Natalia L’vovna Zhukovskaia

From Jatland Wiki

Dr. Natalia L’vovna Zhukovskaia (Russian: Наталья Львовна Жуковская) (born: 24 February, 1939) is a former professor of ethnology and anthropology and the former Head of the Center for Asian and Pacific Studies of the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia.[1]


She is married to the prestigious author, Sergey Alexandrovich Arutyunov, who is renowned for his book Cultures, Traditions, and Their Development.

Education and interests

Animation highlighting the Ancestral ethnic Scythian Migration component of the Jats of South Asia.
  • Graduation: Completed — 1961; University — Moscow State University (Russia); Department — Department of Ethnography (Faculty of History).
  • Kandidat Nauk/Candidate of Sciences: Completed — 1971; Thesis — "Lamaism and the Early Forms of Religion".
  • Doktor Nauk/Doctor of Sciences: Completed — 1990; Thesis — "The Main/Primary (Основный) Categories of Traditional Culture of the Mongols".


Since 2004, she is an honorary member of the Central Eurasian Studies Society.[2]

In 2011, she was awarded the Order of the Polar Star (AltanGadas), which is the highest state honour of Mongolia, by the Government of Mongolia.[1]

Natalia L’vovna Zhukovskaia on Jat History

Natalia L’vovna Zhukovskaia writes that the Jats formed the main core of the population of Punjab. She writes that the Jats are inhomogeneous/heterogeneous (неоднородны) to the Rajputs which is also evidenced by the difference in anthropological features that significantly distinguishes the Jats from the Rajputs, and all the models of cultural and economic life of the Jats.[3]

See also

The Jat People Genetic DNA Profiles


  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 1.2 Natalia L’vovna Zhukovskaia — Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology
  2. Honorary Members — Central Eurasian Studies Society
  3. Author: Наталья Львовна Жуковская (1986). Co-author: Институт этнографии имени Н.Н. Миклухо-Маклая. Book: Мифы, культы, обряды народов зарубежной Азии. Publisher: Изд-во "Наука," Глав. ред. восточной лит-ры. Page: 165. Quote: " Это прежде всего джаты, составившие основное ядро населения Панджаба. О том, что они неоднородны раджпутам, говорят и разница в антропологических особенностях, заметно отличающая их от раджпутов, и все модели их культурно-хозяйственной жизни. "

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