Sabha Parva, Mahabharata/Book II Chapter 47

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Mahabharata Book 2 Chapter 47: English


mentions the Kings who brought tributes to Yudhishthira:

Duryodhana said,--'Listen now, O Bharata, about all the most costly articles I saw, belonging unto the sons of Pandu, and brought one after another by the kings of the earth. Beholding that wealth of the foe, I lost my reason and scarcely knew myself. And, O Bharata, listen as I describe that wealth consisting of both manufactures and the produce of the land. The king of Kamboja gave innumerable skins of the best king, and blankets made of wool, of the soft fur of rodents and other burroughers, and of the hair of cats,--all inlaid with threads of gold. And he also gave three hundred horses of the Titteti and the Kalmasha species possessing noses like parrots. And he also gave three hundred camels and an equal number of

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she-asses, all fattened with the olives and the Pilusha. And innumerable Brahmanas engaged in rearing cattle and occupied in low offices for the gratification of the illustrious king Yudhishthira the just waited at the gate with three hundred millions of tribute but they were denied admission into the palace. And hundred upon hundreds of Brahmanas possessing wealth of kine and living upon the lands that Yudhishthira had given them, came there with their handsome golden Kamandalus filled with clarified butter. And though they had brought such tribute, they were refused admission into the palace. And the Sudra kings that dwelt in the regions on the seacoast, brought with them, O king, hundred thousands of serving girls of the Karpasika country, all of beautiful features and slender waist and luxuriant hair and decked in golden ornaments; and also many skins of the Ranku deer worthy even of Brahmanas as tribute unto king Yudhishthira. And the tribes Vairamas, Paradas, Vangas, with the Kitavas who lived upon crops that depended on water from the sky or of the river and also they who were born in regions on the sea-shore (Samudranishkuta) (समुद्रनिष्कुट) (II.47.9), in woodlands, or countries on the other side of the ocean waited at the gate, being refused permission to enter, with goats and kine and asses and camels and vegetable, honey and blankets and jewels and gems of various kinds. And that great warrior king Bhagadatta, the brave ruler of Pragjyotisha and the mighty sovereign of the mlechchas, at the head of a large number of Yavanas waited at the gate unable to enter, with a considerable tribute comprising of horses of the best breed and possessing the speed of the wind. And king Bhagadatta (beholding the concourse) had to go away from the gate, making over a number of swords with handles made of the purest ivory and well-adorned with diamonds and every kind of gems. And many tribes coming from different regions, of whom some possess two eyes, some three and some had eyes on their foreheads, and those also called Aushmikas, and Nishadas, and Romakas, some cannibals and many possessing only one leg. I say, O king, standing at the gate, being refused permission to enter. And these diverse rulers brought as tribute ten thousand asses of diverse hues and black necks and huge bodies and great speed and much docility and celebrated all over the world. And these asses were all of goodly size and delightful colour. And they were all bred on the coast of Vankhu. And there were many kings that gave unto Yudhishthira much gold and silver. And having given much tribute they obtained admission into the palace of Yudhishthira. The people that came there possessing only one leg gave unto Yudhishthira many wild horses, some of which were as red as the cochineal, and some white, and some possessing the hues of the rainbow and some looking like evening clouds, and some that were of variegated colour. And they were all endued with the speed of the mind. And they also gave unto the king enough gold of superior quality. I also saw numberless Chinas and Sakas and Udras (II.47.19) and many barbarous tribes living in

