Mitraon (मित्राऊँ) or Mitrau (मित्राऊ) village is located near Najafgarh town in west Delhi. Due to its vast agricultural lands, the village has gained high standard of living because of attractive selling prices of agricultural products like food-grains and vegetables.
Jat Gotras
- Gahlawat[1]
- Gahlot - This is Gahlot Jat village
- Sahrawat - few families of Sahrawat gotra are also there
- Payal
Gahlawat and Gahlot are same gotras.
The village Mitraon is dominated by Gahlawat clan Jats. Village Farmana in Sonipat district is considered as the centre of Gahlawats. The Gahlawat people of Mitraon believe that they migrated from Farmana and settled at Mitraon and Kakrola. Some people came from Rajasthan. Local MLA Kailash Mitrau is from Mitraon village. [2]
Bharatpur Influence
Notable persons
- Rai Bahadur Raghunath Singh Gahlawat, Jagirdar of Mitrao, President of Delhi District Board, Honorary Magistrate of Najafgarh
- Zaildar Family
- Kailash Gahlot MLA Najafagrh
- Jagdish Chadra Gahlot - Retd from Delhi State cooperative Bank in 1995. Ph. 011-28010254 [3]
- Sandeep Kumar Payal: IRS (C&CE) 2016, From Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan, M: 9999980560.
- Manjeet Mahal Infamous
- Anoop Gahlot Infamous
- Balraj Gahlot Infamous
External Links
Photo Gallery
Samadhi of Dada Bhogi Sadh ji Maharaj, Mitraon Village
Dndeswal 15:59, 20 January 2007 (EST)
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