Vana Parva, Mahabharata/Book III Chapter 170

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Mahabharata Book III Chapter 170 English


"Arjuna continued, 'Then while returning, I happened to descry a mighty unearthly city, moving at will, and having the effulgence of fire or the sun. And that city contained various trees composed of gems, and sweet-voiced feathered ones. And furnished with four gates, and gate-ways, and towers, that impregnable (city) was inhabited by the Paulamas and Kalakas. And it was made of all sorts of jewels and was unearthly, and of wonderful appearance. And it was covered with trees of all kinds of gems, bearing fruits and flowers. And it contained exceedingly beautiful unearthly birds. And it always swarmed throughout with cheerful Asuras, wearing garlands, and bearing in their hands darts, two edged swords, maces, bows, and clubs. And, O king, on seeing this wonderful city of the Daityas, I asked Matali saying, 'What is this that looketh so wonderful?' Thereat, Matali replied, 'Once on a time a Daitya's daughter, named Pulama and a mighty female of the Asura order, Kalaka by name, practised severe austerities for a thousand celestial years. And at the end of their austerities, the self-create conferred on them boons. And, O king of kings, they received these boons,--that their offspring might never suffer misfortune; that they might be incapable of being destroyed even by the gods, the Rakshasas and the Pannagas; and that they might obtain a highly effulgent and surpassingly fair aerial city, furnished with all manner of gems and invincible even by the celestials, the Maharshis, the Yakshas, the Gandharvas, the Pannagas, the Asuras [p. 348]: and the Rakshasas. O best of the Bharatas, this is that unearthly aerial city devoid of the celestials, which is moving about, having been created for the Kalakeyas, by Brahma himself. And this city is furnished with all desirable objects, and is unknown of grief or disease. And, O hero, celebrated under the name of Hiranyapura, this mighty city is inhabited by the Paulamas and the Kalakanjas; and it is also guarded by those mighty Asuras. And, O king, unslayed by any of the gods, there they dwell cheerfully, free from anxiety and having all their desires gratified, O foremost of kings. Formerly, Brahma had destined destruction at the hands of mortals. Do thou, O Partha, in fight, compass with that weapon--the thunder-bolt--the destruction of the mighty and irrepressible Kalakanjas.'

"Arjuna continued, 'O lord of men, learning that they were incapable of being destroyed by the celestials and the Asuras, I cheerfully said unto Matali, 'Do thou speedily repair into yonder city. With weapons will I compass the annihilation of the haters of the lord of the celestials. Surely, there exist no wicked haters of the gods who ought not to be slain by me.' Thereupon Matali took me to the vicinity of Hiranyapura on the celestial chariot yoked with steeds. And seeing me, those sons of Diti, wearing various kinds of attire and ornament and accoutred in mail, flew at me with a mighty rush. And those foremost of the Danavas, of exceeding prowess, in wrath attacked me with arrows and bhallas and clubs and two-edged swords, and tomaras. Thereat, O king, resorting to my strength of lore, I resisted that great volley of weapons by a mighty shower of shafts; and also confounded them in conflict by ranging around in my car. And being bewildered, the Danavas began to push each other down. And having been confounded, they rushed at one another. And with flaming arrows, I severed their heads by hundreds. And hard pressed by me, the offspring of Diti, taking shelter within (their) city, soared with it to the firmament, resorting to the illusion proper to the Danavas. Thereupon, O son of the Kurus, covering the way of the Daityas, with a mighty discharge of shafts I obstructed their course. Then by virtue of the bestowal of the boon, the Daityas supported themselves easily on that sky-ranging unearthly aerial city, going anywhere at will and like unto the sun. And now (the city) entered unto the earth and now it rose upwards; and at one time it went in a crooked way and at another time it submerged into water. At this, O represser of foes, I assailed that mighty city, going anywhere at will, and resembling Amaravati. And, O best of the Bharatas, I attacked the city containing those sons of Diti, with multitudes of shafts, displaying celestial weapons. And battered and broken by the straight-coursing iron shafts, shot by me, the city of the Asuras, O king, fell to the earth. And they also, wounded by my iron arrows having the speed of the thunder, began, O monarch, to go about, being urged by destiny. Then ascending to the sky, Matali, as if falling in front, swiftly descended to the earth, on that chariot of solar resplendence. Then, O Bharata, environed me sixty thousand cars belonging to those wrathful ones eager to battle with me. And with sharpened shafts graced with feathers of the vulture, I destroyed those (cars). At this, thinking, 'These