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the woods, and many Vrishnis and Harahunas, and dusky tribes of the Himavat, and many Nipas and people residing in regions on the sea-coast, waiting at the gate being refused permission to enter. And the people of Valhika gave unto him as tribute ten thousand asses, of goodly size and black necks and daily running two hundred miles, And those asses were of many shapes. And they were well-trained and celebrated all over the world. And possessed of symmetrical proportion and excellent colour, their skins were pleasant to the touch. And the Valhikas also presented numerous blankets of woollen texture manufactured in China and numerous skins of the Ranku deer, and clothes manufactured from jute, and others woven with the threads spun by insects. And they also gave thousands of other clothes not made of cotton, possessing the colour of the lotus. And these were all of smooth texture. And they also gave soft sheep-skins by thousands. And they also gave many sharp and long swords and scimitars, and hatchets and fine-edged battle-axes manufactured in the western countries. And having presented perfumes and jewels and gems of various kinds by thousands as tribute, they waited at the gate, being refused admission into the palace. And the Sakas and and Tukharas and Kankas and Romas and men with horns bringing with them as tribute numerous large elephants and ten thousand horses, and hundreds and hundreds of millions of gold waited at the gate, being refused permission to enter. And the kings of the eastern countries having presented numerous valuable articles including many costly carpets and vehicles and beds, and armours of diverse hues decked with jewels and gold and ivory, and weapons of various kinds, and cars of various shapes and handsome make and adorned with gold, with well-trained horses trimmed with tiger skins, and rich and variegated blankets for caprisoning elephants, and various kinds of jewels and gems, arrows long and short and various other kinds of weapons, obtained permission to enter the sacrificial palace of the illustrious Pandava!'"

Mahabharata Book 2 Chapter 47: Sanskrit

1  [थ]
     यन मया पाण्डवानां तु थृष्टं तच छृणु भारत
     आहृतं भूमिपालैर हि वसु मुख्यं ततस ततः
 2 न विन्थे थृढम आत्मामं थृष्ट्वाहं तथ अरेर धनम
     फलतॊ भूमितॊ वापि परतिपथ्यस्व भारत
 3 ऐडांश चैलान वार्षथंशाञ जातरूपपरिष्कृताम
     परावाराजिन मुख्यांश च कम्बॊजः परथथौ वसु
 4 अश्वांस तित्तिरि कल्माषांस तरिशतं शुकनासिकान
