Kurukshetra War Day-3
The Kurukshetra War detailed in the Hindu epic Mahabharata was between the ancient Hindu clans of Kaurava and Pandava and lasted eighteen days.
The Pandavas won the third day's battle.
Military formation of the Kaurava Army
(MBh 6.56)
Military formation of the Pandava Army
(MBh 6.56)
- Name:- Semi Lunar
- Shape:-Semi Lunar Shaped
- Architects:- Arjuna, Dhristadyumna
- Nature:- Unknown
The heroes of the Kaurava army in Day Three
(MBh 6.56)
On Day two Bhishma was protected by Drona, Kritavarman, Ashwathaman and Kripa. On the beak of Garuda array was Bhishma. Drona and Kritavarma formed its eyes. Ashwathaman, Kripa, Trigartas, Matsyas (Matsyas under the Trigarta rule) and Kekayas formed its head. Bhurisravas, Sala, Shalya, Bhagadatta, Jayadratha, Madrakas, Sindhus, Souviras, Pancha-nodas and the Vatadhanas formed its neck. Duryodhana and his brothers formed its back. Vinda, Anuvinda, Kambojas, Sakas and Surasenas formed its tail. Magadhas, Kalingas and Daserakas formed its right wing. Vrithadvala, Karushas, Vikunjas, Mundas, Kaundivrishas formed its left wing.
Comment: Mundas here probably refers to munda Yavana/Kamboja soldiers of Sudakshina's army. Thus a section of the munda Kambojas/Yavanas probably formed its left flank also. (for munda Kambojas, see: mundanetan...Kambojaneva (MBH 7.119.26-27); cf: Kamboja munda Yavana munda (Ganapatha on Panini)).
The heroes of the Pandava army in Day Three
(MBh 6.56)
On the right horn of the array Bhima stood surrounded by kings of many countries. He was followed by Virata, Drupada and Nila. Next to Nila was the mighty car-warrior Dhrishtaketu, surrounded by the Chedis, the Kasis, the Karushas, and the Pauravas (The earliest kings of Chedi were Pauravas, so one of the Chedi chief was called a Paurava, a direct descendant in the line of Puru). Dhrishtadyumna, and Sikhandi, with the Panchalas and the Prabhadrakas, and supported by other troops, were stationed in the middle. Yudhisthira stood surrounded by an elephant division in the middle. Next to him was Satyaki , Draupadi's sons, Iravat, and Ghatotkacha. Arjuna formed the left horn.
The highlights of Day Three fight
Warriors Slain
- No main warriors.
Chapter-wise Summary
- 6,57 Day 3 Forenoon Army's broke
- 6,58 Day 3 Forenoon Arjuna's success
- 6,59 Day 3 AfterNoon Arjuna's success, Krishna takes weapon
The highlight of the Day Three fight was that Krishna took his Sudarshana (discus) and rushed to Bhishma to slay him. Arjuna grabbed him and promised to fight with more vigour in the battle field. That exactly was the motive behind this act of Krishna.
- C. Rajagopalachari, Mahabharata, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan. 1994
- Kamala Subramaniam, Mahabharata, Bhavan's Book University, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Mumbai 2001
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