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Location of Dhund river in Jaipur district

Dhundhar (ढ़ूंढ़ाड़) or Dhundhad (ढ़ूंढ़ाड़)is the region of Jaipur around Dhundh River.


ढ़ूंढ़ नदी के निकटवर्ती भू-भाग को ढ़ूंढ़ाड़ (जयपुर) कहते हैं। ठाकुर देशराज[1] ने लिखा है ....तहसील रतनगढ़ में सीतसर जाटों का मशहूर गाँव है। यही के चौधरी स्वरूपराम जी के सुपुत्र चौधरी बुधाराम जी हैं। गोत्र आपका डूडी है। इस गोत्र के लोग जयपुर में भी हैं। एक समय इन्हीं के नाम पर आमेर का पूर्व नाम ढूंढार था। आप विद्यार्थी भवन रतनगढ़ के लिए काम करने वालों में एक उत्साही आदमी हैं।


विजयेन्द्र कुमार माथुर[2] ने लेख किया है ...ढुंढार (AS, p.384), आमेर (जयपुर, राजस्थान) की रियासत का मध्य युगीन तथा परवर्ती नाम है। इस रियासत की स्थापना कछवाहों ने ग्वालियर से निष्कासित होने के पश्चात् जंगली मीनाओं की सहायता से की थी। 'ढुंढार' राजस्थान की राजधानी जयपुर का पुराना नाम था। ढुंढार का उल्लेख तत्कालीन साहित्य तथा लोक कथाओं में है- 'मेवार ढुंढार मारवाड़ औ बुंदेलखंड, झारखंड बांधौधनी चाकरी इलाज की।'[3] कहा जाता है कि 1129 ई. के लगभग जब ग्वालियर से कछवाहों को परिहारों ने निष्काषित कर दिया तो उन्होंने आमेर के इलाके में मीनाओं की सहायता से ढुंढार रियासत की नींव डाली। ढुंढार के स्थान पर बाद में आमेर की प्रसिद्ध रियासत बनी। (दे. आमेर, जयपुर))

माली गोत्र के बसने और विस्थापन का क्रम

रुल्याणा माली गांव के माली गोत्र के पूर्वज तुर्कों के सांभर पर आक्रमण के फलस्वरूप विक्रम संवत 1192 (1135 ई.) में सांभर से प्रस्थान कर गए तथा विक्रम संवत 1194 (1137 ई.) की साल के किसी दिन छड़ी रोककर मालीसर गाँव बसाया। माली गोत्र के बसने और विस्थापन का क्रम निम्न तरह से मिलता है[4]:

सांभर (विक्रम संवत 1192 = 1135 ई.) → मालीसर (विक्रम संवत 1194 = 1137 ई.) → पलसाना (विक्रम संवत 1352 = 1295 ई.) → कासली (विक्रम संवत 1513 = 1446 ई.) → छापर (विक्रम संवत 1518 = 1461 ई.) → बाड़ा (विक्रम संवत 1522 = 1465 ई.) → बुसड़ी खेड़ा (?) (विक्रम संवत 1525 = 1468 ई.) → भींवसर (विक्रम संवत् 1535 ई. = 1478 ई.)

कासली (विक्रम संवत 1513= 1446 ई.) → पुरां डूंगरा की (विक्रम संवत 1732= 1675 ई.) → रुल्याणा माली (वैशाख सुदी आखातीज विक्रम संवत 1841 = 22 अप्रैल 1784)

झाड़ी वाले माली ढूंढाड़बादलवासदुगोलीरुल्याणा माली

पलसाना से क्रमिक स्थानांतरण के लगभग चार सौ साल बाद माली पुरां (डूंगरा की) बसे और वहां से करीब सौ साल बाद दीपा माली का बेटा पीथा माली रुल्याणा माली में आकर बसा।


Dudi Jats are said to give name to Dhund River also founded Dhundhar and Dudiya Khera towns in Jaipur region.[5]

Jat clans

Etymology of Dhoondar

According to James Tod [6] the country of the Cutchwahas is an assemblage of communities, the territories of which have been wrested from the aboriginal tribes, or from independent chieftains, at various periods ; and therefore the term Dhoondar, which was only one of their earliest acquisitions, had scarcely a title to impose its name upon the aggregate. The etymology of Dhoondar is from a once celebrated sacrificial mount (dhooond) on the western frontier, near Kalik Jobnair.

