Sisai (सिसाय, सिसाह) is a large village, which has got the status of a town, situated in Hisar district, tehsil Hansi. It is a site of Indus Valley Civilization.
It is located 8 km north of Hansi. It is divided in two parts namely, Sisai Kaliraman and Sisai Bola. Sisai Kaliraman is of Kaliraman Jats, and Sisai Bola is of Sihag Jats. This village was considered to be the largest village of joint Punjab. This village in Haryana has 2 panchayats.
The Founders
Jat Gotras
- Kaliraman - in Sisai Kaliraman
- Sihag - in Sisai Bola[1]
The Kaliraman gotra is branch of nagavansh or Nagas. Dilip Singh Ahlawat has mention it as one of the ruling Jat clans in Central Asia. [2] Known as Kala in Maharashtra. Kalas are descendants of Kalashoka (कालाशोक) son of Shishunaga. They had won the Kalakuta (कालकूट) country also. [3] Kaliraman gotra started after Kali of Nagavansh. People of this gotra had republics in Singhpura and Bhagowala in Punjab.[4]
A king of this gotra was the ruler near Mathura, on the banks of Yamuna River. The ancient fort of Kaliramna is in ruins near Mathura. His fort was known as fort of Kalidheh. The famous episode of Mahabharata regarding Lord Krishna’s killing of a black python, Kaliya (कालिया), is related with some bad ruler from this gotra. With the killing of Kaliya Naga, Krishna brought the end of this clan’s rule in Brij. Dilip Singh Ahlawat has mention it as one of the ruling Jat clans in Central Asia. [5]
From Mathura they went to Kabul-Ghazni with other other Jats - Yadavas. They founded the Kingdom of Garh - Ghazni. During rise of Islam they came back to Bhatner- Sirsa. According to their bards they founded the old village of Patan and Siswad. From Patan Chaudhary Sishu came to Sisai. His brother Sunda founded village Sandwa and Salaywala.
Site of Indus Valley Civilization
Sisai is an Indus Valley Civilization site with three mounds Sisai 1, Sisai 2 and Sisai 2.
Bolstering the status of Rakhigarhi as the largest Indus Valley Civilization metropolis on the banks of Drishadvati river (current day paleochannel of Chautang), at least 23 other Indus Valley Civilization sites within 5 km (at 4 sites), 10 km (at least 10 sites) and 15 km (at least 9 sites) radius of Rakhigarhi have been discovered till 2001. Some of the raw materials were procured from the nodal Rakhigarhi site and finished products were brought back to the nodal Rakhigarhi site for marketing.[6]
Within 5 km radius are early Harappan (4600 BCE - 2800 BCE site of Gamra and mature Harappan (2600 BCE - 1400 BCE sites of Budana, Haibatpur and Lohari Ragho 3.[7]
Within 5 km to 10 km radius, early Harappan sites are Lohari Ragho 1, Lohari Ragho 2 and Kheri Lochab-Kheri Jalab. Mature Harappan small farmstead sites are Milakpur and Gunkali. Small farmstead sites of Kinnar, Nara and Mirchpur have material from both mature and late Harappan period. late Harappan (after 1400 BCE) sites are Sotha and Gandaswala Khera.[8]
Within 5 km to 10 km radius are early, mature and late Harrpan sites. To the north-west of Rakhigarhi are Panhari, Gyanpura, Sotha, Kagsar, Sulchani and south-west of Rakhigarhi are Sisai 1, 2 and 3, Rajpura 2, Pali and Masudpur.[9]