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our hosts are incapable of being vanquished by mortals, they became engaged in the conflict, like unto the surges of the sea.' Thereupon I gradually began to fix (on the string) unearthly weapons. At this, thousands of weapons (shot) by those wonderfully warring charioteers, by degrees opposed my unearthly arms and in the field I saw hundreds and thousands of mighty (demons) ranging on their cars, in various manoeuvres. And being furnished with variegated mail and standards and diverse ornaments, they delighted my mind. And in the conflict I could not afflict them by showers of shafts, but they did not afflict me. And being afflicted by those innumerable ones, equipped in weapons and skilled in fight, I was pained in that mighty encounter and a terrible fear seized me. Thereupon collecting (my energies) in fight, I (bowed down) unto that god of gods, Raudra, and saying, 'May welfare attend on all beings!' I fixed that mighty weapon which, celebrated under the name of Raudra, is the destroyer of all foes. Then I beheld a male person having three heads, nine eyes, three faces, and six arms. And his hair was flaming like fire or the sun. And, O slayer of foes, for his dress, he had mighty serpents, putting out their tongues. And saying, O best of the Bharatas, the dreadful and eternal Raudra, I being free from fear, set it on the Gandiva; and, bowing unto the three-eyed Sarva of immeasurable energy, let go (the weapon), with the object of vanquishing those foremost of the Danavas, O Bharata. And, O lord of men, as soon as it had been hurled, there appeared on the scene by thousands, forms of deer, and of lions, and of tigers, and of bears and of buffaloes, and of serpents, and of kine, and of sarabhas, and of elephants, and of apes in multitudes, and of bulls, and of boars, and of cats, and of dogs, and of spectres, and of all the Bhurundas, and of vultures, and of Garudas, of Makaras, and of all the leopards, and of mountains, and of seas, and of celestials, and of sages, and of all the Gandharvas, and of ghosts with the Yakshas, and of the haters of the gods, (Asuras), and of the Guhyakas in the field, and of the Nairitas and of elephant-mouthed sharks, and of owls, and of beings having the forms of fishes and horses, and of beings bearing swords and various other weapons, and of Rakshasas wielding maces and clubs. And on that weapon being hurled all the universe became filled with these as well as many others wearing various shapes. And again and again wounded by beings of various sights with (pieces of) flesh, fat, bones, and marrow on their persons,--some having three heads, and some four tusks, and some four mouths, and some four arms,--the Danavas met with destruction. And, then, O Bharata, in a moment I slew all those Danavas, with other swarms of arrows composed of the quintessence of stone, flaming like fire or the sun, and possessed of the force of the thunder-bolt. And, seeing them hewn by the Gandiva, and deprived of life, and thrown from the sky, I again bowed unto that god--the Destroyer of Tripura. And, seeing those adorned with unearthly ornaments, crushed by the weapon, the Raudra, the charioteer of the celestials, experienced the greatest delight. And having witnessed the accomplishment of that unbearable feat incapable of being achieved even by the celestials themselves, Matali, the charioteer of Sakra, paid

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homage unto me; and well-pleased, with joint hands said these words. 'The feat that hath been achieved by thee, is incapable of being borne even by the gods, nay,--in battle, the lord of the celestials himself cannot perform this deed. The sky-coursing mighty city incapable of being destroyed by the gods and the Asuras hast thou, O hero, crushed by thy own prowess and by the energy of asceticism. And when that aerial city had been destroyed, and when the Danavas also had been slain, their wives, uttering cries of distress, like unto Kurari birds, with hair dishevelled came out of the city. And bewailing for their sons and brothers and fathers, they fell on the ground and cried with distressful accents. And on being deprived for their lords, they beat their breasts, their garlands and ornaments fallen off. And that city of Danavas, in appearance like unto the city of the Gandharvas filled with lamentations and stricken with dole and distress, and bereft of grace even like unto a lake deprived of (its) elephants, or like unto a forest deprived of trees and (deprived of its) masters, looked no longer beautiful--but it vanished, like a cloud-constructed city. And when I had accomplished the task, eftsoons from the field Matali took me of delighted spirits, unto the abode of the lord of the celestials. And having slain those mighty Asuras, and destroyed Hiranyapura, and having also killed the Nivata-Kavachas, I came unto Indra. And, O exceedingly resplendent one, as it had fallen out, Matali related in detail unto Devendra that entire achievement of mine. And with the Marutas, hearing of the destruction of Hiranyapura, of the neutralisation of the illusion, and of the slaughter of the highly powerful Nivatakavachas in fight, the prosperous thousand-eyed divine Purandara was well pleased, and exclaimed, 'Well done; Well done!' And the king of the celestials together with the celestials, cheering me again and again, said these sweet words, 'By thee hath been achieved a feat incapable of being achieved by the gods and the Asuras. And, O Partha, by slaying my mighty enemies, thou hast paid the preceptor's fee. And, O Dhananjaya, thus in battle shalt thou always remain calm, and discharge the weapons unerringly, and there shall not stand thee in fight celestials, and Danavas, and Rakshasas, and Yakshas, and Asuras, and Gandharvas and birds and serpents. And, O Kaunteya, by conquering it even by the might of thy arms, Kunti's son Yudhishthira, will rule the earth.'"