The traditional history of the Chohans asserts, that this mount was the place of penance (tapasya) of their famed king Beesaldeo of Ajmer, who, for his oppression of his subjects, was transformed into a Rakshas, or Vernon, in which condition he continued the evil work of his former existence, ' devouring his subjects' (as literally expressed), until a grand-child offered himself as a victim to appease his insatiable appetite. The language of innocent affection made its way to the heart of the Rakshas, who recognized his offspring, and winged his flight to the Yamuna. It might be worth while to excavate the dhoond of the transformed Chohan king, which may prove to be his sepulchre.


Jaipur region, in later times was also known as Kachwaha Kingdom, Amber Kingdom, Jaipur Kingdom) is an historical region of Rajasthan state in western India. It includes the districts of Jaipur, Dausa, Sawai Madhopur, and Tonk and the northern part of Karauli District. The region lies in east-central Rajasthan, and is bounded by the Aravalli Range on the northwest, Ajmer to the west, Mewar region to the southwest, Hadoti region to the south, and Alwar, Bharatpur, and Karauli districts to the east.


In 1900, at the times of Jaipur Kingdom, region had a total area of 15,579 square miles (40,349 km²).

The southern and central portions of the region lie in the basin of the Banas River and its tributaries, including the Dhund River, which gives its name to the region. The northern portion of the region is drained by the Ban Ganga River, which originates in Jaipur district and flows east to join the Yamuna in Uttar Pradesh state.


The Meenas kings were the early rulers of Dhundhar and later on the region was governed by the Kachwaha dynasty of Rajputs, claiming descent from Rama, king of Ayodhya. Kachwahas ruled from the 11th century until after India's independence in 1947. The Kachwaha kingdom, whose first capital was at Dausa then Amber, was later known as Jaipur, after the new capital established in 1727 by Maharaja Jai Singh II (ruled 1700-1743).

The state is said to have been founded in the eleventh century or 1097 by Dūhaladeva (popularly known by his folk name of Tejkaranj -'the Bridegroom prince'), who hailed from Gwalior; he and his Kachwaha kinsmen are said to have absorbed or driven out the local Meenas and Bargujar Rajput chiefs. The Meenas became a key ally of the Kachwahas. Their original capital in the Dhundhar region was Dausa, then Jamwa Ramgarh then Amber before the shift to Jaipur.

Throughout the disintegration of the Mughal Empire, the armies of Jaipur were constantly at war. Towards the end of the 18th century, the Jats of Bharatpur and the chief of Alwar (also a Kachwaha) declared themselves independent from Jaipur and each annexed the eastern portion of Jaipur's territory. This period of Jaipur's history is characterized by internal power-struggles and constant military conflicts with the Marathas, Jats, other Rajput states, as well as the British and the Pindaris (Jaipur's former mercenary allies). Nevertheless, enough wealth remained in Jaipur for the patronage of fine temples/palaces, continuity of its courtly traditions and the well-being of its citizens and merchant communities.

Maharaja Sawai Man Singh II (1922-1949) acceded the state of Jaipur to the Government of India in 1948, shortly after India's independence. Jaipur then became the capital of Rajasthan.


  1. Thakur Deshraj:Jat Jan Sewak, 1949, p.148-149
  2. Aitihasik Sthanavali by Vijayendra Kumar Mathur, p.384
  3. शिवराज, भूषण, छंद 111
  4. Raghunath Bhakhar: 'Rulyana Mali' (Jhankata Ateet), Bhaskar Prakashan Sikar, 2022. ISBN: 978-93-5607-079-0, p.72
  5. Dr Mahendra Singh Arya, Dharmpal Singh Dudee, Kishan Singh Faujdar & Vijendra Singh Narwar: Ādhunik Jat Itihas, p. 249
  6. Annals and Antiquities of Rajasthan, Volume II, Annals of Amber, p.319

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