     उष्ट्रवामीस तरिशतं च पुष्टाः पीलु शमीङ्गुथैः
 5 गॊवासना बराह्मणाश च थासमीयाश च सर्वशः
     परीत्यर्दं ते महाभागा धर्मराज्ञॊ महात्मनः
     तरिखर्वं बलिम आथाय थवारि तिष्ठन्ति वारिताः
 6 कमण्डलून उपाथाय जातरूपमयाञ शुभान
     एवं बलिं परथायाद परवेशं लेभिरे ततः
 7 शतं थासी सहस्राणां कार्पासिक निवासिनाम
     शयामास तन्व्यॊ थीर्घकेश्यॊ हेमाभरण भूषिताः
     शूथ्रा विप्रॊत्तमार्हाणि राङ्कवान्य अजिनानि च
 8 बलिं च कृत्स्नम आथाय भरु कच्छ निवासिनः
     उपनिन्युर महाराज हयान गान्धारथेशजान
 9 इन्द्र कृष्टैर वर्तयन्ति धान्यैर नथी मुखैश च ये
     समुद्रनिष्कुटे जाताः पारेसिन्धु च मानवाः
 10 ते वैरामाः पारदाशवङ्गाशकितवैः सह
    विविधं बलिम आथाय रत्नानि विविधानि च
11 अजाविकं गॊहिरण्यं खरॊष्ट्रं फलजं मधु
    कम्बलान विविधांश चैव थवारि तिष्ठन्ति वारिताः
12 पराग्ज्यॊतिषाधिपः शूरॊ मलेच्छानाम अधिपॊ बली
    यनवैः सहितॊ राजा भगथत्तॊ महारदः
13 आजानेयान हयाञ शीघ्रान आथायानिल रंहसः
    बलिं च कृत्स्नम आथाय थवारि तिष्ठति वारितः
14 अश्मसारमयं भाण्डं शुथ्धथन्तत्सरून असीन
    पराग्ज्यॊतिषॊ ऽद तथ थत्त्वा भगथत्तॊ ऽवरजत तथा
15 दव्यक्षांस त्र्यक्षाँल ललाटाक्षान नानाथिग्भ्यः समागतान
    औष्णीषान अनिवासांश च बाहुकान पुरुषाथकान
16 एकपाथांश च तत्राहम अपश्यं थवारि वारितान
    बल्यर्दं थथतस तस्मै हिरण्यं रजतं बहु
17 इन्थ्र गॊप कवर्णाभाञ शुकवर्णान मनॊजवान
    तदैवेन्थ्रायुध निभान संध्याभ्रसथृशान अपि
18 अनेकवर्णान आरण्यान गृहीत्वाश्वान मनॊजवान
    जातरूपम अनर्घ्यं च थथुस तस्यैक पाथकाः
19 चीनान हूनाञ शकान ओडून पर्वतान्तरवासिनः
    वार्ष्णेयान हारहूणांश च कृष्णान हैमवतांस तदा
20 न पारयाम्य अभिगतान विविधान थवारि वारितान
    बल्यर्दं थथतस तस्य नानारूपान अनेकशः
21 कृष्ण गरीवान महाकायान रासभाञ शतपातिनः
    आहार्षुर थशसाहस्रान विनीतान थिक्षु विश्रुतान
22 प्रमाण रागस्पर्शाढ्यं बाह्ली चीन (? वंक्षुतीर) समुद्भवम
    और्णं च राङ्कवं चैव कीटजं पट्टजं तदा
23 कुट्टी कृतं तदैवान्यत कमलाभं सहस्रशः
    शलक्ष्णं वस्त्रम अकार्पासम आविकं मृथु चाजिनम
24 निशितांश चैव थीर्घासीन ऋष्टिशक्तिपरश्वधान
    अपरान्त समुथ्भूतांस तदैव परशूञ शितान
25 रसान गन्धांश च विविधान रत्नानि च सहस्रशः
    बलिं च कृत्स्नम आथाय थवारि तिष्ठन्ति वारिताः
26 शकास तुखाराः कङ्काशरॊमशाः शृङ्गिणॊ नराः
    महागमान थूरगमान गणितान अर्बुदं हयान
27 कॊटिशश चैव बहुशः सुवर्णं पथ्मसंमितम
    बलिम आथाय विविधं थवारि तिष्ठन्ति वारिताः
28 आसनानि महार्हाणि यानानि शयनानि च
    मणिकाञ्चनचित्राणि गजथन्त मयानि च
29 रदांश च विविधाकाराञ जातरूपपरिष्कृतान
    हयैर विनीतैः संपन्नान वैयाघ्रपरिवारणान
30 विचित्रांश च परिस्तॊमान रत्नानि च सहस्रशः
    नाराचान अर्धनाराचाञ शस्त्राणि विविधानि च
31 एतथ थत्त्वा महथ थरव्यं पूर्वथेशाधिपॊ नृपः
    परविष्टॊ यज्ञसथनं पाण्डवस्य महात्मनः