Mahabharata Book III Chapter 170 Sanskrit

 1 [अर्ज]
     निवर्तमानेन मया महथ थृष्टं ततॊ ऽपरम
     पुरं कामचरं थिव्यं पावकार्क समप्रभम
 2 थरुमै रत्नमयैश चैत्रैर भास्वरैश च पतत्रिभिः
     पौलॊमैः कालकेयैश च नित्यहृष्टैर अधिष्ठितम
 3 गॊपुराट्टालकॊपेतं चतुर्थ्वारं थुरासथम
     सर्वरत्नमयं थिव्यम अथ्भुतॊपमथर्शनम
     थरुमैः पुष्पफलॊपेतैर थिव्यरत्नमयैर वृतम
 4 तदा पतत्रिभिर थिव्यैर उपेतं सुमनॊहरैः
     असुरैर नित्यमुथितैः शूलर्ष्टि मुसलायुधैः
     चापमुथ्गर हस्तैश च सरग्विभिः सर्वतॊवृतम
 5 तथ अहं परेक्ष्य थैत्यानां पुरम अथ्भुतथर्शनम
     अपृच्छं मातलिं राजन किम इथं थृश्यतेति वै
 6 [मा]
     पुलॊमा नाम थैतेयी कालका च महासुरी
     थिव्यं वर्षसहस्रं ते चेरतुः परमं तपः
     तपसॊ ऽनते ततस ताभ्यां सवयम्भूर अथथाथ वरम
 7 अगृह्णीतां वरं ते तु सुतानाम अल्पथुःखताम
     अवध्यतां च राजेन्थ्र सुरराक्षस पन्नगैः
 8 रमणीयं पुरं चेथं खचरं सुकृतप्रभम
     सर्वरत्नैः समुथितं थुर्धर्षम अमरैर अपि
     सयक्षगन्धर्वगणैः पन्नगासुरराक्षसैः
 9 सर्वकामगुणॊपेतं वीतशॊकम अनामयम
     बरह्मणा भरतश्रेष्ठ कालकेय कृते कृतम
 10 तथ एतत खचरं थिव्यं चरत्य अमर वर्जितम
    पौलॊमाध्युषितं वीर कालकेयैश च थानवैः
11 हिरण्यपुरम इत्य एतत खयायते नगरं महत
    रक्षितं कालकेयैशपौलॊमैश च महासुरैः
12 त एते मुथिता नित्यम अवध्याः सर्वथैवतैः
    निवसन्त्य अत्र राजेन्थ्र गतॊथ्वेगा निरुत्सुकाः
    मानुषॊ मृत्युर एतेषां निर्थिष्टॊ बरह्मणा पुरा
13 [अर्ज]
    सुरासुरैर अवध्यांस तान अहं जञात्वा ततः परभॊ
    अब्रुवं मातलिं हृष्टॊ याह्य एतत पुरम अञ्जसा
14 तरिथशेश थविषॊ यावत कषयम अस्त्रैर नयाम्य अहम
    न कदंचिथ धि मे पापा न वध्या ये सुरथ्विषः
15 उवाह मां ततः शीघ्रं हिरण्यपुरम अन्तिकात
    रदेन तेन थिव्येन हरियुक्तेन मातलिः
16 ते माम आलक्ष्य थैतेया विचित्राभरणाम्बराः
    समुत्पेतुर महावेगा रदान आस्दाय थंशिताः
17 ततॊ नालीकनाराचैर भल्लशक्त्यृष्टि तॊमरैः
    अभ्यघ्नन थानवेन्थ्रा मां करुथ्धास तीव्रपराक्रमाः
18 तथ अहं चास्त्रवर्षेण महता परत्यवारयम
    शस्त्रवर्षं महथ राजन विथ्या बलम उपाश्रितः
19 वयामॊहयं च तान सर्वान रदमार्गैश चरन रणे
    ते ऽनयॊन्यम अभिसंमूढाः पातयन्ति सम थानवाः
20 तेषाम अहं विमूढानाम अन्यॊन्यम अभिधावताम
    शिरांसि विशिखैर थीप्तैर वयहरं शतसंघशः
21 ते वध्यमाना थैतेयाः पुरम आस्दाय तत पुनः
    खम उत्पेतुः सनगरा मायाम आस्दाय थानवीम
22 ततॊ ऽहं शरवर्षेण महता परत्यवारयम
    मार्गम आवृत्य थैत्यानां गतिं चैषाम अवारयम
23 तत पुरं खचरं थिव्यं कामगं थिव्यवर्चसम
    थैतेयैर वरथानेन धार्यते सम यदासुखम
24 अन्तर्भूमौ निपतितं पुनर ऊर्ध्वं परतिष्ठते
