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Majoka (मजोका) is a Muslim Jat clan found in Pakistan.


Jat Gotras Namesake

Jat Gotras Namesake

Jat Gotras Namesake

Mention by Pliny

Pliny[1] mentions Lake Mieotis and the adjoining nations....after these again, the Camacæ, the Orani, the Autacæ, the Mazacasi, the Cantiocæ, the Agamathæ, the Pici, the Rimosoli, the Acascomarci, and, upon the ridges of the Caucasus, the Itacalæ, the Imadochi, the Rami, the Anclacæ, the Tydii, the Carastasei, and the Anthiandæ.

Mention by Pliny

Pliny[2] mentions The Ariani and the adjoining Nations. ....The city of Cartana6 lies at the foot of Caucasus; in later times it has been called Tetragonis.7 This region lies over against that of the Bactri, who come next, and whose chief city is Alexandria8, so ,from the name of its founder. We then come to the Syndraci9 the Dangalæ10 the Parapinæ11, the Catuces, and the Mazi; and then at the foot of Caucasus, to the Cadrusi, whose town12 was built by Alexander.

6 Now called Birusen, according to Parisot, and not the city of Cabul, as supposed by Hardouin.

7 Or the "four-cornered city."

8 This place has not been identified. It has been suggested that it is the same as the modern city of Candahar; but that was really Alexandria of the Paropanisadæ, quite a different place.

9 Inhabiting the district now called Arassen, according to Parisot.

10 Inhabiting the modern Danra, according to Parisot.

11 Inhabitants of the modern Parasan, according to Parisot.

12 The modern Candahar is generally supposed to occupy its site.


Rajatarangini[3] tells us that ...The powerful and wise Majika and others came from Lothana, and having obtained from Somapala a promise to give them what they would ask, begged him for the delivery of the Pratihara for a large amount of gold.[p.167]

Rajatarangini[4] tells us that ...Dāraka and others frightened Majika with rumours which might have been true or false, of some harm from king Lothana. (p.170)

Rajatarangini[5] tells us that When the dependants of king Jayasimha, who had been invited before, arrived, Majika reproached them and made king Mallarjjuna supreme in the country. (p.171)

Rajatarangini[6] tells us that At this opportunity the king (Jayasimha) thought of destroying Majika his principal minister and father- in-law. Majika had bestowed his daughter on the king. Majika was young and lustful, and the king believed that it was well known that he was the paramour of the king's mother. At the time when Majika was taking his meals, he was, at the instigation of the king, killed by the Tikshnas who were provided with arms.(p.178)

Distribution in Pakistan

Majoka - This clan is found at the banks of river Jehlum in the Sargodha District. The ancestry of Majoka clan is not fully clear yet. Majokas claim ancestry from Muslim invaders of India in the seventh century. However, other opinions include a Rajput or Chadhar descent.

Sub Divisions Khokhar gotra

There are several sub-divisions of the Khokhar gotra , such as the Bandial, Bhachar, Dholka, Ganjial, Jalap, Majoka, Nissowana, Rawal, and Denaar (in muslim). According to H.A. Rose[7] Jat clans derived from Khokhar are: Bohla and Khokhar Haral, Ajra, Bhalu and Bhala are also the sub gotras of the Khokhar Jats (Hindu and Sikh).

Notable persons


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