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Andhak (अंधक)[1] [2][3] Gotra Jats live in Uttar Pradesh. [4]



Mathura was the capital of the closely linked clans of Vrishni, Andhaka, and Bhoja. [6] They are generally known as Yadavas after their eponymous ancestor Yadu, and sometimes as Surasenas after another famed ancestor. The kingdom of Andhakas was at place called Ānjaī to the north of Mathura Janapada. [7]

ठाकुर देसराज

ठाकुर देसराज लिखते हैं - भगवान् कृष्ण ने पहले-पहल अन्धक और वृष्णि लोगों को सम्मिलित करके ही ज्ञाति राज्य की नींव डाली थी, जिसका कि हम पीछे के पृष्ठों में वर्णन कर चुके हैं। अन्धक लोग मथुरा से उत्तर की ओर आजकल के आंजई नामक स्थान के आसपास गणतंत्र प्रणाली से शासन करते थे। साम्राज्यवादी जरासंध से तंग आकर ये वृष्णियों के साथ समुद्र-स्थित द्वारिका में जा बसे थे। राजपूताने से होकर ये किस समय संयुक्त-प्रदेश में वापस आए, यह कुछ पता नहीं चलता। किन्तु आजकल ये औंध, अन्तल और अनलक नामों से पुकारे जाते हैं। अन्धक शब्द का औंध, अन्तल और अनलक बन जाना भाषा-शास्त्र से बिल्कुल सम्भव है। (जाट इतिहास:ठाकुर देशराज,पृष्ठ -556)

यदुवंश के शाखागोत्र - : 1. वृष्णि 2. अन्धक 3. हाला 4. शिवस्कन्दे-सौकन्दे 5. डागुर-डीगराणा 6. खिरवार-खरे 7. बलहारा 8. सारन 9. सिनसिनवाल 10. छोंकर 11. सोगरवार 12. हांगा 13. घनिहार 14. भोज[8]

Migration of Andhakas to Dwaraka

Jarasandha, father-in-law of Kans, invaded Mathura with a vast army; and though Krishna destroyed his army of demons, another asura, Kalayavan by name, surrounded Mathura with another army of thirty million monstrous fiends. Then Krishna thought it well to depart to Dwaraka along with his people Vrishnis, Bhojas and Andhakas. [9]

Formation of Jat sangha

Krishna departed to Dwaraka along with Andhakas, Vrishnis, Bhojas etc clans. Mahabharata mentions in chapter 25, shloka 26 that Lord Krishna founded a federation ‘Gana-sangha’ of Andhak and Vrishni clans. This federation was known as ‘Gyati-sangh’. Each member of this ‘Gyati-sangh’ was known as ‘Gyat’. Krishna was chief of this sangha. The chief of Andhaka republic was Ugrasena. Over a period of time ‘Gyati’ became ‘Gyat’ and it changed to Jat. The use of sutra - Jat jhat sanghate in sanskrit by Panini's grammar seems to have started from here. Thus Krishna is the real ancestor and founder of Jats. [10] [11]


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