    पुनस तिर्यक परयात्य आशु पुनर अप्सु निमज्जति
25 अमरावतिसंकाशं पुरं कामगमं तु तत
    अहम अस्त्रैर बहुविधैः परत्यगृह्णं नराधिप
26 ततॊ ऽहं शरजालेन थिव्यास्त्रमुथितेन च
    नयगृह्णं सह थैतेयैस तत पुरं भरतर्षभ
27 विक्षतं चायसैर बाणैर मत परयुक्तैर अजिह्मगैः
    महीम अभ्यपतथ राजन परभग्नं पुरम आसुरम
28 ते वध्यमाना मथ्बाणैर वज्रवेगैर अयस्मयैः
    पर्यभ्रमन्त वै राजन्न असुराः कालचॊथिताः
29 ततॊ मातलिर अप्य आशु पुरस्तात्ल निपतन्न इव
    महीम अवातरत कषिप्रं रदेनाथित्यवर्चसा
30 ततॊ रदसहस्राणि षष्टिस तेषाम अमर्षिणाम
    युयुत्सूनां मया सार्धं पर्यवर्तन्त भारत
31 तान अहं निशितैर बाणैर वयधमं गार्ध्रवाजितैः
    ते युथ्धे संन्यवर्तन्त समुथ्रस्य यदॊर्मयः
32 नेमे शक्या मानुषेण युथ्धेनेति परचिन्त्य वै
    ततॊ ऽहम आनुपूर्व्येण सर्वाण्य अस्त्राण्य अयॊजयम
33 ततस तानि सहस्राणि रदानां चित्रयॊधिनाम
    अस्त्राणि मम थिव्यानि परत्यघ्नञ शनकैर इव
34 रदमार्गान विचित्रांस ते विचरन्तॊ महारदाः
    परत्यथृश्यन्त संग्रामे शतशॊ ऽद सहस्रशः
35 विचित्रमुकुटापीडा विचित्रकवच धवजाः
    विचित्राभरणाश चैव नन्थयन्तीव मे मनः
36 अहं तु शरवर्षैस तान अस्त्रप्रमुथितै रणे
    नाशक्नुवं पीडयितुं ते तु मां पर्यपीडयन
37 तैः पीड्यमानॊ बहुभिः कृतास्त्रैः कुशलैर युधि
    वयदितॊ ऽसमि महायुथ्धे भयं चागान महन मम
38 ततॊ ऽहं थेवथेवाय रुथ्राय परणतॊ रणे
    सवस्ति भूतेभ्य इत्य उक्त्वा महास्त्रं समयॊजयम
    यत तथ रौथ्रम इति खयातं सर्वामित्र विनाशनम
39 ततॊ ऽपश्यं तरिशिरसं पुरुषं नव लॊचनम
    तरिमुखं षड भुजं थीप्तम अर्कज्वलन मूर्धजम
    लॊलिहानैर महानागैः कृतशीर्षम अमित्रहन
40 विभीस ततस तथ अस्त्रं तु घॊरं रौथ्रं सनातनम
    थृष्ट्वा गाण्डीवसंयॊगम आनीय भरतर्षभ
41 नमस्कृत्वा तरिनेत्राय शर्वायामित तेजसे
    मुक्तवान थानवेन्थ्राणां पराभावाय भारत
42 मुक्तमात्रे ततस तस्मिन रूपाण्य आसन सहस्रशः
    मृगाणाम अद सिंहानां वयाघ्राणां च विशां पते
    ऋक्षाणां महिषाणां च पन्नगानां तदा गवाम
43 गजानां सृमराणां च शरभाणां च सर्वशः
    ऋषभाणां वराहाणां मार्जाराणां तदैव च
    शालावृकाणां परेतानां भुरुण्डानां च सर्वशः
44 गृध्राणां गरुडानांमकराणां तदैव च
    पिशाचानां सयक्षाणां तदैव च सुरथ्विषाम
45 गुह्यकानां च संग्रामे नैरृतानां तदैव च
    झषाणां गजवक्त्राणाम उलूकानां तदैव च
46 मीनकूर्म समूहानां नानाशस्त्रासि पाणिनाम
    तदैव यातु थानानां गथा मुथ्गरधारिणाम
47 एतैश चान्यैश च बहुभिर नानारूपधरैस तदा
    सर्वम आसीज जगथ वयाप्तं तस्मिन्न अस्त्रे विसर्जिते
48 तरिषिरॊभिश चतुर्थंष्ट्रैश चतुरास्यैश चतुर्भुजैः
    अनेकरूपसंयुक्तैर मांसं मेथॊ वसाशिभिः
    अभीक्ष्णं वध्यमानास ते थानवा ये समागताः