जयपुर रियासत के शेखावाटी भाग में गूगौर और बागौर नाम के दो गाँव थे। इनके स्वामी जयपरतनामी चौहान थे। जयपरतनामी के 4 पुत्र हुये 1. जाटू, 2. सतरोल, 3. राघू, और 4. जरावता. जाटू का विवाह सिरसा नगर के सरोहा गोत्री ठाकुर की पुत्री के साथ हुआ। जाटू के दो पुत्र हुये पाड़ और हरपाल। पाड़ ने राजली ग्राम बसाया जो अब जिला हिसार में पड़ता है। [p.11] राजली सारा जाटों का गाँव है जिसके स्वामी भी जाट हैं। हरपाल ने गुराणा गाँव बसाया जो राजली के पास ही है। यह ग्राम भी जाटों का है। [10]
चेतंग नदी, जो यमुना से निकलती है, के किनारे पर जाटों के अनेक गाँव हैं। इन गांवों को सतरोला ने बसाया इसीलिए इनको सतरौले बोलते हैं जिनमें सामिल हैं – नार नाद, भैनी, पाली, खांडा, बास, पेट वाड़, सुलचाणी, राजथल आदि प्रसिद्ध गाँव हैं। यहाँ सतरोला का खेड़ा भी है। इसीसे यह प्रमाणित होता है कि ये सारे गाँव सतरोला ने बसाये। इन सारे ग्रामों का स्वामी सतरौला था। [11]
तहसील हांसी जिला हिसार में जाटों का सिसाय नाम का बड़ा गाँव है। इस ग्राम के स्वामी जाट हैं। इस ग्राम को राघू का ग्राम कहते हैं। डाटा, मसूदपुरा आदि और भी कई गाँव हैं जिनको राघू के ग्राम कहते हैं।ये सारे गाँव सिसाय के पास ही हैं ये सब राघू के बसाये ग्राम हैं। [12]
The Polulation of Sisai Kalirawan village, according to 2011 Census, was 7312 (Males: 3915; Famales: 3397)[13]
Notable persons
- Rai Sahab Choudhary Ami Lal
- Chaudhary Badlu Ram Arya – Gurukul Dhiranwas
- Subedar Randhir Singh – Virchakra
- Master Chandgi Ram - Hindkeshari
- Choudhary Jai Lal - Pardhan Roghi Khap Panchayat, Hisar
- Chaudhary Kapur Singh
- Chaudhary Lahana Singh
- Major Rajendra Singh
- Chaudhary Dhup Singh
- Chaudhary Mehtab Singh
- Ch.Ved Parkesh Ex. Sarpanch(Two terms)
- ↑ Jat History Dalip Singh Ahlawat/Chapter III (Page 304)
- ↑ Dilip Singh Ahlawat: Jat viron ka Itihas
- ↑ Jat Bandhu, 25 September, 2007
- ↑ Dr Mahendra Singh Arya, Dharmpal Singh Dudee, Kishan Singh Faujdar & Vijendra Singh Narwar: Ādhunik Jat Itihas (The modern history of Jats), Agra 1998, p. 229
- ↑ Dilip Singh Ahlawat: Jat viron ka Itihas
- ↑ ASI Rakhigarhi Excavation Report for 1997-98 and 199-2001 excavations, Author: Dr. Amrendra Nath, Publisher: Archaeological Survey of India, Published: 2004
- ↑ ASI Rakhigarhi Excavation Report for 1997-98 and 199-2001 excavations, Author: Dr. Amrendra Nath, Publisher: Archaeological Survey of India, Published: 2004
- ↑ ASI Rakhigarhi Excavation Report for 1997-98 and 199-2001 excavations, Author: Dr. Amrendra Nath, Publisher: Archaeological Survey of India, Published: 2004
- ↑ ASI Rakhigarhi Excavation Report for 1997-98 and 199-2001 excavations, Author: Dr. Amrendra Nath, Publisher: Archaeological Survey of India, Published: 2004
- ↑ Jat Varna Mimansa (1910), Author: Pandit Amichandra Sharma, Published by Lala Devidayaluji Khajanchi, pp.10-11
- ↑ Jat Varna Mimansa (1910), Author: Pandit Amichandra Sharma, Published by Lala Devidayaluji Khajanchi, pp.10-11
- ↑ Jat Varna Mimansa (1910), Author: Pandit Amichandra Sharma, Published by Lala Devidayaluji Khajanchi, pp.10-11
- ↑
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