Amber,p.621