49 अर्कज्वलन तेजॊभिर वज्राशनिसमप्रभैः
    अथिर सारमयैश चान्यैर बाणैर अरिविथारणैः
    नयहनं थानवान सर्वान मुहूर्तेनैव भारत
50 गाण्डीवास्त्र परणुन्नांस तान गतासून नभसश चयुतान
    थृष्ट्वाहं पराणमं भूयस तरिपुरघ्नाय वेधसे
51 तदा रौथ्रास्त्र निष्पिष्टान थिव्याभरणभूषितान
    निशाम्य परमं हर्षम अगमथ थेव सारदिः
52 तथ असह्यं कृतं कर्म थेवैर अपि थुरासथम
    थृष्ट्वा मां पूजयाम आस मातलिः शक्रसारदिः
53 उवाच चेथं वचनं परीयमाणः कृताञ्जलिः
    सुरासुरैर असह्यं हि कर्म यत साधितं तवया
    न हय एतत संयुगे कर्तुम अपि शक्तः सुरेश्वरः
54 सुरासुरैर अवध्यं हि पुरम एतत खगं महत
    तवया विमदितं वीर सववीर्यास्त्र तपॊबलात
55 विध्वस्ते ऽद पुरे तस्मिन थानवेषु हतेषु च
    विनथन्त्यः सत्रियः सर्वा निष्पेतुर नगराथ बहिः
56 परकीर्णकेश्यॊ वयदिताः कुरर्य इव थुःखिताः
    पेतुः पुत्रान पितॄन भरातॄञ शॊचमाना महीतले
57 रुथन्त्यॊ थीनकण्ठ्यस ता विनथन्त्यॊ हतेश्वराः
    उरांसि पाणिभिर घनन्त्यः परस्रस्तस्रग्वि भूषणाः
58 तच छॊकयुक्तम अश्रीकं थुःखथैन्य समाहतम
    न बभौ थानव पुरं हतत्विट्कं हतेश्वरम
59 गन्धर्वनगराकारं हतनागम इव हरथम
    शुष्कवृक्षम इवारण्यम अथृश्यम अभवत पुरम
60 मां तु संहृष्टमनसं कषिप्रं मातलिर आनयत
    थेवराजस्य भवनं कृतकर्माणम आहवात
61 हिरण्यपुरम आरुज्य निहत्य च महासुरान
    निवातकवचांश चैव ततॊ ऽहं शक्रम आगमम
62 मम कर्म च थेवेन्थ्रं मातलिर विस्तरेण तत
    सर्वं विश्रावयाम आस यदा भूतं महाथ्युते
63 हिरण्यपुरघातं च मायानां चनिवारणम
    निवातकवचानां च वधं संख्ये महौजसाम
64 तच छरुत्वा भगवान परीतः सहस्राक्षः पुरंथरः
    मरुथ्भिः सहितः शरीमान साधु साध्व इत्य अदाब्रवीत
65 ततॊ मां थेवराजॊ वै समाश्वास्य पुनः पुनः
    अब्रवीथ विबुधैः सार्धम इथं सुमधुरं वचः
66 अतिथेवासुरं कर्मकृतम एत तवया रणे
    गुर्वर्दश च महापार्द कृतः शत्रून घनता मम
67 एवम एव सथा भाव्यं सदिरेणाजौ धनंजय
    असंमूढेन चास्त्राणां कर्तव्यं परतिपाथनम
68 अविषह्यॊ रणे हि तवं थेवथानवराक्षसैः
    सयक्षासुरगन्धर्वैः सपक्षिगणपन्नगैः
69 वसुधां चापि कौन्तेय तवथ बाहुबलनिर्जिताम
    पालयिष्यति धर्मात्मा कुन्तीपुत्रॊ युधिष्ठिरः

Mahabharata Book III Chapter 170 Roman

 1 [arj]
     nivartamānena mayā mahad dṛṣṭaṃ tato 'param
     puraṃ kāmacaraṃ divyaṃ pāvakārka samaprabham
 2 drumai ratnamayaiś caitrair bhāsvaraiś ca patatribhiḥ
     paulomaiḥ kālakeyaiś ca nityahṛṣṭair adhiṣṭhitam
 3 gopurāṭṭālakopetaṃ caturdvāraṃ durāsadam
     sarvaratnamayaṃ divyam adbhutopamadarśanam
     drumaiḥ puṣpaphalopetair divyaratnamayair vṛtam
 4 tathā patatribhir divyair upetaṃ sumanoharaiḥ
