
Ratasar (रतासर) is a village in Chohtan tahsil of Barmer district in Rajasthan.
It is located at a distance of 25 km from Border of Pakistan. Nearest railway station is Ramsar 26 km on Munabav-Khokharapar International railway line.
Jat Gotras
Sau, Saran, Mahiya, Jani, Jakhar, Jandu, Bhambhu, Sani, Beniwal Bairad Karwasra, Sihag, Khichar, Huda,
The population of the village is about 5156. 432 families are Jats.
Other castes with no. of families are Muslim (150), Bhil (10), Meghwal (4), Bikhari (3), Mahajan (4), Rajput (3), Sant (1).
The village gets name after abundance of sand dunes at the site of village which are known as 'ret ke tile' in Rajasthani. The villagers helped in the reservation movement for Jats in OBC. They also helped the Indian Army during Indo=pak war in 1965 and 1971. During war these villagers had to shift else where.
Notable persons
External links
- Jat Samaj, Agra, March 2003, p. 9
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