Mahabharata Book 2 Chapter 47: Transliteration

 1  [d]
     yan mayā pāṇḍavānāṃ tu dṛṣṭaṃ tac chṛṇu bhārata
     āhṛtaṃ bhūmipālair hi vasu mukhyaṃ tatas tataḥ
 2 na vinde dṛḍham ātmāmaṃ dṛṣṭvāhaṃ tad arer dhanam
     phalato bhūmito vāpi pratipadyasva bhārata
 3 aiḍāṃś cailān vārṣadaṃśāñ jātarūpapariṣkṛtām
     prāvārājina mukhyāṃś ca kambojaḥ pradadau vasu
 4 aśvāṃs tittiri kalmāṣāṃs triśataṃ śukanāsikān
     uṣṭravāmīs triśataṃ ca puṣṭāḥ pīlu śamīṅgudaiḥ
 5 govāsanā brāhmaṇāś ca dāsamīyāś ca sarvaśaḥ
     prītyarthaṃ te mahābhāgā dharmarājño mahātmanaḥ
     trikharvaṃ balim ādāya dvāri tiṣṭhanti vāritāḥ
 6 kamaṇḍalūn upādāya jātarūpamayāñ śubhān
     evaṃ baliṃ pradāyātha praveśaṃ lebhire tataḥ
 7 śataṃ dāsī sahasrāṇāṃ kārpāsika nivāsinām
     śyāmās tanvyo dīrghakeśyo hemābharaṇa bhūṣitāḥ
     śūdrā viprottamārhāṇi rāṅkavāny ajināni ca
 8 baliṃ ca kṛtsnam ādāya bharu kaccha nivāsinaḥ
     upaninyur mahārāja hayān gāndhāradeśajān
 9 indra kṛṣṭair vartayanti dhānyair nadī mukhaiś ca ye
     samudraniṣkuṭe jātāḥ parisindu ca mānavāḥ
 10 te vairāmāḥ pāradāś ca vaṅgāś ca kitavaiḥ saha
    vividhaṃ balim ādāya ratnāni vividhāni ca
11 ajāvikaṃ gohiraṇyaṃ kharoṣṭraṃ phalajaṃ madhu
    kambalān vividhāṃś caiva dvāri tiṣṭhanti vāritāḥ
12 prāgjyotiṣādhipaḥ śūro mlecchānām adhipo balī
    yanavaiḥ sahito rājā bhagadatto mahārathaḥ
13 ājāneyān hayāñ śīghrān ādāyānila raṃhasaḥ
    baliṃ ca kṛtsnam ādāya dvāri tiṣṭhati vāritaḥ
14 aśmasāramayaṃ bhāṇḍaṃ śuddhadantatsarūn asīn
    prāgjyotiṣo 'tha tad dattvā bhagadatto 'vrajat tadā
15 dvyakṣāṃs tryakṣāṁl lalāṭākṣān nānādigbhyaḥ samāgatān
    auṣṇīṣān anivāsāṃś ca bāhukān puruṣādakān
16 ekapādāṃś ca tatrāham apaśyaṃ dvāri vāritān
    balyarthaṃ dadatas tasmai hiraṇyaṃ rajataṃ bahu
17 indra gopa kavarṇābhāñ śukavarṇān manojavān
    tathaivendrāyudha nibhān saṃdhyābhrasadṛśān api
18 anekavarṇān āraṇyān gṛhītvāśvān manojavān
    jātarūpam anarghyaṃ ca dadus tasyaika pādakāḥ
19 cīnān hūnāñ śakān oḍūn parvatāntaravāsinaḥ
    vārṣṇeyān hārahūṇāṃś ca kṛṣṇān haimavatāṃs tathā
20 na pārayāmy abhigatān vividhān dvāri vāritān
    balyarthaṃ dadatas tasya nānārūpān anekaśaḥ
21 kṛṣṇa grīvān mahākāyān rāsabhāñ śatapātinaḥ
    āhārṣur daśasāhasrān vinītān dikṣu viśrutān
22 pramāṇa rāgasparśāḍhyaṃ bāhlī cīna samudbhavam
    aurṇaṃ ca rāṅkavaṃ caiva kīṭajaṃ paṭṭajaṃ tathā
23 kuṭṭī kṛtaṃ tathaivānyat kamalābhaṃ sahasraśaḥ
    ślakṣṇaṃ vastram akārpāsam āvikaṃ mṛdu cājinam
24 niśitāṃś caiva dīrghāsīn ṛṣṭiśaktiparaśvadhān
    aparānta samudbhūtāṃs tathaiva paraśūñ śitān
25 rasān gandhāṃś ca vividhān ratnāni ca sahasraśaḥ
    baliṃ ca kṛtsnam ādāya dvāri tiṣṭhanti vāritāḥ
26 śakās tukhārāḥ kaṅkāś ca romaśāḥ śṛṅgiṇo narāḥ
    mahāgamān dūragamān gaṇitān arbudaṃ hayān
27 koṭiśaś caiva bahuśaḥ suvarṇaṃ padmasaṃmitam
    balim ādāya vividhaṃ dvāri tiṣṭhanti vāritāḥ
28 āsanāni mahārhāṇi yānāni śayanāni ca
    maṇikāñcanacitrāṇi gajadanta mayāni ca
29 rathāṃś ca vividhākārāñ jātarūpapariṣkṛtān
    hayair vinītaiḥ saṃpannān vaiyāghraparivāraṇān
30 vicitrāṃś ca paristomān ratnāni ca sahasraśaḥ
    nārācān ardhanārācāñ śastrāṇi vividhāni ca
31 etad dattvā mahad dravyaṃ pūrvadeśādhipo nṛpaḥ
    praviṣṭo yajñasadanaṃ pāṇḍavasya mahātmanaḥ