     asurair nityamuditaiḥ śūlarṣṭi musalāyudhaiḥ
     cāpamudgara hastaiś ca sragvibhiḥ sarvatovṛtam
 5 tad ahaṃ prekṣya daityānāṃ puram adbhutadarśanam
     apṛcchaṃ mātaliṃ rājan kim idaṃ dṛśyateti vai
 6 [mā]
     pulomā nāma daiteyī kālakā ca mahāsurī
     divyaṃ varṣasahasraṃ te ceratuḥ paramaṃ tapaḥ
     tapaso 'nte tatas tābhyāṃ svayambhūr adadād varam
 7 agṛhṇītāṃ varaṃ te tu sutānām alpaduḥkhatām
     avadhyatāṃ ca rājendra surarākṣasa pannagaiḥ
 8 ramaṇīyaṃ puraṃ cedaṃ khacaraṃ sukṛtaprabham
     sarvaratnaiḥ samuditaṃ durdharṣam amarair api
     sayakṣagandharvagaṇaiḥ pannagāsurarākṣasaiḥ
 9 sarvakāmaguṇopetaṃ vītaśokam anāmayam
     brahmaṇā bharataśreṣṭha kālakeya kṛte kṛtam
 10 tad etat khacaraṃ divyaṃ caraty amara varjitam
    paulomādhyuṣitaṃ vīra kālakeyaiś ca dānavaiḥ
11 hiraṇyapuram ity etat khyāyate nagaraṃ mahat
    rakṣitaṃ kālakeyaiś ca paulomaiś ca mahāsuraiḥ
12 ta ete muditā nityam avadhyāḥ sarvadaivataiḥ
    nivasanty atra rājendra gatodvegā nirutsukāḥ
    mānuṣo mṛtyur eteṣāṃ nirdiṣṭo brahmaṇā purā
13 [arj]
    surāsurair avadhyāṃs tān ahaṃ jñātvā tataḥ prabho
    abruvaṃ mātaliṃ hṛṣṭo yāhy etat puram añjasā
14 tridaśeśa dviṣo yāvat kṣayam astrair nayāmy aham
    na kathaṃcid dhi me pāpā na vadhyā ye suradviṣaḥ
15 uvāha māṃ tataḥ śīghraṃ hiraṇyapuram antikāt
    rathena tena divyena hariyuktena mātaliḥ
16 te mām ālakṣya daiteyā vicitrābharaṇāmbarāḥ
    samutpetur mahāvegā rathān āsthāya daṃśitāḥ
17 tato nālīkanārācair bhallaśaktyṛṣṭi tomaraiḥ
    abhyaghnan dānavendrā māṃ kruddhās tīvraparākramāḥ
18 tad ahaṃ cāstravarṣeṇa mahatā pratyavārayam
    śastravarṣaṃ mahad rājan vidyā balam upāśritaḥ
19 vyāmohayaṃ ca tān sarvān rathamārgaiś caran raṇe
    te 'nyonyam abhisaṃmūḍhāḥ pātayanti sma dānavāḥ
20 teṣām ahaṃ vimūḍhānām anyonyam abhidhāvatām
    śirāṃsi viśikhair dīptair vyaharaṃ śatasaṃghaśaḥ
21 te vadhyamānā daiteyāḥ puram āsthāya tat punaḥ
    kham utpetuḥ sanagarā māyām āsthāya dānavīm
22 tato 'haṃ śaravarṣeṇa mahatā pratyavārayam
    mārgam āvṛtya daityānāṃ gatiṃ caiṣām avārayam
23 tat puraṃ khacaraṃ divyaṃ kāmagaṃ divyavarcasam
    daiteyair varadānena dhāryate sma yathāsukham
24 antarbhūmau nipatitaṃ punar ūrdhvaṃ pratiṣṭhate
    punas tiryak prayāty āśu punar apsu nimajjati
25 amarāvatisaṃkāśaṃ puraṃ kāmagamaṃ tu tat
    aham astrair bahuvidhaiḥ pratyagṛhṇaṃ narādhipa
