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Vaire (वैरे) is a Jat Gotra, mainly found in and around Beri and Jahazgarh (famous for largest cattle fair in India) in Jhajjar district of Haryana and Bulandshahr district of Western Uttar Pradesh in India.


Vaire Jat clan people have descended from Nagavanshi mahapurusha Veranaga (वेरनाग) or Vairanaga (वैरनाग) (or Varsaenaga) . Veri Naga is a place in Kashmir. [1]

Jat Gotras Namesake

In Mahabharata

Sabha Parva, Mahabharata/Book II Chapter 47 mentions various Kings who brought tributes to Yudhishthira: Paradas are mentioned in shloka10:

....many skins of the Ranku deer worthy even of Brahmanas as tribute unto king Yudhishthira. And the tribes Vairamas, Paradas, Tungas, with the Kitavas who lived upon crops that depended on water from the sky or of the river and also they who were born in regions on the sea-shore, in woodlands, or countries on the other side of the ocean waited at the gate, being refused permission to enter, with goats and kine and asses and camels and vegetable, honey and blankets and jewels and gems of various kinds.

ते वैरामाः पारथाश च वङ्गाश च कितवैः सह
विविधं बलिम आथाय रत्नानि विविधानि च (II.47.10)
अजाविकं गॊहिरण्यं खरॊष्ट्रं फलजं मधु
कम्बलान विविधांश चैव थवारि तिष्ठन्ति वारिताः (II.47.11)

Distribution in Uttar Pradesh

There are several villages of Vaire Jats in Bulandshahr which mainly includes Jagdishpur, Naurangabad, Kanaini, Asroli ka Nagla and other surrounding villages(all in Shikarpur Tehsil). In fact, the ancestors of Vaire Jats in Bulandshahr lived in and around Beri and Jahazgarh in Jhajjar district of Haryana. In the beginning of the 19th century, five families of Vaire Jats migrated to Bulandshahr and settled down in Jagdishpur and adjoining areas. Three of the five families settled in Jagdishpur and Naurangabad.

Even today, Vaire Jats visit their ancestral villages in Jhajjar from Bulandshahr.

Villages in Bulandshahr district

Shahzadpur Kanaini,

Distribution in Haryana

There are more than 300 (??) villages of Vaire Jats in Beri and Jahazgarh in Jhajjar district of Haryana.

Villages in Jhajjar district

Beri, Jahazgarh,


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