26 tato 'haṃ śarajālena divyāstramuditena ca
    nyagṛhṇaṃ saha daiteyais tat puraṃ bharatarṣabha
27 vikṣataṃ cāyasair bāṇair mat prayuktair ajihmagaiḥ
    mahīm abhyapatad rājan prabhagnaṃ puram āsuram
28 te vadhyamānā madbāṇair vajravegair ayasmayaiḥ
    paryabhramanta vai rājann asurāḥ kālacoditāḥ
29 tato mātalir apy āśu purastātl nipatann iva
    mahīm avātarat kṣipraṃ rathenādityavarcasā
30 tato rathasahasrāṇi ṣaṣṭis teṣām amarṣiṇām
    yuyutsūnāṃ mayā sārdhaṃ paryavartanta bhārata
31 tān ahaṃ niśitair bāṇair vyadhamaṃ gārdhravājitaiḥ
    te yuddhe saṃnyavartanta samudrasya yathormayaḥ
32 neme śakyā mānuṣeṇa yuddheneti pracintya vai
    tato 'ham ānupūrvyeṇa sarvāṇy astrāṇy ayojayam
33 tatas tāni sahasrāṇi rathānāṃ citrayodhinām
    astrāṇi mama divyāni pratyaghnañ śanakair iva
34 rathamārgān vicitrāṃs te vicaranto mahārathāḥ
    pratyadṛśyanta saṃgrāme śataśo 'tha sahasraśaḥ
35 vicitramukuṭāpīḍā vicitrakavaca dhvajāḥ
    vicitrābharaṇāś caiva nandayantīva me manaḥ
36 ahaṃ tu śaravarṣais tān astrapramuditai raṇe
    nāśaknuvaṃ pīḍayituṃ te tu māṃ paryapīḍayan
37 taiḥ pīḍyamāno bahubhiḥ kṛtāstraiḥ kuśalair yudhi
    vyathito 'smi mahāyuddhe bhayaṃ cāgān mahan mama
38 tato 'haṃ devadevāya rudrāya praṇato raṇe
    svasti bhūtebhya ity uktvā mahāstraṃ samayojayam
    yat tad raudram iti khyātaṃ sarvāmitra vināśanam
39 tato 'paśyaṃ triśirasaṃ puruṣaṃ nava locanam
    trimukhaṃ ṣaḍ bhujaṃ dīptam arkajvalana mūrdhajam
    lolihānair mahānāgaiḥ kṛtaśīrṣam amitrahan
40 vibhīs tatas tad astraṃ tu ghoraṃ raudraṃ sanātanam
    dṛṣṭvā gāṇḍīvasaṃyogam ānīya bharatarṣabha
41 namaskṛtvā trinetrāya śarvāyāmita tejase
    muktavān dānavendrāṇāṃ parābhāvāya bhārata
42 muktamātre tatas tasmin rūpāṇy āsan sahasraśaḥ
    mṛgāṇām atha siṃhānāṃ vyāghrāṇāṃ ca viśāṃ pate
    ṛkṣāṇāṃ mahiṣāṇāṃ ca pannagānāṃ tathā gavām
43 gajānāṃ sṛmarāṇāṃ ca śarabhāṇāṃ ca sarvaśaḥ
    ṛṣabhāṇāṃ varāhāṇāṃ mārjārāṇāṃ tathaiva ca
    śālāvṛkāṇāṃ pretānāṃ bhuruṇḍānāṃ ca sarvaśaḥ
44 gṛdhrāṇāṃ garuḍānāṃ ca makarāṇāṃ tathaiva ca
    piśācānāṃ sayakṣāṇāṃ tathaiva ca suradviṣām
45 guhyakānāṃ ca saṃgrāme nairṛtānāṃ tathaiva ca
    jhaṣāṇāṃ gajavaktrāṇām ulūkānāṃ tathaiva ca
46 mīnakūrma samūhānāṃ nānāśastrāsi pāṇinām
    tathaiva yātu dānānāṃ gadā mudgaradhāriṇām
47 etaiś cānyaiś ca bahubhir nānārūpadharais tathā
    sarvam āsīj jagad vyāptaṃ tasminn astre visarjite
48 triṣirobhiś caturdaṃṣṭraiś caturāsyaiś caturbhujaiḥ
    anekarūpasaṃyuktair māṃsaṃ medo vasāśibhiḥ
    abhīkṣṇaṃ vadhyamānās te dānavā ye samāgatāḥ
49 arkajvalana tejobhir vajrāśanisamaprabhaiḥ
    adir sāramayaiś cānyair bāṇair arividāraṇaiḥ
    nyahanaṃ dānavān sarvān muhūrtenaiva bhārata
50 gāṇḍīvāstra praṇunnāṃs tān gatāsūn nabhasaś cyutān
    dṛṣṭvāhaṃ prāṇamaṃ bhūyas tripuraghnāya vedhase
51 tathā raudrāstra niṣpiṣṭān divyābharaṇabhūṣitān
    niśāmya paramaṃ harṣam agamad deva sārathiḥ
52 tad asahyaṃ kṛtaṃ karma devair api durāsadam
    dṛṣṭvā māṃ pūjayām āsa mātaliḥ śakrasārathiḥ
53 uvāca cedaṃ vacanaṃ prīyamāṇaḥ kṛtāñjaliḥ
    surāsurair asahyaṃ hi karma yat sādhitaṃ tvayā
    na hy etat saṃyuge kartum api śaktaḥ sureśvaraḥ
54 surāsurair avadhyaṃ hi puram etat khagaṃ mahat
    tvayā vimathitaṃ vīra svavīryāstra tapobalāt
55 vidhvaste 'tha pure tasmin dānaveṣu hateṣu ca
    vinadantyaḥ striyaḥ sarvā niṣpetur nagarād bahiḥ
56 prakīrṇakeśyo vyathitāḥ kurarya iva duḥkhitāḥ
    petuḥ putrān pitṝn bhrātṝñ śocamānā mahītale
57 rudantyo dīnakaṇṭhyas tā vinadantyo hateśvarāḥ
    urāṃsi pāṇibhir ghnantyaḥ prasrastasragvi bhūṣaṇāḥ
58 tac chokayuktam aśrīkaṃ duḥkhadainya samāhatam
    na babhau dānava puraṃ hatatviṭkaṃ hateśvaram
59 gandharvanagarākāraṃ hatanāgam iva hradam
    śuṣkavṛkṣam ivāraṇyam adṛśyam abhavat puram
60 māṃ tu saṃhṛṣṭamanasaṃ kṣipraṃ mātalir ānayat
    devarājasya bhavanaṃ kṛtakarmāṇam āhavāt
61 hiraṇyapuram ārujya nihatya ca mahāsurān
    nivātakavacāṃś caiva tato 'haṃ śakram āgamam
62 mama karma ca devendraṃ mātalir vistareṇa tat
    sarvaṃ viśrāvayām āsa yathā bhūtaṃ mahādyute
63 hiraṇyapuraghātaṃ ca māyānāṃ canivāraṇam
    nivātakavacānāṃ ca vadhaṃ saṃkhye mahaujasām
64 tac chrutvā bhagavān prītaḥ sahasrākṣaḥ puraṃdaraḥ
    marudbhiḥ sahitaḥ śrīmān sādhu sādhv ity athābravīt
65 tato māṃ devarājo vai samāśvāsya punaḥ punaḥ
    abravīd vibudhaiḥ sārdham idaṃ sumadhuraṃ vacaḥ
66 atidevāsuraṃ karmakṛtam eta tvayā raṇe
    gurvarthaś ca mahāpārtha kṛtaḥ śatrūn ghnatā mama
67 evam eva sadā bhāvyaṃ sthireṇājau dhanaṃjaya
    asaṃmūḍhena cāstrāṇāṃ kartavyaṃ pratipādanam
68 aviṣahyo raṇe hi tvaṃ devadānavarākṣasaiḥ
    sayakṣāsuragandharvaiḥ sapakṣigaṇapannagaiḥ
69 vasudhāṃ cāpi kaunteya tvad bāhubalanirjitām
    pālayiṣyati dharmātmā kuntīputro yudhiṣṭhiraḥ
